Soup with dumplings: step by step recipes for a delicious dish. Mushroom, chicken, vegetable soups with dumplings (step by step, in detail, with secrets)


Soups with dumplings came to Russian cuisine from Ukraine and were firmly founded. Still would! They are so tasty and satisfying!

There are a huge number of recipes, dishes can be prepared with meat, mushrooms, fish or beans. They add tomato or cheese. Here are the best step-by-step recipes for soups with dumplings worth a try.

Soup with dumplings - general principles of cooking

Soups with dumplings are most often prepared on meat, chicken, mushroom broths. There are tons of interesting vegetable options that vegetarians or fasting people will appreciate. If the broth is meat, then it must be put on the stove in advance and cooked. Meat or poultry can be used for serving or sent to any other dishes.

What else is put in soups:

• potatoes;

• carrots, onions and other vegetables;

• bean;

• mushrooms.

Dough for dumplings can be made cool or semi-liquid. In the first embodiment, pieces are formed by hand or cut with a knife. In the second case, dumplings are scooped up with a spoon and dipped immediately into boiling soup. Cooking time depends on the density of the dough, it can range from two to twenty minutes.

Traditionally prepared soups are seasoned with bay leaves, spices, herbs of various kinds, garlic can be added. When serving, put sour cream or mayonnaise, you can make garlic sour cream sauce with herbs, mustard, it will also turn out delicious.

Chicken Dumpling Soup: A Step-by-Step Recipe for a Classic Dish

Traditionally, the dish is prepared on a meat or chicken dish. The step-by-step recipe for dumpling soup indicates the average number of birds. You can take a little more, the broth will turn out saturated. Or save a little by adding less chicken. Refueling soup, that is, it is prepared with a vegetable passerovka.


• 600 g of chicken;

• 4 potatoes;

• carrot;

• onion head;

• a couple of tablespoons of oil;

• 3 peppercorns;

• bay leaf;

• salt, dill.

For dummies:

• a pair of eggs;

• a couple of tablespoons of oil;

• salt;

• 50 ml of water;

• 7-9 tablespoons of flour.


1. Traditionally, the first dishes begin to be prepared with broth. Rinse the chicken, add three liters of cold water, put on the stove.

2. When boiling the future broth, foam will begin to appear on the surface. Remove it with a slotted spoon or a large spoon. As soon as the water boils well, remove the fire to a small level. The broth should boil slowly, not boil. Crush a few peas of pepper, toss in a pan, cover and cook for 50 minutes. If the chicken is homemade, then increase the time. Bring the bird to readiness.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut not very finely so that the pieces do not boil.

4. Once the chicken is cooked. Remove from the broth and add a little salt to the pan. Next fall asleep cooked potatoes.

5. Peel the onion. We crumble the head in small cubes.

6. Pour a little oil into the pan. But you can take chicken or any other fat as you like more. We fill the onions in a pan, start frying.

7. Peel the carrots, rub and add to the onion. Cook together. It is important not to make a very big fire so that individual pieces do not burn. Stir regularly, the vegetables should brown and become soft.

8. While all this is preparing, we make dough for dumplings. In this step-by-step recipe for soup, it is semi-liquid. Break the eggs, salt, beat with a fork in a bowl. Add water, pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable or melted butter. Stir, add flour. Make a thick, sticky dough. Stir it until it becomes homogeneous.

9. Check the potatoes. If he has reached readiness, the pieces are already pierced, you can transfer the fried vegetables to the pan.

10. Break the previously removed chicken into pieces or strip the meat. You can add to the soup at this point. Or we don’t put it in a pan, but throw it on plates before spilling soup. You can serve chicken in a separate bowl.

11. Stir the soup, and begin to form dumplings. It is convenient to do this with two teaspoons. Wet one in the pan, pick up the dough, and then use the second spoon to lower it into the soup. We do all this quickly until the dough is over.

12. Stir soup with dumplings. After boiling, boil for 2-3 minutes.

13. Cut the greens, prepare the laurel. Throw it all in the soup, try the salt.

14. Turn off, cover, leave on the stove. Let the dish stand for another 10-15 minutes.

Mushroom soup with dumplings: a step by step recipe

In a step-by-step recipe for soup with dumplings, you can replace the water with any meat or chicken broth, the dish will turn out even tastier. Mushrooms are used here, but we also take other mushrooms, the cooking process will not change. We will make dough for dumplings cool, like on homemade noodles, but with the addition of a ripper.


• 400 g of champignons or other mushrooms;

• onion;

• carrot;

• 400 g of potatoes;

• 25 g plums. oils;

• spices, herbs.

