The first impression can be made only once


The first impression we make on people can be deep and irreversible. Appearance is an effective weapon. However, not about the details of appearance, which only plastic surgeons can correct, we want to talk today. We want to pay attention to the opportunities that clothing gives us to attract men.

Going on a date, we try to look our best, even before the meeting, we mentally select the clothes that we will wear. Just do not always have clothes become our ally. And all because we lack elementary knowledge of male psychology. Let's try to figure it out.

Who are we dressing for?

Remember who helped us dress in childhood? Mama? Older sister? And these heated discussions with the girlfriends of each button, neckline, blouse color. The saleswoman in the store - also, by the way, a woman, enthusiastically told how a new-fangled little thing of fashion designers comes to you, as if mocking female nature.

So, honestly, answer this question: "Who are you dressing for?"

If you think about it seriously, it turns out that most women dress in order to hit ... other women. But if your goal today is to attract the attention of a man, then you will have to reconsider some of your views and values ​​regarding clothes.

Of course, after reading books on psychology and "loving" yourself, you can already wear dignified rapper pants or a mini skirt. And at the same time proudly exclaim, "Let me love the way I am!". In principle, there is nothing wrong with that. You can continue to pursue such a policy, unless, of course, you are not interested in the result.

But if men's opinion is really important for you, we have a difficult task - to look at women's clothing through the eyes of men.

Women's clothing through the eyes of men

When seducing a man, remember the main thing: the average man will never remember the individual features of your wardrobe - he perceives the image as a whole. And these are clothes, hairstyle, impressions of the conversation, intonation, the smell of perfume.

A man is not interested in the neckline of the dress or the nuances of the cut of the skirt, but in the female figure hiding under the little rivulets, flirts, flowers.

By the way, for men your weight is absolutely not important, they note, first of all, proportions. Psychologists have revealed that men's views focus primarily on the waist.

Therefore, you should not wear clothes that change proportions. Huge ruffles, folds or assemblies, shuttlecocks, a belt above or below the waist make the female figure, often disproportionate, distort the image.

Stimulate a man’s curiosity, but do not satisfy

Men like women who look "inviting." To do this, it is not necessary to wear a wet T-shirt and tight-fitting leotard. You just have to open the "road" to your body, but not give it to a man without a fight.

Many men confirm that a “properly” dressed woman is much more interesting than a naked woman.

Looking at a woman who can be undressed, a man wakes up a fantasy, thereby turning on the electric power of sexuality. In other words, clothing in this case plays the role of an insulating element, but is not an obstacle. That is why men like skirts more. Well, they do not like pants! After all, they are so inconvenient to shoot.

Whether it’s a fluttering skirt or dress with a long zipper. But shorts, oddly enough, men like. Of course, if they correspond to age and complexion, and certainly, without wrinkles distorting the figure.

There are not many rules

Indeed, there are not so many rules - beautiful, comfortable, expressive. And also, the principle should be like this - clothes go or not, whether it emphasizes the advantages, or protrudes the flaws.

The main rule - color, fabric, original cut should not distract from the contours of the body.

The elaborate clothes that women love to show in front of their girlfriends are just a rebus to a man, in which you need to find 10 differences. The woman herself is lost. Distracting objects do not allow us to calculate the figure, but our task is to become more attractive.

It’s better to throw a piece of light flowing fabric over yourself and gracefully tie it at the waist than to use the ridiculous “stylish” things that impress us designers.

Accessibility is the main strategy for attracting men

The first is purity and freshness. A girl who has just fluttered out of the shower can throw at least baggy rags on herself, and still she will be good.

But if you are not at home, looking at you, a man should fantasize about your body.

For example, the fabric should be soft to the touch so that there is a desire to feel soft pleasant touches. Coarse velveteen, metal fabrics, towed wool look rough, repel their "scratching" effect.

The blouse should be with an open collar, elegantly demonstrate a woman's neck. An open neckline only draws attention to the chest, but does not open it. Buttons on the front show chest accessibility.

Even if you do not allow the man to touch himself, the tight-fitting T-shirt is simply magnificent - let him fantasize about how he will remove it with one movement ... someday.

Important details

We attach so much importance to our clothes, so carefully prepare for a date, that sometimes we forget about something very important. Namely, that not only clothes are the essence of what is happening. Our blouses and sundresses are just one more way to attract attention. But in order to keep him, something else will be required: you need to be able to warm up a man's interest in his appearance.

For example, tea-rose eyes came from your great-grandmother, who was a Polish princess and a witch at the same time. Sensual lips are a sign of refined sensual nature and so on.

And a few more words.


Men look at woman's jewelry as signs of accessibility. That is why you should not wear rings until you meet "just that." A man considers each ring on your finger as a sign of attention from another man important to you.

Even if the ring has passed to you by inheritance, your chosen one may not know this, and therefore you can afford the only jewelry on your hands - a watch. But the bracelets repel men - they reduce the desire to touch the hands and caress them. The exception is a festive banquet.

In order not to feel uncomfortable, a necklace that can emphasize your charm is best suited. Better, triangular size.

A round and tight-fitting necklace means detachment, large beads repel their massiveness. A single stone in a pendant or a medallion can show fidelity to some other man.

Contrary to popular belief, diamonds are not the girl’s best friends — they emphasize materialistic aspirations, which can serve poorly.


Forget about long "claws" if you do not want to frighten your chosen one. You can easily surprise your girlfriend with record long nails. And just as easily, a man will put you in the category of sloths who do not respect female labor, and will drop your candidacy for an active holiday, for example, in nature.


Remember that lipstick should not get dirty, and a cheek hardened by powder does not cause a desire to touch it with your lips. Let your face look natural. It’s as if there’s absolutely no makeup on it. And only we women will know what it costs us.


Watch the video: Pick A Card Reading - Their First Impressions of You vs. The Truth About Who You Are (June 2024).