Shurpa in a cauldron - the most delicious soup! Cooking amazing oriental shurpa in a cauldron with lamb, pork, beef and chicken


Shurpa is a rich dish that is usually cooked at the stake. But this is optional!

In a cauldron on a stove, you can cook no worse if you know a few secrets and use proven recipes. Here they are!

Shurpa in a cauldron - general principles of preparation

• Any meat can be used for shurpa, but it should not be lean. Ideally, the ratio of fat to pulp is 1: 4. In a cauldron on a stove, it is usually fried to make a rich and aromatic dish.

• Vegetables. Use the most different. From the usual potatoes and onions, to eggplant and cabbage. Some ingredients can be fried with meat in a cauldron.

• Chickpeas, beans. These ingredients can also be added to Shurpa, they are in some traditional oriental recipes. Beans are boiled separately. Chickpeas can be prepared immediately with meat, but subject to preliminary soaking peas for at least 8-10 hours. Otherwise, he just does not have time to cook.

• Greens, spices. Traditional shurpa seasoned with cilantro, dill. They can be added together. But it is also not forbidden to put parsley. Spices in the dish can be put different at your discretion. Often the dish is cooked spicy using red capsicum.

Shurpa in a cauldron of lamb in the eastern

A recipe for a very rich and satisfying oriental shurpa in a cauldron. You can use any slices of lamb, but the main ingredient in the dish is fat tail fat.


• 2.5 liters of water;

• 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;

• 500 g of mutton;

• 500 g of potatoes;

• 4 onions;

• 100 g fat tail fat;

• 1 sharp pod;

• dill, cilantro, laurel, salt.


1. Cut fat tail fat, pour into a cauldron and fry over high heat. We take out the greaves.

2. Throw chopped portioned pieces of lamb, fry until golden brown for about twenty minutes. During this time, cut the onion in half rings. Add to the meat.

3. In a minute, we throw the diced potatoes, fry further.

4. After ten minutes, add the tomato paste. Now make sure that the pieces are not burnt, stir.

5. Pour 2.5 liters of boiling water. If you want a thicker shurpa, you can add less liquid.

6. We cut a sharp pod, we throw in a cauldron.

7. After boiling, remove the heat to a minimum, cook for an hour at a low boil. Checking the meat.

8. If the lamb is soft, salt the soup, boil another seven minutes.

9. We season with laurel cilantro, dill and you're done! You can serve the dish to the table!

Shurpa in a cauldron with lamb in Uzbek style

Another wonderful recipe for shurpa, it is best to use lamb ribs for it. Features of the dish are added by the abundance of bell pepper and fresh tomatoes.


• 600 g of mutton ribs;

• 5 potatoes;

• 2 onion heads;

• 3 bell peppers;

• 4 tomatoes;

• 1 large carrot;

• spices, oil.


1. Pour a little oil into the cauldron so that the pieces of meat do not stick to the hot surface. We put on the fire.

2. Cut the washed, dried ribs. Throw in a cauldron, fry until light blush.

3. Cut the onion into half rings, do not chop. Cut the carrots into strips. Throw to the meat. We continue to fry.

4. After a few minutes, we throw the chopped potatoes, cook without a lid. It’s not necessary for a long time;

5. Now we take two tomatoes, we rub, throwing out a skin. Pour into the cauldron.

6. Five minutes later, pour a couple of liters of boiling water, look at the desired density.

7. Close the cauldron, cook the dish for twenty minutes.

8. Now cut the bell peppers into strips, scald the remaining tomatoes to remove the peel, cut into several large pieces.

9. Throw the remaining vegetables into the cauldron, salt and pepper (you can throw the chopped sharp pod), cook over low heat until cooked. About another 25 minutes.

10. In the finished shurpa we throw greens, at the request of laurel, other spices. Let us brew under the lid of the cauldron, serve to the table.

Shurpa in a beef cauldron with chickpeas

To make such a shurpa you will need a real mutton pea - chickpeas. Soak it in advance in water so as not to delay the cooking time.


• 150 g chickpeas;

• 1 kg of beef;

• 2 carrots;

• a pair of onions;

• 5 potatoes;

• spices;

• 1 pepper;

• 3 tomatoes;

• 0.3 cups of oil.


1. Heat the oil, add the onion, cut into large half rings, into the cauldron. Lightly fry, we throw the carrots cut in circles.

2. Now cut the washed beef into pieces, as for barbecue. We send to fry.

3. Now we fall asleep the chickpeas soaked for 10 hours, fill in 3 liters of water, prepare the hourly shurpa.

4. During this time, we prepare the remaining vegetables. We cut the potatoes and peppers arbitrarily, we simply rub the tomatoes.

5. We lay all the vegetables in a cauldron. Salt, pepper. We remove the fire and cook for about another hour. We make sure that the potatoes do not boil, it may take less time.