For the test:

• 2 eggs;

• a pinch of the cultivator;

• 2 tablespoons of water;

• a pinch of salt;

• 1-1.5 Art. millet. flour.


1. Soup will be tastier if you first boil the mushrooms, that is, cook the broth, then fry them. Therefore, we don’t cut it, just rinse it well, fill it with three liters of water, put it on the stove. Is the water boiling? Boil for two minutes and change. Pour into the sink, pour clean water, cook the broth for 20 minutes. If forest mushrooms, then cook for 30-35 minutes.

2. Remove the mushrooms from the broth. You can pour the broth through a colander into another pan or catch everything with a slotted spoon. Leave in a bowl, let cool.

3. Cooking the dough. We mix the eggs with salt, pour a couple of tablespoons of water, throw a small pinch of the cultivator and pour the flour. Knead is not a batter, but not quite cool. We make it soft, wrinkle to elasticity. Cover, leave for ten minutes.

4. Peel the potatoes. If you want to prepare a liquid soup, then reduce the amount. Cut into pieces, pour into mushroom broth, slightly salted.

5. Cut the onion, rub the carrots.

6. Put the butter or vegetable oil in the pan, add vegetables and lightly fry, two minutes are enough.

7. Cut the boiled mushrooms, add to the pan to the vegetables, fry everything together for about four more minutes. As soon as the pleasant aroma of fried champignons comes from the pan, you can turn it off.

8. Roll out the dough into a long bundle with a diameter of about a centimeter. We cut across the dumplings, you do not need to make a large thickness, just five millimeters is enough.

9. We put dumplings in a pan with half-finished potatoes. Stir, bring to a boil and boil for a couple of minutes.

10. Transfer the mushrooms and vegetables from the pan to the soup, stir, cook with the dumplings for about ten minutes.

11. Cut the greens, prepare the spices to your taste, re-try on the salt. Add everything to the pan, stir, turn off the stove.

12. We serve mushroom soup with dumplings in plates, in addition we offer sour cream, garlic.

Vegetable soup with dumplings: a step by step recipe (dough on semolina)

A step-by-step recipe for dumpling soup, which is prepared simply on the water. For satiety, canned beans are added to it. Dumplings are made from semi-liquid simple dough on semolina.


• four potatoes;

• two tomatoes;

• one pepper;

• onion and carrot;

• herbs, spices, garlic;

• 1 cup canned beans;

• 20 ml of oil.

For dummies:

• egg;

• semolina;

• salt pepper


1. Pour a couple of liters of water into the pan, set it off the stove, bring to a boil.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut and pour into boiling water, add a little salt to the soup, start cooking. When boiling, reduce the fire.

3. Cut the peeled onion head into cubes. Pour the oil into the pan, lay the cooked vegetable and start frying.

4. Rub one large carrot, shift to the onion. We cook together for about three minutes, set the fire to an average level.

5. Cut the bell pepper into small cubes, add to the pan to the vegetables, continue cooking.

6. Cut the skin on the nose of the tomato crosswise, pour the tomatoes with boiling water for a minute. Then rinse with cold water, remove the skin. We cut the tomatoes into cubes, put in a pan, cook with other vegetables until soft.

7. Immediately knead the dough. To do this, break the egg into a bowl, drop a pinch of pepper and salt to it, stir, add salt and pepper to a spoon, and stir thoroughly each time. You should get a fairly thick dough from which you can roll the balls.

8. We make small balls. If the mass sticks, you can wet your hands with cold water.

9. Immediately throw dumplings into the pan, in which the potatoes have already reached half-ready.

10. Two minutes after boiling dumplings, transfer all the vegetables from the pan to the soup.

11. Let the soup boil and lay the canned beans, stir, try the soup on the salt. If you need to add, then do it.

12. Cook all together for about five minutes, look at the readiness of dumplings.

13. Fill vegetable soup with herbs, laurel, pepper to taste. We throw garlic at the very end or add to the plates.

Soup with dumplings - useful tips and tricks

• If there is no time to prepare a soup broth with dumplings, meatballs will come to the rescue. They can be quickly fried in a frying pan and put in a pan, they are boiled for several minutes, but at the same time they give the dish a good meat taste, fat.

• If the soup actively boils and gurgles, then it will never turn out beautiful. Transparent broth, whole slices of vegetables and neat dumplings are preserved during a slow boil.

• To make dumplings beautiful, you can add turmeric, chopped dill, sweet paprika to the dough. And a pleasant aroma to give garlic or fried onions.

• To give the soup a smoked flavor, you can add a few slices of sausage or smoked ribs to the broth.


Watch the video: The Secret to PERFECT Dumpling Fillings w 5 Recipes (June 2024).