Chocolate mask for face and body: nourishing, moisturizing and tightening the skin. Chocolate face and body masks with honey, oatmeal, cream


Chocolate is a mysterious treat.

Scientists still have not figured out to the end how cocoa beans act on human physiology. But it is known for sure: chocolate masks for face and body work as an effective cosmetic product.

Choose any and test the power of cocoa beans on yourself. Do not be disappointed - that's for sure.

The benefits of chocolate for the skin

The beneficial effect of chocolate on the skin is explained by the fact that the composition of a delicious treat includes many useful substances. A bar of dark chocolate contains:

polyphenols - antioxidant substances that fight the aging of the skin, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, relieve the manifestations of stress on the face;

alkaloid theobromine - a substance similar in properties to caffeine, capable of breaking down fat cells and providing a lifting effect;

caffeine - a circulatory stimulator that has anti-cellulite properties, normalizes lymph flow, relieves swelling, makes the skin supple and smooth.

Beauticians believe that it is caffeine that accelerates the processes of fat burning, helps to fight excess weight and cellulite. A chocolate bar contains about 30 mg of caffeine.

The cosmetic industry uses the beneficial properties of chocolate when creating scrubs and creams. In beauty salons and resorts, women are offered body wraps and chocolate masks for face and body. One session - and now the swelling has disappeared, the face has freshened up, wrinkles and stretch marks have become less noticeable, and the skin on the hips and abdomen pleases elasticity.

It is such a pleasure of good money, it is not available to some women. But in home cosmetology everything is possible, even an effective chocolate procedure with a guaranteed result.

Indications and rules for the use of chocolate masks

In order for the procedure to be truly effective, it is important to remember the rules for using chocolate for cosmetic purposes. The main rule is to use only dark chocolate without confectionery additives and with a minimum amount of sugar. milk and white varieties of chocolate are not used, since they contain too few cocoa beans.

A contraindication to applying a chocolate mask for the face and body is an allergy to chocolate, skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis), SARS in the initial stage.

Indications for the use of masks with chocolate:

• tired, sluggish skin;

• age-related aging;

• dry skin;

• sagging skin;

• excess weight;

• chronic fatigue;

• constant stress.

Chocolate face and body masks are best done either in courses or on a regular basis. For example, make 6-7 masks in 2-3 days or switch to other care products. Either every week, apply a mask to the face 1-2 times, do a wrap or take a chocolate bath. Chocolate bars are stoked in a water bath. They can be replaced with cocoa powder. To prepare chocolate masks for face and body, it is diluted in water or milk, mixed with additional ingredients.

Chocolate face masks

Chocolate mass is used for dry, normal, dehydrated, aging skin. There are recipes for masks for problematic and sensitive skin. The composition works on the skin for half an hour. Then you need to wash it off with cool water, treat the skin with a tonic.

Nutritious with Olive Oil

Melt ½ bar of dark chocolate. Pour in 1 tsp. olive oil, mix. Apply not only to the face, but always on the neck and décolleté.

Firming with clay and apple juice

For owners of aging skin, the mask will give a lifting effect. It will take 2 tbsp. l cosmetic clay, ½ bar of chocolate, freshly squeezed apple juice. Dilute clay with juice to the consistency of sour cream, combine with melted chocolate mass. Instead of apple juice, you can take berry or other fruit.

Moisturizing with honey and sour cream

¼ melt the chocolate bar, combine with 1 table. l sour cream, 1 tsp liquid honey, 1 table. l white clay (can be replaced with red). After you wash off the mask, the skin will shine, become elastic and soft. Suitable for sensitive skin.

Moisturizing with oil, yolk and avocado

After the procedure, dry skin will be filled with life-giving force and get rid of a grayish tint. Mash the ripe avocado to a puree state, mix 3 tables. l melted chocolate, raw yolk, 1 tsp. grape or almond oil.

Cleanser with spices for problem and oily skin

For ¼ bar of liquid chocolate, take ½ tsp. turmeric and cinnamon. Add 1 tsp. olive oil, mix everything thoroughly. When applying, massage the skin to remove the stratum corneum.

Cleansing with aloe and fruit juice

This mask option is suitable for problematic and oily skin. You will need fresh nettles, 2 leaves of aloe, red currants, lemon, apple. Squeeze 1 tsp of plants and fruits. juice, add the chocolate mass. Melt нужно tiles.

Moisturizing with Cocoa Powder

Dissolve 1 table. l cocoa in warm water or warmed to warm milk. Add liquid gradually, so that the consistency of the finished mask resembles thick sour cream and does not flow down the face. As a result of the procedure, the skin will become dull-velvety, fresh.

For fading dry skin with oatmeal and honey

A beautiful mask will tighten your face, help dry skin fill with strength and radiance. In a coffee grinder, grind 1 table. l Hercules, connect with 1 table. l honey and the same amount of cocoa. Dilute everything with warmed milk, and if the skin is very dry - with cream.

Moisturizing and cleansing for problem skin

Combine ½ tsp. pharmacy glycerin, 1 tsp. melted dark chocolate, 1 tsp. polysorb, 1 tsp oat flour. Add the whipped egg white, mix well. After the procedure, the skin will become more elastic, the number of acne will decrease.

Chocolate body mask

Using chocolate as a mask for the body, you can solve several problems: increase skin elasticity, get rid of stretch marks, reduce cellulite in problem areas of the body. You can cook masks with chocolate and cocoa powder.

To increase elasticity and get rid of stretch marks

In this composition, chocolate and cocoa powder are used simultaneously. Melt a bar of dark chocolate, add 3 tablespoons to the mass. l cocoa and 1 table. l sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply the composition to the problem area and massage the stretch marks for 7-10 minutes. Leave the mask on for another ten minutes, then take a warm shower.

Anti-cellulite with cocoa

This mask is an alternative to the salon chocolate wrapping procedure. Its action is aimed at reducing the layer of subcutaneous fat, its active burning. After a course of procedures, body volumes are reduced, the "orange peel" on the hips and abdomen is smoothed out. At the same time, stretch marks become less noticeable, the skin acquires a pleasant elasticity.

Dissolve a 200 gram pack of plain cocoa ½ liter hot water. Stir the mixture thoroughly to make it homogeneous and cool to a warm state. With your hands, apply a warm mass to areas of the body with cellulite: buttocks, thighs, abdomen. Gently wrap the body with thick cling film. If it is too thin, you will have to spend more time: the material easily breaks and sticks together.

Keep the mask on your body for 45-50 minutes. To enhance blood circulation at the site of exposure to the composition, perform any physical exercise, do home fitness: squat, push up, walk in place. Carefully peel off the tape, take a warm or cool shower. Apply milk or lotion with anti-cellulite action to the skin that does not require rinsing.

Anti-cellulite chocolate bath

To smooth cellulite tubercles, reduce body volume in the thighs and abdomen, restore skin elasticity, try to make an anti-cellulite bath. This is a pleasant relaxing procedure that will help relieve tension and give pleasure.

A standard pack of 200 g of cocoa pour 1 liter. hot water. Mix well so that all lumps of cocoa powder are dispersed. Type a bath of warm shafts and pour cocoa solution into it. Dip into the fragrant water and enjoy 20 minutes. Take a shower, massaging problem areas.

Chocolate face and body masks are a budget way to take care of yourself at home. Cooking them is simple and enjoyable, and the result is even more pleasing. Procedures effectively fight dryness, sagging, swelling.
