Buckwheat in a pot is not surprising, so treat! Hearty, affordable main dishes prepared from buckwheat in pots


On the merits of the traditional methods of cooking cereals - in pots / cast-iron, placing them in a Russian oven, many have heard. There are almost no such furnaces to find, but you want some porridge! Let's try, in the absence of such equipment, at least as close as possible to prepare buckwheat using technology? You will need an oven, ceramic pots and some more products.

Buckwheat in pots in the oven - general principles of cooking

• To prepare buckwheat in pots in the oven, you can use both small "portioned" clay or ceramic containers and large pots. Most dishes are cooked under the covers. If for some reason there are no special lids for pots, they can be replaced with a sheet of foil, which covers the containers, tightly compressing the edges around the neck.

• The taste of buckwheat cooked in a pot in the oven is difficult to compare with any other buckwheat dish. Prolonged languishing in clay containers makes its taste more saturated and vibrant.

• In cooking, it is better to use fried buckwheat. Before use, it is carefully sorted out from litter and washed with cold water. If you haven’t cooked a specific cereal before, or if you doubt its quality, bake the washed buckwheat in a dry pan, this will make the dish more crumbly.

• Boiled buckwheat is rarely placed in pots; almost always it is put immediately after washing, having well-drained the remaining water. With buckwheat, pre-fried vegetables, mushrooms or meat can be put in pots. This will not only saturate the dish with their taste, but also make it more nutritious.

Buckwheat in a pot in the oven with a liver


• a pound of chicken liver;

• head of a bitter onion;

• a small young zucchini;

• 300 gr. buckwheat;

• pod of bell pepper - 1 pc.;

• 2 small tomatoes;

• 1 carrot;

• a large spoon of wine vinegar;

• vegetable frozen oil;

• garlic;

• fresh parsley - five branches.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully inspect pieces of chicken liver for the presence or absence of gall bladders. If they are, carefully remove, cut off the remaining fat. Transfer the liver to a pan, pour a few tablespoons of oil and fry over moderate heat for about three minutes. At the end, be sure to slightly add salt to the liver.

2. Carefully sort the buckwheat, rinse well in running water, put it on a dry steel pan. Put on a slow fire and, stirring, slightly fry.

3. Cut the carrots and zucchini into thin slices, onion and pulp of bell pepper - into slices, finely chop the garlic.

4. Pour the tomatoes with boiling water and carefully remove the skin. Cut peeled tomatoes into thin slices.

5. In vegetable oil, fry the carrots first before softening, then add the zucchini and cook together for two minutes.

6. Pour finely chopped garlic, chopped onion and bell pepper and continue to fry for another two minutes, without lowering the heat.

7. Peel the roast to your liking, add a little salt. Stirring, introduce wine vinegar and remove from heat. You can sweeten it a bit.

8. Spreading in layers, evenly distribute the prepared products on five clay containers. First lay out the liver, then sprinkle the roasted buckwheat on it. Cover the buckwheat with sauteed vegetables, and on top tomatoes and chopped parsley.

9. Lightly salt and pour in the water tank so that it slightly covers the contents.

10. Place the lidded pots in the cold oven. Not too quickly raise the temperature to the required 180 degrees and cook buckwheat with a liver for half an hour.

A simple recipe for flavored buckwheat in pots in an oven with pork


• a full glass of buckwheat;

• head of a bitter onion;

• 300 gr. pork (pulp);

• twelve pitted prunes;

• 40 ml of vegetable frostbite oil;

• two leaves of parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the prunes, cut into strips. If it is dry, soak the fruits in cold water for about half an hour, then dry well and only then chop.

2. Chop the onion lightly. Cut the washed pork pulp into thin strips.

3. In oil, fry the onions and meat for five minutes in a thick-walled, uncoated pan. It may take more time. It is necessary that all meat juice evaporates from the pan, and the onion becomes transparent. Combine the fried meat with chopped prunes.

4. At the bottom of the pots, sprinkle a tablespoon of washed buckwheat. On top of it, put some fried meat with prunes, then again buckwheat and again meat. Thus, fill the containers 2/3 or a little more in volume and add a little salt.

5. After that, put in each pot a leaf of lavrushka and fill the shoulders with water. Close the lids tightly, put in an unheated oven and turn it on.

6. After the air temperature in the oven rises to 150 degrees, simmer buckwheat in pots for 45 minutes.

Delicious buckwheat in pots in the oven with chicken hearts

Ingredients for 6 servings:

• 36 tablespoons of sorted buckwheat;

• 800 gr. chicken hearts;

• large onion head;

• half of sweet pepper;

• 50 ml of soy light sauce;

• red hot pepper and black, ground by hand - to taste;

• for frying, vegetable refined oil - 2 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

1. Remove the thin outer film from the hearts, remove the remnants of the arteries and rinse offal in cold water. Then dry slightly, shifting into a colander, and cut along each heart into four parts.

2. Rub the carrots into a coarse grater, chop the bell pepper with a thin straw, chop the onion with garlic cloves finely.

3. Pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into a thick-walled stewpan and dip the carrots and onions in it. Stir constantly, over medium heat, fry the vegetables until the onion slices are transparent and add the bell peppers to them.

4. Stew everything together for a couple of minutes, add chopped garlic. Fry another minute, add hearts to vegetables, mix.

5. Once the pieces of hearts are browned, pour in the soy sauce and continue cooking, reducing the heat to a minimum level, five minutes. Season the roasting with spices, slightly salt, simmer for another minute and remove from the stove.

6. Place six clay or porcelain pots on a baking sheet. Spread the cooked vegetable roasting with chicken hearts evenly over them and pour six tablespoons of washed buckwheat into each.

7. Pour warm water on a finger above buckwheat, add quite a bit of salt, mix. Be sure to take a sample, if necessary, add salt.

8. Place the containers, covered with lids, in the oven and leave to cook at 180 degrees for half an hour.

9. After that, turn off the heat, and leave the pots with the door closed, for another 20 minutes.

Buckwheat recipe in a pot in the oven with champignons

Four pot ingredients:

• a pound of fresh champignons;

• two small onions;

• homemade butter - 40 gr.;

• a small carrot;

• buckwheat.

Cooking method:

1. Clean the mushrooms from the films. Hats cut with transverse plates, legs - thin rings. If the champignons are small, cut whole mushrooms into slices.

2. Melt the butter in a thick-walled pan, dip the crushed champignons into it and put on intense heating.

3. To the slightly browned mushrooms, add the carrots grated in a coarse grater, add finely chopped onions, mix and simmer until the vegetables soften.

4. Rinse well the buckwheat taken from the litter and dry it by calcining in a dry frying pan.

5. Fry the mushrooms in four clay pots. Top with seven tablespoons of fried buckwheat and pour water, mix. The liquid should cover the contents by about one and a half centimeters.

6. Add a little salt to each serving, mixing well, remove the sample. Water should be a little saltier than making simple buckwheat porridge.

7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and send the filled pots into it for 20 minutes, covering the containers with lids. Then remove the lids and bring the dish, without changing the temperature, until cooked for ten to twelve minutes.

A simple, almost classic recipe for fragrant buckwheat in an oven pot with vegetables and mushrooms


• a glass of dry buckwheat;

• medium-sized carrot - 1 pc.;

• Bulgarian, medium-sized peppers - 1 pc.;

• a spoonful of creamy natural butter;

• a full glass of frozen peas;

• fresh or frozen mushrooms - 8 pcs.;

• five branches of fresh herbs (parsley, dill);

• garlic and lavrushka - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pulp of sweet pepper and carrot into cubes, with a rib size of up to 0.5 cm. Chop the peeled onion, garlic and washed dried herbs with a heavy knife.

2. Sort and rinse buckwheat 3-4 times. Rinse frozen peas with warm water.

3. Combine all the prepared products in a large bowl, add a little ground pepper, lavrushka, slightly add salt and mix well.

4. Take a large heat-resistant, clay or ceramic pot and put the mixture in it.

5. Pour the drinking water into the container strictly according to the level of products, spread the butter evenly on top, be sure to cover with a lid and put in the oven.

6. After 45 minutes of languishing in the oven at 200 degrees, carefully remove the pot from the oven, wait a quarter of an hour and serve.

Boiled buckwheat in a pot in the oven with meat and mushrooms


• half a glass of buckwheat;

• one egg;

• 300 gr. pork tenderloin;

• 200 gr. any fresh mushrooms;

• one small onion head;

• three tablespoons of low fat sour cream;

• cream cheese with bacon - 1/2 cheese;

• refined oil - 1.5 tbsp. l .;

• a tablespoon of unsalted tomato paste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pork into medium-sized square slices or thin strips.

2. On intense heating, calcine the oil, dip the pieces of meat into it and fry them, turning from side to side, until a golden crust is formed.

3. Add finely chopped onions, chopped into thin strips or medium-sized slices of mushrooms and continue frying until the newly added ingredients are fully cooked.

4. Boil sorted, thoroughly washed buckwheat in slightly salted water until semi-prepared.

5. Beat the egg with sour cream, add tomato paste and cream cheese, grated on a fine grater. Put some favorite spices or ground pepper, slightly add salt and mix.

6. At the bottom of a large refractory pot, lay the boiled buckwheat evenly. Evenly distribute the meat fried with mushrooms on it and pour on top of the prepared filling.

7. Without covering the pot with a lid, place it in a preheated oven and leave it in for 10 minutes.

Buckwheat in a pot in the oven - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Do not purchase cereal packaging with dust present on the bottom. This indicates the poor quality of the cereal, the cooking field such buckwheat often has an unpleasant taste.

• To prepare buckwheat in pots in a friable oven, pour water from a calculated proportion of 1: 2. if you lay juicy vegetables or meat with gravy with grits, reduce the amount of liquid added.

• Buckwheat porridge will turn out tastier if, five minutes before cooking, add a piece of thick cream or butter to each pot.

• Leave the cooked dish for a quarter of an hour in the oven turned off, the cereal will steam up better, and the dish will acquire a more intense aroma of spices added to it.


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