French buns: recipes from butter, custard, puff pastry. Options for french cinnamon rolls, poppy seeds, raisins, chocolate


French aerial buns are the best start to the day. They create a special mood, give gastronomic pleasure and prepare surprisingly simple. Choose your favorite recipe for French rolls or cook all baking options in sequence.

French buns - general cooking principles

French buns are being prepared, the recipes of which are proposed below, from yeast, custard, puff pastry. Main ingredients: flour, butter, eggs, sugar. Often, buns are covered with cream, which is made from sour cream, soft cheese, starch, sugar glaze.

You can diversify the taste and aroma of baking with raisins, chocolate chips, cinnamon, poppy seeds, lemon zest. It all depends on the preferences of the hostess.

If the prepared dough is used to form buns immediately, without proofing, baking is prepared very quickly. If you choose a recipe for French buns with pre-proofing, plan on raising the dough for about an hour and a half.

The baking temperature is average, from 190 to 210 ° C, depending on the power of the oven.

French buns: yeast dough recipe

Delicious tender buns are prepared quickly and always turn out successful. This recipe for French buns is suitable for beginner cooks.


• fifty grams of raw yeast;

• a glass of milk;

• two eggs;

• a quarter cup of sugar in the dough;

• a glass of sugar in a cream;

• a pack of margarine for baking;

• three glasses of flour;

• one and a half tablespoons of starch;

• half a teaspoon of cinnamon.

Cooking method:

Soften half a packet of margarine at room temperature to prepare a cream.

Mix soft margarine with a glass of sugar and a starch rate with a fork.

Heat the milk until warm.

Dissolve crushed fresh yeast in milk.

Melt the second half of the margarine.

Beat eggs in yeast milk, pour in margarine, put the remaining sugar and half the flour, mix with a wooden spatula.

Pour the rest of the flour, knead a soft, elastic dough.

Divide it into two parts.

Roll out the first part into a cake half a centimeter thick.

Lubricate the cake with half the cream.

Roll the roll from the dough.

Cut the roll into small pieces no more than 4 cm thick.

Place on a baking sheet covered with oiled baking paper, cut side down. Leave the distance between the buns - the dough will increase in volume.

Cover the buns with a light napkin, leave for an hour to rise.

Preheat the oven to 210-220 ° C.

Send the buns to the oven, immediately lower the temperature to 190 ° C.

Buns will be ready in fifteen minutes.

French Cinnabon Buns: Cheese Cream Recipe

The famous Sinnabon buns are soft, piquant, and very tasty. A pleasant creamy note and cheese sourness give them a recognizable taste.


• six hundred grams of flour;

• a teaspoon of dried yeast;

• a glass of milk (200 ml);

• one hundred grams of sugar per dough;

• eighty grams of butter per dough;

• two eggs;

• whisper of salt;

• a glass of sugar in the filling;

• bag of vanillin;

• a teaspoon of cinnamon;

• fifty grams of soft cream cheese;

• forty grams of butter in a cream;

• two tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

In warm milk, dilute the yeast, leave for fifteen minutes to activate.

In eggs, add fifty grams of soft butter, sugar and salt, mix with a fork.

Add flour, knead a tough dough.

Cover the dough with a light towel, leave for an hour and a half to rise. The dough should double.

Combine vanilla and cinnamon for the filling.

Wash up the dough and roll it into a thin cake.

Lubricate with remaining oil.

Sprinkle with cinnamon-vanilla filling.

Roll the dough roll, cut into slices 3-4 cm.

Bake at 180 ° C for about twenty minutes.

While baking buns, prepare the cream. Combine butter with cream cheese and icing sugar.

Lubricate hot, ready-made buns with cream.

French buns: recipe with custard dough

Such buns have their own original name - guzher. The composition of the dough includes grated cheese, which gives the pastry an amazing taste and aroma.


• a glass of flour;

• half a glass of water;

• three eggs;

• fifty grams of butter;

• what grams of semi-hard cheese;

• a tablespoon of starch;

• a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

Pour water into the stewpan, add oil, salt and put on medium heat.

When the water boils, add flour and starch and immediately begin to intensively knead the dough. The main thing is to break all the flour lumps.

Remove from heat and let the dough cool to warm.

Grate the cheese.

Add cheese chips and eggs to the dough, knead vigorously.

Separate lumps the size of a walnut from the dough and form buns.

Bake until cooked in a preheated oven.

French buns: recipe with sour cream

Sour cream fill gives an unusual flavor to these French buns. The recipe is simple in execution, suitable for inexperienced cooks.


