You can’t do without a homemade cake for the New Year! A selection of rare and popular homemade cakes for the New Year: delicious and simple


What is better than a home-made New Year’s cake? Yes, everyone! That's why he is homemade so that it is impossible to buy in a store or culinary. And at midnight, mother will try, burning her fingers, so that the kids with an enthusiastic screech and shining eyes will grasp a culinary masterpiece in a minute.

Homemade cakes for the New Year - general principles of preparation

• It is better to cook rosy cakes for homemade New Year's cake from honey, biscuit or custard dough. It is not difficult to bake such preparations, and they absorb well any cream.

• Creams are mainly prepared on the basis of cream, condensed milk or sour cream. Often a cake is smeared with a cream brewed in milk, in which butter is necessarily added. To enhance the taste, the creamy mass is supplemented with various fillers or interbedded with specially prepared fillings.

• When making homemade cake, special attention is paid to the selection of ingredients. All components must be not only fresh, but also high-quality. Fresh food will never make a good dessert, and it will not be stored for long.

• New Year’s cake differs from others, primarily in design. To make homemade dessert look festive, pour glaze on its surface, sprinkle with chocolate crushed on a grater, and decorate it with fresh fruits or nuts. For greater effect, various figures are made of mastic and placed on the surface of the cake.

A simple homemade New Year's cake with sour cream - Ladies' Whim


• three glasses of white flour, baking;

• 250 gr. high-quality "Creamy" margarine;

• two eggs;

• table 9% vinegar, about a tablespoon;

• a glass of refined sugar;

• baking soda - 1/2 tsp.

In cream:

• refined sugar - 1 tbsp .;

• half a liter of oily, 30% sour cream;

• a quarter teaspoon of vanilla crystalline sugar.

For glaze:

• sweet cream butter - 50 gr.;

• three tablespoons of sugar;

• two large spoons of sour cream;

• a spoonful of cocoa powder without sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Mix margarine melted in a water bath with sugar, cool.

2. Add the eggs, add a third of the cooked flour, stir.

3. In a small cup, extinguish the baking soda with vinegar, pour another foamy mass directly into the dough.

4. Gradually adding the remaining flour, knead the plastic dough and divide it into three equal parts.

5. One roll out in a circle with a diameter of about 22 cm and carefully, loosely wound on a rolling pin, transfer to a baking sheet.

6. From the remaining dough, form small balls up to 3 cm in size. Lay them on a baking sheet around a round layer.

7. Place the pan in the oven and bake the biscuits at 180 degrees until cooked, about a quarter of an hour.

8. Beat sour cream manually with sugar, until its grains dissolve. Add vanilla, mix or whisk again.

9. Put the cooled cake on a dish and coat well with sour cream. For better impregnation, you can put a little creamy mass on the dish and only then put the cake on it.

10. Dip each ball into the cream and put them on a smeared cake with a slide.

11. Prepare the icing. Put the sour cream in a small saucepan and put on a small fire. As soon as it begins to boil, add cocoa, mix and immediately add the butter. While stirring regularly, boil the chocolate icing until thickened.

12. Slightly chilled icing pour the cake on top. Pour the chocolate mass for dessert at random, scooping it with a tablespoon.

Chocolate homemade cake for the New Year - "Cherry Kiss"


• wheat flour - 70 gr.;

• 150 gr. white, unrefined sugar;

• four eggs;

• 150 gr. bitter, not less than 70%, chocolate;

• a large spoon of vanillin, crystalline;

• 150 gr. "Traditional" oil;

• a third of a teaspoon of test ripper.


• two tablespoons of homemade icing sugar (grind refined coffee grinder);

• 80 ml of 33% cream.

For the interlayer:

• a glass of frozen or canned pitted cherries;

• two teaspoons of starch;

• two tablespoons of water or cherry juice.

For glaze:

• 100 gr. natural dark chocolate;

• two tablespoons of milk;

• 30 gr. homemade butter or just high percent butter.

Cooking method:

1. Put butter cubes in a small stewpan, add vanilla sugar, pour regular and put on low heat.

2. Cook while stirring until sugar and butter melt. Then dip the chocolate broken into pieces into the butter mass and continue cooking. When the chocolate has completely melted, remove the stewpan from the heat and let its contents cool.

3. Pour the yolks, carefully separated from the proteins into the chocolate mass, transfer the flour, pour the cultivator. Lightly whisk with a whisk, knead a uniform, thin dough.

4. In a clean, completely dry bowl, in a tight, stable foam, whisk the whites and carefully introduce them into the chocolate dough. Do not whisk, mix the protein mass with a spatula or spoon.

5. Having mixed well, pour the dough, helping with a spoon, into the oiled form and place in the oven preheated exactly to 180 degrees for forty minutes.

6. Prepare the cherry layer. Combine the thawed cherries with sugar and bring to a boil over low heat. Pour the starch diluted in cold cherry juice or water, mix intensively and boil until thick, cool.

