Amazing vegetable bell pepper: useful properties and valuable qualities. Features of bell pepper, contraindications


Bell pepper is a vegetable that combines a huge amount of vitamins and substances useful for the body. It is able to have a beneficial effect on the body and is a prophylactic of many diseases.

Features of the composition of bell pepper and the benefits of vegetable components

Colorful bright vegetable has not only an attractive look and taste, but also a rich composition. Due to its saturation with vitamins, bell pepper is beneficial for the body. It consists of:

1. Vitamins:

• high content of vitamin C - in its quantity, the vegetable surpassed even currant berries, lemons and oranges;

• alpha and beta carotene;

• thiamine;

• riboflavin;

• B vitamins - folic and pantothenic acids;

• vitamins K, PP, E;

• choline.

2. Macro and microelements:

• calcium;

• potassium - high concentration (211 mg);

• phosphorus;

• copper;

• zinc;

• sodium;

• iron;

• manganese;

• selenium.

3. Amino acids:

• trelonin;

• lysine;

• phenylalanine;

• arginine;

• leucine;

• tryptophan;

• valine;

• proline;

• glycine;

• tyrosine and others.

4. Fatty and polyunsaturated acids:

• Omega 3;

• Omega 6;

• palmitic;

• linolenic;

• stearic;

• linoleic;

• myristic.

5. Fiber.

6. The alkaloid capsaicin.

It is important that in the composition of pepper there is practically no sugar, although it also has a sweetish taste, the vegetable is low-calorie (29 kcal per 100 g of product). The composition of the fetus is well balanced, it provides the human body with all the necessary substances for the beauty of hair, skin, nails, general tone, health of internal organs, joints and good mood.

In vegetables of different colors, the concentration of a substance may vary, so it is best to eat them all.

An undoubted advantage of such a valuable vegetable is its year-round presence on store shelves, but in some seasons purchased bell peppers can be harmful.

What are the advantages of bell pepper: useful properties of a vegetable

13 main useful qualities of a multi-colored vegetable:

1. Prevention of the development of cancer - a vegetable is rich in antioxidants that are important for the body, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and prevents the onset and increase of malignant neoplasms, especially cancer of the stomach, esophagus, prostate, mammary glands, colon, lungs.

2. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases and vascular diseases - a composition saturated with potassium, antioxidants and magnesium helps to eliminate inflammation of the arteries, which lead to the formation of heart disease, blood vessels, diabetes. Eating bell pepper helps lower cholesterol in the body, which reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, and also, thanks to vitamin P, strengthen the circulatory system.

3. Getting rid of extra pounds - the substance capsaicin helps to effectively burn fat, so that bell pepper is able to normalize metabolism.

4. Improving the skin - pepper gives the skin safety from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, dryness, premature aging, cancer. A composition rich in vitamin C is involved in the formation of collagen in the body, which is so necessary to maintain healthy and beautiful skin.

5. Joint support - thanks to sweet pepper you can get rid of discomfort and discomfort in arthritis disease.

6. Pulmonary health improvement - antioxidants in the composition are able to protect the human lungs not only from cancer, but also from tuberculosis, the development of a chronic form of bronchitis, pneumonia.

7. Support and improvement of vision - the substances zeaxanthin and lutein are able to prevent the development of age-related eye diseases, for example, macular degeneration, and vitamin A, as a component of pepper, slows the growth of cataracts, increases the sharpness of vision, and relieves eye fatigue.

8. Improving hematopoiesis - thanks to vitamin C, iron is well absorbed in the human body, it will be very useful for people with iron deficiency anemia to eat this vegetable.

9. Hair beauty - as is the case with skin, the natural substance collagen is essential for maintaining the health of hair follicles. Bulgarian red pepper is able to enhance hair growth and prevent hair loss due to improved blood formation. Peppers should be consumed by balding men.

10. Increasing the body's defenses and immunity - a rich vitamin-mineral complex has a restorative effect on the body.

11. Strengthening the nervous system - regular eating of even a small amount of pepper will help the body cope with nervous stress, insomnia, systematic stress and persistent fatigue.

12. Improving mental activity - B vitamins improve memory, which is very necessary for older people and those engaged in mental work.

13. Healthy pregnancy - the body of expectant mothers needs more than others in saturation with vitamins and minerals, which are enough in bell pepper. A vegetable can prevent the development of a deficiency of iron, calcium, the development of defects in the neural tube of the fetus.

Can bell peppers have contraindications?

Although the vegetable is markedly distinguished by its useful properties, it can cause bell pepper and harm to the body, if you combine the use of the fetus with certain diseases. Do not eat pepper:

• with hemorrhoids;

• with arrhythmia;

• with colitis;

• with an ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;

• with problems with the liver and kidneys;

• epileptics and people suffering from severe excitability of the central nervous system;

• people with a sick heart, namely with angina pectoris;

• those who have gastritis or have an increased acidity of the stomach.

Bulgarian pepper also has the following contraindications:

1. The composition includes essential oils, which can cause an allergic reaction, rashes or unpleasant itching.

2. Very often, vegetables are pretreated with harmful pesticides to preserve their presentation and extend their shelf life. The probability of acquiring a “pure” product is the highest between July and September.

3. Peppers can lower blood pressure, so people with hypotension should be careful with the vegetable.

Bell pepper: useful properties and applications in traditional medicine

The useful qualities of bell pepper have been known to mankind for a very long time. It is not for nothing that the vegetable and its components tend to be actively used in alternative treatment of various ailments. For example, the juice of pepper and other fruits still ancient healers extracted and prescribed to patients for the overall improvement of the body. Half a glass of the drink and today you can drink daily to increase the tone of the body.

In winter, when fresh, natural, organic vegetables are not so easy to find, you can use pre-harvested healthy fruit powder.

The ripened fruits are considered the most valuable, since the content of useful substances in them reaches the maximum mark.

Pepper juice should be given to children to increase appetite, if you add a spoonful of honey to the elixir, it will have a sedative effect on the body. To relieve gastric colic, after eating, you need to eat a mix of bell pepper, carrots and spinach.


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