Is it possible to lose weight on a watermelon: the opinion of a nutritionist, diet options. Is it possible to get better from watermelon: myths and reality


The largest of all the berries known on earth, also has the greatest number of useful properties, the main of which is the normalization of body weight. And to those who ask whether it is possible to lose weight on a watermelon, and to those who doubt whether it is possible to lose weight from a watermelon, nutritionists clearly say "Yes."

Consumption of this berry in various combinations will help to get rid of extra pounds, or build muscle, but only subject to a competent approach to the diet.

Is it possible to lose weight on a watermelon: nutritionist opinion

Seasonal weight loss techniques have become an integral part of life for most people. Watermelon compares favorably with other dietary products with a pleasant taste and a host of positive qualities. Therefore, it is perfectly suited as an effective means for rapid weight loss.

The principle of getting rid of extra pounds is based on several unshakable principles, these are:

• removal of accumulated fluid from the body;

• acceleration of metabolic processes, due to which fat deposits are burned;

• consumption of a sufficient amount of necessary vitamins and minerals, otherwise information about starvation will make the brain, after the end of the diet, give a signal to make reserves for the future, and all kilograms will return again.

• normal functioning of the intestines and urinary system.

Watermelon is full of many easily digestible nutrients needed in daily biological processes. It quickly satisfies hunger, filling the stomach, and for a long time maintains a feeling of satiety, due to the characteristics of assimilation of plant fiber. Low calorie content of the product allows you not to worry with counting calories, as it is simply impossible to exceed the permissible rate.

1. Watermelon has a sufficient diuretic effect to cause the cells to part with the excess fluid, and the kidneys bring it out.

2. Folic acid accelerates metabolism, stimulates intestinal motility.

3. The prevalence of simple sugars can satisfy the brain's need for glucose, which eliminates the headaches that many suffer from diets.

4. Vegetable fiber, which is saturated with watermelon, normalizes the digestive process, while improving the digestibility of most nutrients. In addition, plant fibers are practically not digested in the stomach, and passing through the intestines, they collect harmful substances, removing toxins from the tissues.

But, not everything is as rosy as it seems at first glance. According to experts, excessive consumption of watermelon several times increases the load on the kidneys and ureters. And this means that before you think about whether you can lose weight on a watermelon and not harm yourself, you need to consult a nephrologist and a urologist.

Despite the fact that simple sugars prevail in the composition of watermelon, which do not require the presence of insulin to assimilate, diabetics should be careful about the giant berry. In no case do not overeat, and before choosing such a diet, consult an endocrinologist.

Another point that cannot be ignored. Due to the high load on all organs of the urinary system, men with prostate pathologies, without the permission of a doctor, are not recommended to lose weight on a watermelon.

Unfortunately, the whole rich composition of watermelon cannot provide the body with fats and proteins, which means that long-term dieting is contraindicated. The best option, according to doctors, is fasting days. But in such a short time, the body will get rid of only water, and the fats will remain in place. Therefore, in order to achieve the maximum effect, a watermelon menu should be made by a nutritionist according to individual indications, taking into account all the features of your body. He will determine the duration of the diet, without harm to health.

Lose weight on a watermelon: diet options

Before you start choosing one of the options for watermelon diet, you should remember that watermelon is a seasonal berry. So, it can be useful only during natural maturation. Only that watermelon, which has grown in their own garden with minimal use of fertilizers and other chemicals, can give the desired result.

And from early minke whales or winter fruits, it is more likely to get poisoning, which will have to be treated in a hospital. Therefore, you should buy watermelons only from August to September, in reliable retail outlets, choose only ripe and unspoiled fruits.

There are several options developed by nutritionists for losing weight on a watermelon, these are:

Tough diet

The menu includes only watermelon and still mineral water. The maximum duration is 1-2 days. To adhere to such a strict schedule of nutrition is possible only after examination of the entire gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

Meals are distributed evenly for a day with a break for the night, their number should be at least 5 times. At one time, it is fashionable to eat about 250 - 300g of pulp, and drink any desired amount of water.