• three hundred and fifty grams of flour;

• one hundred milliliters of milk;

• a teaspoon of dried yeast;

• two hundred and seventy grams of sour cream (seventy in dough, two hundred in cream);

• fifty grams of butter or spread;

• one hundred sixty grams of sugar (fifty to the dough, ten to the fill, one hundred to the filling);

• whisper of salt;

• a pound of cottage cheese;

• one raw egg to the filling;

• one egg yolk for lubrication.

Cooking method:

Put the dough: in warm milk, pour the yeast, three tablespoons of flour, a tablespoon of sugar. Leave for half an hour.

Add sour cream and butter, salt and sugar to the matching dough, and mix.

Knead the dough, leave it warm to proof for an hour.

Cook the curd filling by combining the curd with the egg and sugar.

Roll out the dough, grease the filling, roll the roll.

Divide the roll into small pieces no more than 3 cm thick.

Place rolls on rolls covered in paper.

Let the buns stand for ten minutes.

Beat the yolk, grease them with the raised buns.

Bake until cooked.

For sour cream pour, thoroughly beat sour cream with sugar.

Remove the finished buns from the oven, pour sour cream.

French buns: recipe with puff pastry

Simple puff pastry is easy to make at home. Fresh French buns according to the recipe suggested below are tender, airy.


• four hundred and fifty grams of flour;

• a teaspoon of dried yeast;

• two hundred milliliters of milk;

• one hundred grams of vegetable oil;

• crude protein;

• five tablespoons of sugar with top (two in the dough, three in the filling);

• two tablespoons of poppy confectionery;

• a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

Dissolve yeast with a teaspoon of sugar in warmed milk.

Steam poppy with boiling water.

Let the light dough work for half an hour in a warm place.

Combine all the ingredients and knead a tough dough.

It should be within an hour.

Squeeze out the swollen poppy.

Roll the dough into a thin layer.

Sprinkle the poppy seeds and sugar.

Roll the roll, cut it into pieces.

Bake until browned.

French buns: yeast custard recipe

Cardamom and brandy give baking an unusual taste. French buns cooked according to this recipe are stale slowly.


• two hundred milliliters of milk;

• two hundred milliliters of drinking cream;

• three glasses of milk;

• a tablespoon of yeast;

• four yolks;

• a tablespoon of brandy;

• a quarter cup of sugar;

• eighty grams of butter;

• whispers of cardamom.

Cooking method:

Bring the cream to a boil.

Add 3 table. tablespoons of flour, mix vigorously and remove from heat.

Dissolve yeast and a tablespoon of sugar in warmed milk, let stand.

Melt the butter.

Separate the yolks.

In the cooled custard mixture, add the remaining sugar, butter, yolks, pour in the approached yeast and knead the mass with a spoon.

Leave the resulting batter for two hours to rise.

Pour in cognac, add cardamom and on the remaining flour knead the dough well behind the hands.

Roll it out with a layer, spread it with any filling (not necessary, you can make simple rolls), roll it up.

Cut the dough tube into pieces.

Bake rolls until cooked.

French Buns: Raisin Muffin Recipe

Air baking with soft sweet raisins is a favorite treat for kids. Be sure to cook these amazing French buns. The recipe is very simple, but worthy of the most sophisticated confectioner.


• a glass of milk;

• fifty grams of creamy spread or butter per dough, the same amount to the filling;

• three eggs;

• four large spoons of sugar (with top) in the dough, an incomplete glass - in the filling;

• twenty grams of fresh yeast;

• five glasses of flour;

• half a teaspoon of salt;

• half a glass of raisins;

• one and a half tablespoons of any starch.

Cooking method:

Pour milk into a stewpan, heat.

Remove the oil or spread in advance to soften.

Sift the flour in a deep cup with a slide, make a hole in the center.

Pour in milk, add yeast and a tablespoon of sugar into it, cover with a napkin, let rise a little.

Add soft margarine to the dough, knead the dough.

Beat the eggs with the rest of the sugar vigorously.

Add the egg mixture to the dough, knead thoroughly.

Allow distance by tightening the container with the dough with cling film. You can work with the test when it has doubled.

Boil raisins with boiling water, drain the water after ten minutes, put the berries on a paper towel.

For the filling, mix the softened butter with starch and sugar.

Divide the dough into 3 parts.

Roll each, grease with butter and sprinkle with raisins.

Roll the roll, cut it into pieces and bake.

French Buns - Tips and Tricks

If the recipe for French buns contains raw yeast, and you only have dry yeast or vice versa, do not worry. Baking will turn out equally tasty with both. Proportions of substitution: 50 g of live yeast is 6 g of dry yeast (a teaspoon without a slide.

Sift the flour. Saturated with oxygen, it will make the baking airy, the dough will rise well.

Ready-made buns can be stored in the refrigerator, and heated in the microwave before meals.


Watch the video: Israeli cuisine. Wikipedia audio article (June 2024).