Scientists: intestinal cells can help in the treatment of diabetes


Experimental studies of scientists have shown that intestinal cells under certain conditions can be converted into cells that synthesize insulin. As you know, the lack of insulin is the cause of diabetes. A small part of the insulin cells is present in the intestine. As it turned out, the transplantation of these cells into the pancreas helps to improve the condition of people suffering from diabetes. After a certain number of transformations, the cell is able to turn into a beta cell that produces insulin.

Experiments on laboratory rodents have shown that the intestine is also involved in the endocrine system, and its cells are capable of producing insulin. Based on the fact that there are a lot of epithelium cells in the intestine, they are constantly recovering, we can safely say that scientists are on the verge of discovering a quality treatment for diabetes.


Watch the video: Type 2 Diabetes. Nucleus Health (July 2024).