6. In the finished shurpa we throw greens, hot pepper if desired.

Shurpa in a cauldron with chicken and eggplant

Chicken can also be used to make shurpa, but do not take the breast. Let the meat be skinned and greasy.


• 700 g of chicken;

• 2 eggplants;

• 2 potatoes;

• 1 carrot, onion and pepper;

• 0.3 cups of oil;

• 0.5 sharp pod;

• 2 tomatoes;

• dill, laurel.


1. Immediately do eggplant. We cut each along, then slices 2 cm across. Sprinkle with salt, leave to improve the taste for half an hour.

2. Cut the onion, toss it in warmed oil, then you can add carrots. Fry until translucent onion.

3. Cut the chicken into the joints. Grind is not necessary. Throw in the cauldron. Fry on all sides with vegetables.

4. Now put the potatoes, continue to fry, the fire can be added.

5. We wash the eggplants from bitterness, wring out our hands and add to the dish.

6. Pour so much water so that it covers products by five centimeters.

7. Bring the dish to a boil, reduce the heat.

8. Cut the pepper into strips, dice the tomatoes. Throw it into the shurpa in about ten minutes. Solim.

9. Immediately add chopped hot pepper. Cover, bring over low heat until cooked.

Shurpa in a cauldron of pork with beans

This shurpa can be cooked with red or white beans. It is advisable not to use canned beans, but to cook them according to the recipe. It will be tastier.


• 600 g of pork;

• 120 g of dry beans;

• 4 potatoes;

• 2 sweet peppers;

• 2 onions;

• 1 large carrot

• 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;

• some oil or fat;

• spices, hot pepper, herbs.


1. The day before, fill the beans with cold water so that the beans are thoroughly swollen. Then we change the liquid, put the beans on the stove, cook almost until done. It should become soft, but not boil over.

2. Cut the pork into pieces of 40-50 grams. Throw in the cauldron. If the pieces are oily, then add the oil a little bit. We fry on the maximum heat so that a crust appears, the juice inside is sealed. It takes about twenty minutes.

3. Add the onion, toss the carrot into the cauldron.

4. We spread pasta with several tablespoons of water, pour meat, fry for a few more minutes.

5. Cut large pieces of potatoes. Throw to the pork.

6. Pour a couple of liters of boiling water, look at the density. Cover, cook for twenty minutes.

7. Now add the boiled beans, Bulgarian and hot pepper, salt, separately.

8. Cover the cauldron, cook the shurpa until cooked on low heat.

9. Once the potatoes are cooked, season the shurpa with fresh herbs.

Shurpa in a cauldron with cabbage and chickpeas

To prepare such a shurpa, lamb on the bone is used. But also the dish can be prepared with other types of meat.


• 1 kg of meat;

• 0.25 heads of cabbage;

• 3 potatoes;

• 150 g chickpeas;

• 5 tablespoons of oil;

• 3-3.5 liters of water;

• 200 g carrots;

• 200 g of onion;

• 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;

• 1 hot pepper;

• spices.


1. Soak the chickpeas for ten hours.

2. Heat the fat. Chop the lamb into pieces, fry for a quarter of an hour.

3. Now add the onions and carrots, cut into large pieces. Fry for another ten minutes.

4. Throw potatoes, cut into quarters and washed chickpeas. Pour boiling water, cover and cook for 30 minutes.

5. Now add the chopped cabbage and tomato, salt, throw the hot pepper. Cover and cook for another twenty minutes. Do not let shurpa actively boil.

6. We throw greens at the very end, or put them in a shurpa when serving.

Shurpa in a cauldron with noodles and beef

Another recipe for a rich soup that can be cooked with any noodles. Initially, it was prepared from dough, but today you can buy egg pasta in the store. They practically do not differ in taste from home.


• 0.6 kg of beef;

• 2 onion heads;

• 2 peppers;

• 3 potatoes;

• 250 g of noodles;

• 1 tomato;

• hot pepper, herbs;

• 30 ml of oil.


1. Cut the meat into small pieces, about 30 grams each. Fry in oil over moderate heat for about half an hour. If the beef is old, you can cover it so that the meat is steamed.

2. Throw onions, fry a couple of minutes.

3. Add the potatoes cut in large pieces, fry further.

4. Add chopped tomato, chopped bell pepper and pour 2.5 liters of boiling water. Throw some salt, a couple of pinches. We cover, cook the shurpa until tender.

5. In the end, run the noodles, try on the salt, add more, if necessary.

6. With noodles, boil the dish for 3 minutes, no more, otherwise it will turn sour.

7. We throw greens, we immediately turn off. Hot peppers optional.

Shurpa in a cauldron - useful tips and tricks

• Do you need to cook the shurpa faster? Add tomato or tomatoes at the very end. You can fry them in a separate pan.

• The aroma of boiled greens is not so pronounced, and the leaves look ugly. Therefore, add cilantro, dill or parsley at the very end of cooking or put in plates.
