Caesar salad dressing at home - the final touch! Classic recipes for Caesar salad dressings at home


Caesar is not a simple vegetable salad. Its taste is simply sterile and largely depends on the sauce used. The cooks of restaurants attach particular importance to the gas station, diligently observe all the subtleties of cooking and carefully keep small secrets. In fact, Caesar sauce can be easily prepared at home, if you find a good recipe.

Caesar salad sauce at home - general principles of preparation

• Eggs. In classic sauce, slightly boiled eggs are used, but more and more often you can find recipes on boiled yolks, they are below. Eggs ennoble the sauce, reduce the oiliness of the oil, this is one of the most important ingredients.

• Olive oil. It can not be replaced with sunflower, but can be diluted a little if the taste is too saturated or the product is a little lacking. It is better to choose olive oil of direct extraction, it is tastier, healthier, ideal for vegetable caesar.

• Lemon juice. Typically, the recipe indicates pure juice, but sometimes the amount of citrus, part of it. This ingredient cannot be replaced with dilute acid, but sometimes balsamic or wine vinegar is added.

• Worcester sauce. A very interesting supplement that is present in the classic recipe. At the heart of this product are vegetables, flavorings, spices. If you can’t get it, you can choose the options without this ingredient in the composition.

• Other additives. For taste, mustard, all kinds of spices, garlic, fresh or dried herbs are added to Caesar sauces, Provencal mixtures of herbs perfectly complement the taste.

Classic Caesar salad dressing at home

A real dressing is being prepared with Worcester sauce; in this recipe it cannot be replaced with anything. Exceeding the amount is also not recommended.


• 100 grams of olive oil;

• two eggs;

• 3 tsp Worcester sauce;

• two cloves of garlic;

• half a lemon;

• a pinch of salt, pepper.


1. On one side of the egg, make a neat puncture with a needle. Do the same with the second egg. This is necessary so that they do not crack. Dip in boiling water for 30-40 seconds, slightly weld. If there are concerns about the quality of the product, then you can withstand a little longer, but not desirable.

2. Carefully remove the shell, pour the eggs into a bowl, rub the yolk with protein until smooth.

3. Peel the cloves of garlic, chop, pour next.

4. Now squeeze the juice of half a lemon. If the citrus is large, then you can use the third part.

5. Pour Worcester sauce, then olive oil, salt and pepper. Bring to uniformity, you can beat with a mixer.

6. For taste, you can add Provencal herbs or a few basil leaves, previously washed and chopped.

Recipe for mustard sauce for Caesar salad at home

For this sauce, boiled egg yolks are used, this is a more familiar and safe option. Any mustard will fit, including Dijon (with seeds).


• two boiled yolks;

• two tablespoons of mustard;

• three tablespoons of estuary juice;

• 0.5 cups of oil;

• spices.


1. Put the yolks of boiled eggs in a bowl, it is important to cool them. Knead with a fork, add mustard, stir. If the sauce is spicy, then you can take half the norm. And homemade mustard is enough 1 tsp., Since it is usually vigorous.

2. Pour in lemon juice, salt and pepper, stir again.

3. Dilute the cooked mass with olive oil, beat for a minute with a fork and ready to go! If desired, supplement dressing with aromatic herbs.

Sauce for Caesar salad at home from yogurt

A very popular version of light and low-calorie Caesar sauce, in which the butter is partially replaced with yogurt.


• 150 g of thick yogurt;

• 30 g of grated cheese;

• three tablespoons of oil;

• a couple of cloves of garlic;

• 20 ml of lemon (fresh juice);

• spices;

• a spoonful of mustard.


1. Peel and chop the garlic cloves, sprinkle with olive oil. Set aside, let them infuse for about fifteen minutes.

2. Combine lemon juice and mustard, add salt and pepper, stir.

3. We take thick Greek yogurt, first add the mustard mixture with lemon juice, stir it.

4. Now spread the garlic oil. Mix again.

5. Finely rub the cheese, add to the dressing at the very end. We also throw dry or fresh herbs to taste, mint leaves are ideal here. They give a refreshing taste, for this amount of refueling 3-4 pieces are enough.

Caesar salad sauce at home on mayonnaise

Mayonnaise may not be a very healthy and high-calorie product, but it is very often used to make Caesar salad dressings at home. Choose high quality olive mayonnaise.


• a glass of mayonnaise;

• half a lemon;

• two cloves of garlic;

• three tablespoons of soy sauce;

• some Provence herbs;

• red and black peppers.