After the expiration of the prescribed period, in no case should you pounce on fast food. Products must be introduced gradually, starting with vegetable dishes and dairy products, no more than 2 times.

Light weight reduction

In addition to the main component, vegetables, fruits, cereal dishes and rye bread are included in the diet. Watermelon replaces food twice in the morning and afternoon. This contributes to the active functioning of the urinary system during wakefulness, which stimulates metabolism and facilitates the excretion of metabolic products.

With this option, the needs of the body in all necessary components are satisfied. Therefore, the duration of a lightweight diet can be up to 2 weeks. During this time, not only excess fluid, but also part of the body fat will go away. Optimum weight loss is about 5 kg.

The daily diet will look something like this:

1. 9 am: 250 gr. watermelon pulp, a teaspoon of honey (May - June collection).

2. 12 days: a green apple or raw carrots.

3. 3 pm: dried rye bread or cracker with bran, 300g. watermelon.

4. 6 pm: mashed squash.

5. 9 pm: vegetable or cereal casserole.

If at the end of the diet you follow the protein-carbohydrate regimen with the inclusion of low-fat products, then the result will not only be preserved, but the mood of the body will continue. And this means that extra pounds will go further.

Free diet

This is the most gentle form of weight loss. It is based on the daily use of watermelon in the morning. The duration of this regime is limited only by seasonality. Optimal dates from 2 weeks to 1 month. At this time, you should abandon fatty dishes, muffins and white bread, as well as salted and smoked products.

In this case, you can not expect a quick departure of extra pounds, the weight will go away slowly about 2 - 3 kg per week. But due to this mode, the results are the most persistent. During this period, not only excess fat will be painlessly removed, but also blood, intestinal villi will be cleansed, as well as a deficiency of magnesium, calcium and other important components.

The key to success of any of the options for losing weight is the consumption of clean drinking water. With a strict diet, you need to drink at least a liter, and in other cases from 1.5 to 2.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to take alcohol, factory juices, coffee and carbonated soft drinks during the diet period.

Is it possible to get better from watermelon: myths and reality

If striped berries are such a wonderful tool for weight loss, then why many sports doctors recommend them for building muscle. Is it really possible to get better from a watermelon, or is it only losing weight from it.

In fact, watermelon is the most controversial berry. Scientists still have not discovered all of its qualities. But, what is known today makes it possible to warn against gross errors in its consumption.


Low calorie watermelon allows you to eat it in unlimited quantities, without fear of getting better. There is no need to count calories during a diet.


Indeed, in the 100th scarlet pulp less than 40 kcal. But the whole fruit can weigh from 5 to 10 kg. To eat about 6 kg of weight in one sitting is easy and simple, if you calculate the calorie content, it turns out that you ate 2280 kcal. This already exceeds the daily allowance for a person who has decided to lose weight, and allowed foods will add more. As a result, the scales will have completely different indicators that I would like to see.


The consumption of watermelon for dessert contributes to weight loss, while there is no need to limit yourself to anything.


In fact, if you do not adjust the entire diet, there will be no use for this dessert. And the consumption of watermelon in the bite with calorie baking will quickly add extra pounds. Fans of salted watermelons, in addition to extra weight, risk getting swelling.


For 5 - 7 days of a strict mono-diet, more than 5 kg are consumed, while blood is cleansed and metabolism is normalized.


On the first day, two will go away excess fluid, this is about 1.5 - 2 kg. Further, the body will be forced to spend carbohydrate-protein reserves, and this is mainly muscle mass. And only when they are depleted does it turn to fat. And replenishment of reserves begins with proteins.

It turns out that exhausting yourself with hunger for a week, you will lose muscle mass, tone will decrease, apathy will appear. And all this will not add health, thus it is possible to recover from a watermelon, since at the first intake of normal food, fat cells will take the spent, and even more.

Watermelon is really a great product for losing weight, but it should be remembered that the desired result can only be obtained with the right menu, meeting the deadlines, and following all the advice of a nutritionist.


Watch the video: The Health Guru Who Eats 5,000 Calories in One Meal & Says He's Healthy (July 2024).