7. For cream, whip cream with powdered sugar until stable peaks.

8. Do not remove the finished biscuit from the form immediately, wait 20 minutes.

9. The cooled sponge cake with a thin, narrow knife, cut lengthwise into two cakes. Transfer the lower cake to a flat dish and lay on it the cooled cherry layer, smooth it out. Distribute the cream evenly over it and cover everything with the top cake.

10. Break the chocolate into pieces and transfer to a bowl. Add butter, add milk and set to boil for minimal heat. When the butter and chocolate have completely melted, mix, reduce heat to a minimum, and continue cooking until the glaze begins to thicken.

11. Slightly cooled chocolate icing pour the top of the cake, leaving it on the table until completely frozen. After that, you can place the cake in the refrigerator.

Delicious homemade New Year's cake from custard dough with fresh fruits - "Tropicanka"

In the recipe below, “Squares” conditionally refers to a pattern of rectangles with sides located strictly vertically and horizontally, and under “Rhombuses” the same pattern, in which the sides of the rectangles look inclined 45 degrees.


• a glass of boiled cool water;

• 150 gr. high quality margarine;

• six fresh eggs;

• two glasses of flour.

In cream:

• one liter of pasteurized milk (plus half a glass, optional);

• a glass of white sugar;

• one egg;

• vanilla sugar - one standard bag;

• two tablespoons of cognac;

• 300 gr. butter at home, or factory high percent butter;

• high-grade flour, wheat - 4 tbsp. l

Additionally for the layer:

• Kiwi, bananas, canned peaches, apricots - your choice;

Cooking method:

1. In boiling water, dissolve the margarine and put on an intense fire. When it starts to boil, take a spoon and stir vigorously, introduce all the flour into the oily liquid. Warm the flour mass over low heat for a minute to brew well, then remove from the stove.

2. When the brewed mass cools down a little, insert one egg into it, carefully, not quickly mixing after each. You get a soft, slightly shiny dough.

3. Take two large sheets of parchment. On both draw a contour of a cake of a rectangular shape, 25 × 35 cm in size. On one sheet inside the contour, draw 3 × 3 cm squares, and on the other, rhombs of the same size. Moisten a lot of paper with lean oil and place on a baking sheet.

4. Transfer the choux pastry into a pastry bag and, squeezing it out with 0.8 cm thick strips, apply first along the contour, and then onto the lines inside the drawn blanks.

5. Bake the cakes, keeping the temperature 180 degrees, until golden, about 20 minutes. In the same way, cook two more cakes.

6. For cream, dilute a glass of sugar in cold milk and put on medium heat.

7. In a separate bowl, beat the egg with half a glass of milk and flour. Pour the mixture into a boiling sweetened milk in a thin stream and boil the cream base until thickened. Combining, stir the boiling milk intensively and pour the flour mixture not in the middle, but closer to the edge. Cool.

8. Beat butter with brandy with a mixer. Then, without ceasing to beat, introduce into it in small portions the cooled custard base and vanilla.

9. Put one of the shortcakes with squares on the dish and fill the voids with bananas cut into small pieces. Smear the cream and lay the cake with rhombuses on it. In the voids, put the pieces of kiwi and also apply cream. The next cake will be again with squares. Fill it with slices of peaches, cover with a creamy mass and cover with the last crust, which is filled with apricots.

10. With the remaining cream, coat the sides and top of the formed cake well and decorate it nicely with thin slices of kiwi. You can grate chocolate on top.

The original honey homemade cake for the New Year - "Winter's Tale"


• a glass of granulated sugar;

• two tablespoons of honey;

• a mixture of wheat flour of the first and highest grade in a ratio of 1: 3 - 3.5 cups;

• two eggs;

• a spoon of soda;

• A 20-gram packet of Creamy Margarine.

In the first cream:

• half a standard can of whole condensed milk;

• pack of butter, 82%, butter.

For the second cream:

• half a liter of homemade or purchased 30% sour cream;

• half a glass of sugar;

• a bag of vanillin.

For mastic:

• marshmallows (viscous, chewing marshmallows) white - 100 g .;

• two teaspoons of fresh lemon juice;

• sugar, homemade powder - 200 gr.;

• food colors - pink, red and green;

• colored coconut flakes (green).

To decorate:

• several chocolates in the form of animals.

Cooking method:

1. Mix honey with sugar and heat with a water bath to achieve complete dissolution of the components.

2. Add softened margarine and flour mixed with soda to the slightly cooled mixture. Break the eggs, knead the dough and divide it into seven equal pieces. Roll each in a circle about 22 cm in diameter and bake at 180 degrees until cooked. Cakes are baked quickly, so keep an eye on the process. As soon as the dough is lightly browned, take it out immediately.

3. Lay the baked honey shortcakes in a stack, trim the edges. Set aside the crumb and one cake to the side, and put the rest of the “workpiece” into a cake, spreading whipped cream and sugar and vanilla. Do not lubricate the top.

