Why do I dream of toys: buy, play, hang on a Christmas tree? The main interpretation of what soft toys dream of


We all love soft toys since childhood, they give a sense of celebration and the need of one person to another. Why dream of Christmas tree decorations is worth understanding.

What are the dreams of toys - the main interpretation

Children simply love toys, but growing up, everyone begins to subconsciously be afraid of being a toy in someone else's hands. Often you yourself play with the feelings of others and subconsciously feel a sense of conscience, it gnaws at you from the inside. If you don’t admit it to yourself, your subconscious mind can make you dream of toys as a symbol of manipulation.

Why do I dream of children's toys? They are a symbol of integrity and the desire to escape from reality. It’s comfortable in childhood, there all adults solve problems for us. We just have to remember how joyful and pleasant it was. In fact, dreams about children's toys can also symbolize the moral immaturity of a person.

• Buy toys for someone close to you - want to support a person in his endeavors;

• Buy children's toys for your loved one - to see in him a child, naive and unbalanced;

• Buy toys and throw them away - say goodbye to hopes and illusions.

In some dream books, toys in a dream are interpreted as a person's awareness of the futility and meaninglessness of the situation. At what point in time did everything change when the situation got out of control? It is worth remembering the dream carefully, and you will understand where exactly you made a mistake, than sacrificed in vain.

If you even dream about how you, instead of spending time with loved ones, play toys - such a dream suggests that you do not want to take responsibility for what you have done, you do not want to become the head of the family. The only thing you strive for is to love you, and you will allow it.

If lovers dream of how they play soft toys with each other - such a dream can indicate both the immaturity of feelings and relationships, and the naivete of the partners. Each of them is trying to become more mature and wiser, but they lack life experience to share, in such situations the intervention of someone else is needed who could put everything in its place.

Why do you dream of Christmas decorations? Christmas decorations can dream on the eve of the holidays, as a premonition of a person that he will soon rest and be insanely happy. If you even dream that you are dressing up a Christmas tree and summer is in the yard - you are involved in someone's game at first you liked it yourself, but now you do not get the proper pleasure. Dressing up the Christmas tree with toys with your household - such a dream says that the family is important to you and you will make every effort to ensure that there is peace and harmony in it.

To break Christmas toys - to petty quarrels on the basis of memories, to petty nitpicking. You should not pay so much attention to your ambitions and desire to prove your case, it is better to pay attention to your loved ones, now they need you.

Why dream of modern dream books

If you dream of old toys, you will be visited by sadness and disappointment. The thing is that it is impossible to constantly look back at the past and look for answers to your questions in it. Sometimes you just have to go forward and not pay attention to the little things that happen, everything that goes on in life.

If you dream of new sparkling toys - you will be waiting for success and honor in the future. If in a dream you receive a toy as a gift - you are expected to change, and what kind of toy will depend on what the toy was. If you give a toy to someone yourself, colleagues and close friends will respect you. You can be immediately promoted, and this is not the limit of the positive changes that you will undergo in the near future.

If you are dreaming about a children's toy, you will play and have fun, but do not forget about reality, about routine. No matter how unpleasant it is for you, you still have to solve issues.

If in a dream you play with children and inflatable toys, you are overworked and it is time for you to take care of your health. Do not postpone it until later, today it’s worth doing yourself. Your health can be seriously undermined, so do not overwork and do not let various little things spoil your life.

Why dream of children’s toys according to Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that toys in a dream promise nothing more than role-playing games between partners. The thing is that one of them must necessarily dominate and in order for this to happen, the second must concede. If one of the partners dreams of how they play fun toys for children - they will have to build relationships for a long time until they reach an understanding. And both partners are to blame for this.

If a woman has a dream in which her partner actively plays with toys - in reality she does not take him seriously. And he is not guilty of this, he is trying how he can satisfy her desires and meet her requirements, but most likely the woman is rather despotic and does not forgive even the smallest weakness to her partner.

Decorating a Christmas tree with New Year's toys - such a dream can be a lonely girl’s dream and it will mean her readiness for a new relationship. She had long dreamed of them and finally she received them. In order to enjoy the new union, it is enough for her to allow changes to come into life.

But to see the broken Christmas tree decorations on the floor - to an early quarrel and separation. This is a pretty bad dream, which often suggests that it’s time for a person to go about their business and not interfere in the affairs of a partner. In order for everything to be wonderful for them, it is enough to give the partner freedom of choice and freedom of action. Do not let circumstances confuse you and do not destroy passion and love with disbelief, otherwise the relationship will break, just like toys on the floor.

Why dream soft toys in other dream books

In the children's dream book it is said that soft toys dream when you feel trapped, in a trap, when you are skillfully manipulated, but you are not able to resist the enemy. What is worth doing in this case? Resist as hard as you have the strength. In order for this situation not to happen again, you shouldn’t reveal all the cards at once to strangers, and your friends don’t have to tell everything.

In Tsvetkov’s dream book it is said that the toy is dreaming of deception. Buying a toy is not always favorable to the news. In the Ukrainian dream book, it is said that the toy is dreaming of replenishment in the family. Many toys will dream - you will have many children. Also, if you see wind-up toys in a dream - there will be a discord in your affairs.

In the psychoanalytic dream book it is said that the toy is dreamed as an object of substitution, and it can act for a person as an object of substitution of love of relatives. Also, a toy can become a projection of the future. If you really like her and play with her around the clock, you should carefully look at yourself and determine if your self-esteem is underestimated, do you see in other people that you would like to develop in yourself?

If you see a soft toy in the wrong hands - you should immediately remember what your relationship with your mother was like, maybe you lacked her love and affection, then you urgently need to solve something and restore the balance of the missing mother's love. If you see a Christmas tree toy in your hands, and it burns and shimmers - you often plunge into the past, you were comfortable and cozy there, you still remember how you liked how good it was with your friends. But the future is forming here and now, and if the moment is missed, then you will continue to live memories.

For a complete interpretation of the dream, it is necessary to recall all its details and the emotions with which it was accompanied. If it seems to you that tears appeared in a dream, it means that you are a very sentimental person and dreams about toys immediately send you to childhood, and there is a lot to remember about it. If you woke up with a favorable feeling and in high spirits - all that you saw in a dream will do you good. The main thing is to trust your intuition and not let fleeting negative thoughts spoil your reality. Listen to the tips that life gives you, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes, they often benefit if you can draw the right conclusions from them and allow yourself to change your life for the better. Because it depends on you whether the plan is accomplished or not.


Watch the video: Let's Talk About: Dreams - Babies (June 2024).