A gift for your favorite for the new year 2019


New Year is one of the most awaited and fabulous holidays of the year. This is a great time when almost every house is decorated with a green elegant Christmas tree. This is the best moment to show your loved one warmth, attention and care.

It is necessary to think about what to buy as a surprise for the New Year. 1-2 weeks before the holidays, start looking at what is dear to your loved one's heart.

It’s not easy at all to choose a New Year's gift for a person, and even more so for a loved one Try to record the hobbies and hobbies of your loved one, think about how he spends his free time and what he does when he meets with friends.

What to give your loved one for the new year ideas

  • Emphasize your attention and care for your loved one - present something that fits his hobbies. It may be modern gadget, books or CDs, a new version of your favorite game.

  • Romantic gift. Give an unforgettable evening to your half by arranging a date in an unusual place. For example, you can visit the spa salon for two or go to a master class on tango training.

  • A classic gift for the new year. For a man, it can be an elegant cigarette case, a good Cuban rum, or a designer tie. The girl can give perfume, watches or jewelry.

  • Show imagination and make an original gift. For example, funny homemade pajamas or a T-shirt with a funny pattern.
  • Make a gift with your own hands. This will probably be the most creative gift. For a man, it can be a warm scarf, knitted with his own hands or an embroidered small picture with a Christmas theme. The girl can also give a collage of your photos together.

  • Gifts with a taste of extreme. If your loved one is fearless fidget, give him a certificate for skydiving or organize an unforgettable trip to a ski resort.

An original gift for your beloved one to choose?

What to present to the guy if he does not like banal gifts? Think of something unusual - for example, a year’s supply of socks. Such a present for a loved one for the new year will undoubtedly appeal to him, because now he doesn’t have to wash his socks often.

Do not forget to put in the box a card with New Year's greetings. The keychain-defroster of locks will also be an original surprise for a male car enthusiast; now your young man will always open his car with ease.

What to give a loved one for the New Year?

What a gift for the new year to your favorite guy to do, the tips may be different. First of all, the gift should please your young man and match his taste.

Do not forget that the design of festive packaging should be creative and unusual.

Fulfill the dream of a loved one, give him something he dreamed of since childhood - a radio-controlled toy, or give an extreme driving lesson.

What to give to your loved one list

  • Surprises on hobbies. For lovers of technology, computer accessories, digital pen, headphones, flash cards. For motorists - avtoregistrator or radio. For athletes - autographed ball of your favorite sports club or tennis rackets.

  • Practical gifts. An economic guy can give a toaster, a coffee maker or a cozy plaid with an embroidered New Year's pattern.

  • Universal gifts. These can be high quality accessories such as a belt, wallet, pen, cigarette lighter, etc.

  • An unusual gift for a loved one for the new year. It may be intangible, but such pleasant surprises as quad bike racing, paintball games, riding lessons or acting skills, flying in an aerotube.

  • a gift with your own hands. A gift to your beloved in the new year with your own hands is aerobatics. Perhaps the thing will be imperfect, but absolutely unusual. It can be a knitted sweater, a scarf or socks, a mug or a T-shirt painted by you, any home baking.

You can try and such a wonderful way:

What to give your beloved husband original ideas for the new year

Every man in his heart remains a child. How to please your beloved husband with an original and unusual gift? This can be a gadget for a computer or a ticket to a concert of his favorite group, a mug with a funny inscription, or a certificate for a massage session.

Men appreciate unusual gifts and always welcome surprises. Look for options, give up the banality and your husband will appreciate your efforts.

DIY gift

Sometimes you can move away from the classical principles and make a gift to your beloved in the new year with your own hands. The most important thing is that you need to be sure that everything will work out for you and your work will be appreciated. Here are some options for a do-it-yourself presentation:

  • Edible gift. This can be a festive meal prepared by you personally. For example, a delicious cake or flavored pastries.
  • Memorable collage. Probably over the past year you have had a lot of events. You can capture them in the photo collage and give them to your loved one.
  • We sew felt pillows. In the winter evening they will surely delight with their warmth.
  • Warm socks or a stylish sweater associated with you will surely come to taste and delight your boyfriend.

What to give your girlfriend for the new year

  • A win-win is jewelry, perfumery and cosmetics. By choosing these gifts, you will undoubtedly bring your beloved sea of ​​pleasure.
  • Gifts for the soul. This may be tickets to the theater or to the concert of her favorite artist.
  • Practical gifts. There are girls very household, and such gifts as a coffee maker or blender, will suit them to taste.
  • Romantic gift. It can be a trip for two, dinner on the roof of a skyscraper or a serenade under its window.
  • The original gift for the new year to your girlfriend can be an individual photo session, figure skating lessons, an interesting workshop or a subscription to the pool.

What to give his beloved wife for the new year

If the wallet allows. Of course, any woman will be delighted with a beautiful fur coat, designer dress or a trip to the sea.

  • Cosmetics or expensive perfume with her favorite scent.
  • Expensive underwear. The fair sex loves lace lace underwear combined with fine silk.
  • The latest model of the smartphone, too, will surely have to taste your half.
  • A budget option. Make a family movie on your computer, chopped from photos and video clips.

Your wife will surely enjoy such a display of attention. Or try yourself in cooking. Your beloved wife will certainly appreciate if you take over the preparation of a festive dinner.

Do not forget to surprise your loved ones, give them unusual gifts and the coming new year will surely sparkle with bright magic colors. After all, your other half will thank you for your love and attention.


Watch the video: New Year Gifts 2019. New Year Gift Ideas (June 2024).