4. Beat softened butter with condensed milk. The cream should keep its shape well and not contain impurities of serum, as is the case when using low-quality oil. Put the prepared cream on the sides and the upper plane of the cake.

5. Break the cake into pieces of arbitrary shape into pieces and lay them on the edge of the cake, pour the rest of the sour cream on top - these will be snow drifts.

6. Inside, sprinkle everything with coconut flakes - this is weed.

7. Melt the marshmallows using a microwave oven, add lemon juice. Gradually adding powdered sugar, knead the mastic. Divide it into pieces and mix a dye of a certain color into each. Arrange the colored mastic into sachets and place in the refrigerator for an hour.

8. Roll the green mastic thinly, adding starch, and cut eight-pointed stars out of it. Paste them on a thin vermicelli, form the crown of the Christmas tree from the last workpiece. Fashion flowers from colored mastic.

9. Place the made Christmas tree on the center of the cake, lay out the flowers around. Place chocolate animals next to the Christmas tree.

New Year's coffee homemade cake with nuts - "Original"


• high-quality baking flour - 200 gr.;

• two spoons of instant, unspent coffee;

• a pack of "Peasant" oil;

• three eggs;

• 200 gr. sugar, homemade icing;

• kernels of dried walnuts - 100 gr.;

• a small spoon of the dough ripper.

In cream:

• Mascarpone cheese - 150 gr.;

• instant, high-quality coffee - 1 tsp;

• 100 gr. natural 75% chocolate;

• sugar, freshly prepared powder - 200 g .;

• a spoon of ground cinnamon in a mortar;

• 100 gr. thickened homemade cream;

• kernels of dried walnuts, halves - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Combine the sifted flour several times with the cultivator. Add chopped, pre-softened warm oil. Beat eggs, beat until smooth.

2. Dissolve instant coffee with two tablespoons of boiling water, chop nuts into crumbs and add everything to the dough, mix.

3. Put the dough in a greased and sprinkled with cocoa mold and place bake in an oven with a temperature of 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

4. Carefully remove the finished biscuit layer from the mold and transfer to a wire rack for cooling.

5. Combine mascarpone with slightly melted butter. Add dissolved teaspoon of boiled water and cooled coffee. Beating with a mixer, bring the butter mass to the consistency of the cream and, without stopping whipping, add powdered sugar into it.

6. Cut to a temperature of 25-30 degrees biscuit cut into three cakes. Lubricate the bottom one thoroughly with the cooked cream and put the middle one on it, grease it as well. Put the top cake on top, with the remaining cream, coat the sides of the cake.

7. Melt the chocolate using a microwave or water bath and pour the cake on top of it.

8. Garnish the dessert with walnut halves.

Sour cream homemade cake for the New Year - "Curly guy"


• one and a half glasses of 20% sour cream;

• two glasses of flour;

• eggs - 2 pcs.;

• a spoon of soda;

• two tablespoons of dark cocoa powder;

• table low-vinegar - 1 tbsp. l


• homemade sour cream - 400 ml;

• four spoons of seedless jam;

• half a glass of sugar;

• 100 gr. finely chopped nuts;

• 50 gr. frozen cream;

• a can of peaches.

To decorate:

• a bar of dark chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Pour sugar into sour cream, beat the eggs, pour the whole measured portion of flour and beat thoroughly with a whisk.

2. Add the baking soda, previously quenched with vinegar, whisk again and divide the dough in half. Leave one part and enter cocoa in the other.

3. In the oven, at 180 degrees, bake two cakes one by one, cool. Do not forget to grease the forms with oil and sprinkle with semolina, otherwise the biscuits will stick.

4. For cream, beat sour cream (200 gr.) With sugar and butter. To facilitate the process, pre-soften the oil at room temperature, and sour cream, on the contrary - cool.

5. Add finely chopped nuts and peaches, cut into medium-sized slices, to the sour cream, mix.

6. Break the white biscuit into large pieces and dip them in sour cream and peach cream, mix.

7. Cut the dark biscuit along, in half, light - break it into small pieces.

8. Whip the remaining sour cream with jam and spread the dark crust with a creamy mass. Lay one on top of the other, stacking the greased side up. On top, lay out a neat slide, mixed with sour cream, pieces of white biscuit.

9.Melt the chocolate and pour the cake from the spoon.

Homemade cakes for the New Year - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Do not beat the yolks or squirrels in an aluminum bowl, as they may darken.

• When adding cocoa, mix the powder with loose ingredients. This will help to avoid the appearance of lumps in the test.

• When baking sponge cakes, fill out the forms only two-thirds. Sponge cake increases in volume.

• Before forming a cake, cool any cake layers well so that the cream does not melt. It is recommended to bake biscuit dough blanks a day before assembly.


Watch the video: 7 Yummy Food Ideas. Cakes, Cupcakes and More Recipe Videos by So Yummy (July 2024).