Secrets of proper nutrition for weight loss - what is the point? Nutrition for weight loss: a daily menu and healthy recipes


It’s fashionable to be healthy and slim today. Therefore, many exhaust their body with a variety of diets, without realizing that they are not very effective in the absence of a well-built system.

What diet to lose weight will help to achieve impressive results?

General rules

It would seem that it could be simpler: to strike a balance between the number of calories received with food and spent during the day, so as not to grow fat? However, there are several principles on which nutrition is based for weight loss.

BZhU balance

It is important to take into account the quality composition of food, that is, monitor the consumption of the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins. For example, an excess of fast carbohydrates that provide saturation of the human body with energy is converted into fats, as if being put off “in reserve” when the energy supply runs out. And insufficient consumption of products containing protein leads to an imbalance in metabolic processes, a lack of substances necessary for cell renewal and the construction of new ones.


The most productive way to lose weight is to drink clean still water at any opportunity. This is a kind of accelerator of all body processes. By dissolving nutrients, water helps to deliver them “to the address”: proteins - to muscle cells, fats - to protective tissues. With sufficient fluid intake there is no problem with the metabolism, which is so important in weight control. Water helps to “trick” the body when there is a desire to eat something tasty, drowning out the feeling of hunger.

Positive psychological attitude

Surprisingly, the stressful state in which the lady with curvaceous forms is, can become the enemy of the process of losing weight. A depressed mood, sighs about refusing the desired cake, a decrease in self-esteem after another look at your figure in the mirror or a stinging remark of a friend - all this does not contribute to obtaining the desired result. Stress provokes the production of cortisol, which urgently begins to accumulate energy in the cells in the form of fat in order to protect the body from nervous exhaustion. Therefore, an optimistic attitude and a disarming smile in response to another joke about the round sides are important components of the process of parting with extra pounds.

Sample menu

Nutrition for weight loss should be systemic and thoughtful, focused on following the principles of recovery and weight loss. It is recommended to eat often, but little by little, so as not to make the body feel hungry and stay in a good mood.

The basis of the diet for weight loss are the following products:

Vegetables and fruits. They are responsible for the vitaminization of the body, and due to the high fiber content they normalize intestinal activity. They are best used raw to preserve the beneficial properties of vitamins, they can also be boiled, stewed and baked. Dried fruits are also useful, as the concentration of vitamins in them increases.

Lean meat (chicken, beef, veal), fish. Saturated with protein, they contribute to the renewal of cells and tissues, regulate metabolic processes. It is good to steam them, boil, bake, stew.

Cereals, rye bread. A source of complex carbohydrates, slowly but surely saturating the body with energy. A common way to process cereals is to make cereals or casseroles.

Dairy and dairy products, eggs. Products saturated with protein and calcium help maintain a healthy and alert state, strengthen bone tissue and muscles. Kefir, cottage cheese, natural, without additives, yogurt, cheese are usually sold ready to eat. The eggs are preferably boiled or scrambled eggs.

Nuts, Vegetable Oil. They contain fats necessary for the body to protect cells, transport nutrients, improve the state of blood vessels, and increase immunity.

On a day, the diet for weight loss can be distributed approximately like this.

Breakfast options:

Porridge (in milk or water) + fruit salad + tea, cocoa or coffee.

Omelet + vegetable salad + tea, cocoa or coffee.

Cottage cheese or cereal casserole with fruit + tea, cocoa or coffee.

Lunch options:




Lunch Options:

Soup (vegetable, cereal, fish, meat broth) + boiled or baked meat (fish) with a side dish (buckwheat, boiled potatoes, stewed vegetables) + vegetable salad + compote or juice.

Snack options:

Cottage cheese.

Yogurt or kefir.


Dinner Options:

Boiled or steamed meat (fish) + vegetable salad + tea or juice.

Vegetable casserole or stew + baked meat or fish + tea.

The menu is quite diverse and takes into account the needs of the body in vitamins, minerals, BZHU. It is advisable to observe the calorie content of dishes by adjusting portions. A nutritionist or one of the many weight loss programs will help you calculate the required energy norm.

Recipes for the “right” foods for weight loss

Nutrition for weight loss does not necessarily cause discouragement and the desire to quickly eat something tasty, but extremely harmful. Diet recipes are simple to execute and quite capable of giving pleasure even to the most avid gourmets.

Baked veal under vegetables

Ingredients: veal (500 g), sweet pepper, tomatoes, carrots, red onions (200-250 g each), canned green peas and corn (100 g each), vegetable oil (2 tbsp), spices.

Cooking: rinse the meat, dry a little with a towel, cut into small oblong pieces. Onion cut into half rings. Put the veal and onions on the bottom of the mold, oiled. Salt, pepper, add spices to taste (for example, rosemary, Provence herbs).

Leaving the meat with onions slightly marinated, chop the vegetables (peppers, carrots, tomatoes) with straws, then mix them with corn and peas, salt and pepper. Then evenly distribute the vegetable mixture on meat with onions so that it completely covers the veal.

Put the baking dish in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 45 minutes, then pull out the mold and cover the vegetables with a sheet of foil. Meat with vegetables will be baked under the foil for the same time. Once the veal is soft, the dish can be taken out of the oven and served.

Buckwheat Soup with Vegetables

Ingredients: buckwheat (about 100-150 g), meat broth, carrots (150-200 g), sweet pepper (50-70 g), onions (100 g), tomatoes (100 g), potatoes (200-250 g) , tomato paste (1 tablespoon), vegetable oil, (1 tablespoon), spices.

Cooking: bring the meat broth to a boil, then add chopped potatoes into small cubes, pour the washed buckwheat into it. Finely chopped onions and grated carrots a little in vegetable oil, adding red ground pepper to the mixture. Then add finely chopped peppers and tomatoes to the pan with onions and carrots, add tomato paste. Stirring, keep the mixture in a pan for about 5 minutes, then add it to the broth with buckwheat and potatoes.

Bring the soup to a boil, then add salt, bay leaf, chopped herbs, then leave to simmer on the cooling plate for about 15 minutes.

To the peculiar taste of dishes from recipes that help you lose weight, you can quickly, because the result of eating healthy food over time becomes noticeable not only to the most losing lady, but also to others.


Watch the video: What You Should Eat on the Ketogenic Diet (June 2024).