Therapeutic exercises for the cervical spine - salvation from osteochondrosis. The basics of gymnastics for the cervical spine


Gymnastics for the cervical spine is one of the sections of physiotherapy exercises. This is a set of exercises, the purpose of which is to strengthen the muscles of the neck, improve metabolism in the discs of the vertebrae and reduce pain.

Pathology of the spine leads to the appearance of numerous complaints. A variety of symptoms, persistent pain, the widespread prevalence of spinal diseases are the reason for a serious diagnosis, proper treatment and mandatory further prevention. The best method included in the complex of preventive measures and treatment is gymnastics for the cervical spine. It plays a major role in complex therapy.

Osteochondrosis - the cause of pain in the cervical spine

In the cervical spine more often than in others, osteochondrosis develops. This is due to its anatomy: the large mobility of the vertebrae and the small thickness of the intervertebral discs make it vulnerable.

Large neurovascular bundles passing through it feed the brain and are responsible for the innervation of all organs. The basis of osteochondrosis are degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs. Their further thinning occurs, depreciation properties are lost. Sharp turns or other movements lead to infringement of nerves and blood vessels.

In this case, certain clinical symptoms appear:

• sharp pains with any movement in this department, accompanied by a crunch;

• constant noise in the head and ears;

• dizziness and pain of varying intensity in different parts of the head;

• visual impairment;

• increase in blood pressure:

• numbness of the hands.

Osteochondrosis test

There is a simple test for osteochondrosis:

1. In a standing position with hands down, lower your head, touching the chin of the chest.

2. Tilt your head back.

3. Perform a tilt of the head in one, then in the opposite direction, until the ear touches the shoulder.

4. The maximum turns of the head to the right, to the left. The chin should remain straight.

5. Smooth rotation of the head in both directions alternately.

If problems arise during the exercises (pain, stiffness of movements) - this is a sign of existing osteochondrosis.

Gymnastics for the cervical spine: rules for

To increase the functionality of the muscles, special exercises have been developed. They are based on the increase and relaxation of the tone of the neck muscles. Starting to perform gymnastic exercises, you need to follow a few rules:

• To restore muscle tone and function, you need to make them elastic. To do this, you need to perform elements smoothly and rhythmically. You can not make jerks and quick movements - they injure the muscles, straining them.

• Gymnastics needs a flat surface.

• Each movement is performed three times

• You need to do daily with increasing workload.

• Duration: starts from 7 minutes, adjusted to half an hour. From 1 to 3 complexes are permissible per day.

• It is necessary to monitor posture - this will increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

• If you experience discomfort or pain, reduce the load.

• Be careful to rotate and tilt the head — this can cause a severe pain attack. The exercise is performed after consultation with the doctor.

• It is recommended to start classes under the supervision of a specialist in physical therapy for mastering the correct technique, the procedure for performing exercises. This ensures the effectiveness of the treatment in the future.


Performing gymnastics for the cervical spine is necessary in the inactive phase of the disease, when there is no acute pain, limitation of movement.

All these symptoms are contraindicated for exercise: complications may develop, exacerbation may intensify.

Contraindications are also oncological diseases, bleeding and thrombosis, circulatory disorders in the cervical spine caused by instability of the vertebrae.

Ultimate Gymnastics Goals for the Cervical Spine

The developed complexes are designed to perform the following tasks and goals:

• increased mobility of the vertebrae;

• muscle strengthening, ensuring the correct position of the vertebrae;

• prevention of compression of vascular and nerve trunks;

• metabolic optimization to improve nutrition of the intervertebral discs;

• secretion of endorphins, increasing the overall tone of the body, improving mood.

Exercises for the neck are recommended to be performed during the period of remission of the disease and apply them not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for preventive purposes. They are especially indicated for a sedentary lifestyle or sedentary work. Perform them in the most gentle mode. Large loads and the reappearance of pain should not be allowed.

Exercise complex

Gymnastics is done for the cervical spine while sitting. In this position, maximum relaxation of the back muscles occurs. The execution time of the complex is gradually brought to 20 minutes.

1. The rotation of the head. Rotate the head alternately and smoothly in one direction, then in the other. At the same time, keep your head straight: the chin moves in a straight path, parallel to the floor, without lowering it down.

2. Tilts of the head. It is necessary to smoothly tilt and raise your head up and down. The downward inclination is done smoothly until it stops with the chin in the jugular fossa on the chest. In this case, it is necessary to relax the cervical muscles as much as possible. In the extreme lower position of the head with soft movements, try to lower it below.

3. Keeping your head straight, pull your neck back. In this case, the chin should be pulled into itself.

4. Press the palm of your hand on the forehead, tilting your head forward and at the same time creating a counteraction with your hand.

5. A palm is applied to the temple and crushed, creating a counteraction with the head. Exercise is done, taking turns changing hands.

6. The performance of these exercises is brought up to 10 times. When they are mastered, they are supplemented with new, more complex ones.

7. In a sitting position, one arm is retracted behind the back, the other throws itself on top of the head. Hand deflect the head to the side, holding in the most extreme position. Similarly repeated the other way.

8. Resting the fingers of the right hand in the right temple, turn your head in the same direction, trying to see the fingers. Hand to resist turning. Exercise alternate in both directions. In the extreme position, pause for 3 seconds, perform at least 10 times.

9. Standing with your arms down, raise your shoulders as high as possible and fix them in this position for about 10 seconds. Relax your shoulders by taking a deep breath to the pulling sensations in your hands.

10. Perform lying on the bed with his head hanging. Alternately done on the back, on the stomach, on the side. The head is kept on weight for 10 seconds with tense neck muscles, then they are relaxed. The number of exercises - 5 times.

11. Lying on your back with your legs bent at the knees and arms lowered along the body, raise your head and hold it for as long as possible, then relax your muscles.

Dynamic exercises

A course of dynamic exercises has been developed that are effective in their daily execution.

• In a standing position, raise your arms, reach with your whole body behind them and look at the palm of your hand. Exhale - starting position. The next breath coincides with the abduction of the right hand to the side and the rotation of the body.

• Inhalation - abduction of the elbows to the sides, maximally reducing the shoulder blades, exhalation - the elbows are placed directly.

• On inspiration, in a standing position - torso to the right, head to the left, on exhalation - raise your hand up. Perform 5 times alternately in both directions.

• Stand on your toes, bending the body, while raising your arms up. Then, crouching, lower your arms, while exhaling - touch your forehead with your knees.

All the exercises included in the gymnastics complex for the cervical spine, despite the external simplicity of their implementation, are therapeutic measures that can harm and cause exacerbation if there are any contraindications.

Therefore, before starting exercise therapy, it is necessary to consult a doctor who, if necessary, will prescribe an examination and identify a pathology that impedes this type of therapy.

The regularity of classes and compliance with all the recommendations of a specialist will help to improve the condition, avoid excruciating pains and constant discomfort.


Watch the video: 5 Best Cervical Stenosis Exercises & Stretches - Ask Doctor Jo (July 2024).