1. Squeeze juice from prescription lemon. Optionally, remove the zest. Grind and also add to mayonnaise, the aroma will be incomparable.

2. Add chopped garlic cloves and three tablespoons of soy sauce. If it is very salty, you can pour a little less.

3. Squeeze lemon juice, pour out Provencal herbs or add a little different greens.

4. Stir everything well, leave for about twenty minutes, so that the tastes of the sauce are combined and you can season the salad.

Cheese sauce for Caesar salad at home with capers and anchovies

A variant of a wonderful dressing for Caesar, which can be used for any other salads. Anchovies will need to be crushed in a blender, without it, cooking the sauce will not work.


• 10 anchovy fillets;

• 180 ml of olive oil;

• 90 g of grated cheese;

• 2 tbsp. l capers;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 2 tbsp. l lemon (juice);

• 1 tsp acute mustard;

• 1 tsp chopped zest.


1. Peel the garlic, put the slices in a press, squeeze and add a pinch of salt, stir.

2. Add the anchovy fillet cut into pieces to the garlic, immediately pour the capers to them, add mustard. The mixture needs to be pepper. Pour lemon juice and lay a teaspoon of zest.

3. All this grind with a blender until a homogeneous slurry.

4. Pour olive oil.

5. Grate the cheese or simply cut into small cubes, send to the rest of the ingredients.

6. Beat with a blender for two more minutes, until the mixture becomes completely homogeneous.

7. We make a control sample, if necessary, add more spices and salt to the dressing.

Sour cream sauce for Caesar salad at home with gherkins

To prepare this sauce, you will need pickled gherkins. It is also very important to use thick and fat sour cream, which, during the infusion process, does not leak when other ingredients are added.


• 180 g sour cream;

• 60 g of gherkins;

• a couple of large cloves of garlic;

• 0.2 tsp hot pepper;

• 2 pinches of dried herbs;

• 0.3 tsp honey.


1. Combine sour cream and chopped garlic cloves, add dry herbs to them, and add a little hot red pepper.

2. Stir the filling, set aside for five minutes.

3. Gherkins chopped very finely. If there is a lot of juice in them, then first slightly squeeze the hands.

4. We shift the gherkins into the sauce, stir.

5. If the sauce is not salty, then correct. If desired, put more garlic. Before refueling Caesar let stand for half an hour.

Caesar salad sauce at home with nuts

Yogurt is used as the basis for this sauce, but you can also take sour cream, but not very sour. Nuts fit only walnuts.


• 50 g of nuts;

• three cloves of garlic;

• a glass of sour cream or yogurt;

• 2 tbsp. l soy sauce;

• a spoonful of lemon (juice).


1. Immediately fry the nuts, as they must have time to cool before adding to the sauce. Just pour it into the pan, dry for two minutes, you do not need to add anything to them.

2. We send the chopped garlic to yogurt, add citrus juice and soy sauce there, and add hot pepper if desired. Stir.

3. Grind the cooled nuts as you like. You can leave visible pieces or grind to a state of flour.

4. Combine the sauce with nuts, stir and you're done!

Caesar salad sauce at home with olives and yolks

This sauce option is perfect if there is no olive oil. Olives are best used pitted.


• 100 grams of sour cream;

• 100 grams of mayonnaise;

• 2 boiled yolks;

• 1 tbsp. l balm. vinegar

• 15 olives;

• salt and pepper.


1. Grind boiled egg yolks, add balsamic vinegar to them, stir.

2. Put in the total mass mayonnaise and then thick sour cream.

3. Pepper mass, salt.

4. Cut the olives in very small pieces, like a grain of rice. Sprinkle with sauce.

5. To taste, we throw garlic, herbs, stir and leave for a few minutes so that the dressing for Caesar is infused.

Caesar Salad Sauce at Home - Useful Tips and Tricks

• The sauce will taste better if chopped garlic, add oil, leave for 20-30 minutes, so that the mixture is infused.

• If there is no fresh garlic, then you can use dried, reducing the amount by 3-4 times. The product must be mixed with liquid ingredients, let it brew and swell.

• If you want to get a uniform salad dressing that resembles mayonnaise or sour cream, you can immediately throw all the ingredients into a blender bowl, then just whisk together.

• Is the sauce very thin? Refueling in this case will drain from vegetables, settle on the bottom of the plate. To prevent this from happening, you can add a few boiled yolks or a few tablespoons of grated hard cheese.


Watch the video: How to Make Caesar Dressing - The Basics on QVC (June 2024).