HPV type 16 in women - causes, symptoms and treatment. Prevention of HPV type 16 in women - the ability to avoid a dangerous disease


HPV - human papillomavirus - is a large group (more than 600 species) of microorganisms that are widely distributed throughout the world, whose vital activity occurs in the basal layer of the skin and in the mucous membrane of the epithelium.

Recent scientific studies have shown that more than 60% of the world's population are carriers of HPV, among them more than 70% are women.

What you need to know about the human papillomavirus

Some types of the virus can affect the genitourinary tract. The human papillomavirus is DNA - a virus that provokes uncontrolled proliferation of cells, is highly infectious, and can trigger the formation of tumors in the human body.

If the virus has settled in the human body, it is impossible to get rid of it. True, descriptions of registered clinical cases of spontaneous cure for this pathology appeared in the literature. But this question requires careful study and observation, because practice says otherwise.

Features of HPV type 16

Most often, HPV is found in women under the age of thirty

and often asymptomatic. Since there are no clinical manifestations for quite a long time, a woman may not be aware of HPV infection. It can be discovered by chance during an examination for sexually transmitted diseases. As a rule, when sending for analyzes, among other examinations, the determination of the presence of this virus is indicated.

Among the currently known more than six hundred varieties of the human papillomavirus, types 16 and 18 are especially dangerous. They are of the high-risk HPV type and occupy the first two out of ten in the list. There are a large number of human papillomaviruses belonging to the group of low and medium oncogenic risk. But among all currently known viruses, the most dangerous for humans is the HPV type 16. It can lead to the development of a cancerous tumor. The cervix in a woman is most at risk for infection. We can say that the cervix is ​​an organ - a target for HPV 16.

HPV type 16 in women - causes

It has been established that HPV type 16 in women is the cause of many oncological diseases, but at the same time, the virus can be in a "sleeping" state for a long time. The immune system of a healthy woman suppresses and destroys viruses that enter the body or already exist there. Only with reduced immunity and the influence of certain factors on the female body does HPV type 16 activate, and these reasons can be very diverse:

- severe hypothermia;

- acute diseases of a viral nature, including acute respiratory viral infections;

- pregnancy and abortion;

- hormonal disorders;

- the use of certain drugs;

- immunosuppressive therapy.

If HPV type 16 is detected in women, the causes of the virus in the body are mainly the result of its lifestyle:

- unprotected sex (sexual transmission);

- promiscuous sex life;

- various manipulations, including medical ones (contact - household route of infection);

- virus infection can also occur by airborne droplets - a very dangerous route of transmission, since it is impossible to protect oneself

- with self-infection, the virus enters the body repeatedly when removing hair or shaving.

You can get infected with the papilloma virus anywhere, because the virus penetrates even the smallest microcracks in the skin that everyone has.

HPV type 16 in women - symptoms

After infection with HPV type 16 in women, the symptoms of the disease do not occur immediately, but after three to four months. At the beginning of the disease, papillomas appear on the skin or mucous membranes. Papillomas are located in various places, usually the mucous membranes of the genitals, nose and mouth, as well as areas with delicate thin skin: on the face, neck, armpits, perineum, sometimes (rarely) on the back. They have the appearance of small outgrowths on the stem, but subsequently grow, merge, spread. With reduced immunity or serious concomitant diseases with non-interference, whole conglomerates of papillomas can form, occupying a large area.

Papillomas can be single or arranged in groups, in whole arrays. They differ slightly in color from the skin, although they are lighter or darker.

When sexually infected, papillomas affect the skin of the perineum, the inner walls of the vagina, urethral pharynx, cervix, perianal region.

If the genital organs of HPV type 16 are affected, in women the symptoms of infection appear as:

- itching and burning;

- pain during urination and intercourse;

- minor bleeding before and during intercourse.

That is, with HPV type 16 in women, the symptoms of genital lesions are nonspecific, inherent in many diseases affecting the genitourinary tract.

Papillomas that develop on the mucous membrane of the genitourinary system have an acute form - genital warts. Diagnosis of the early stages of papillomas is difficult, because the formations look like a small roughness. Much later, a characteristic capillary network is formed.

The danger of HPV type 16 in women is that under the influence of the virus, the integrity of the cells of the uterine epithelium is violated, which leads to the development of atypical cell structures, in the future - to dysplasia and cancer.

For the development of the cancer process and the transformation of papilloma into a malignant tumor, there must be several reasons:

- genetic predisposition;

- existing inflammation of the cervix;

- weakened immunity;

- hypothermia or prolonged insolation.

Menopausal women are most at risk.

HPV type 16 in women - treatment

When verification in the body of HPV type 16 in women, treatment should be prescribed as soon as possible. Despite the difficulties in treating this infection, it is necessary to carry out it in order to reduce the possibility of developing cancer.

Treatment of HPV type 16 in women has several goals:

- strengthening immunity;

- decreased activity of the detected type of virus;

- surgical removal of existing papillomatous growths.

Treatment of HPV type 16 in women with mandatory prescription of antiviral drugs begins. Of these, the most commonly used are:

1. Inosiplex - inhibits the reproduction of the virus.

2. Interferons - increase immunity, have antitumor and antiviral properties.

3. Cycloferon and Amixin contribute to the synthesis of their own interferon in the body.

4. Drugs are used that act directly on the multiplication phases of cells already affected by HPV, preventing their reproduction. These include Condilin, Podophyllin.

Treatment includes frequent examinations by a gynecologist and repeated tests. This occurs until positive results are obtained laboratory and clinically. In addition, the regime of work and rest, proper nutrition, sufficient physical exertion - everything that leads to increased immunity must be observed, since these measures contribute to a speedy recovery.

HPV type 16 in women - prevention

Currently, there is an effective method for the specific prevention of HPV type 16 in women. These are vaccines (Cervarix and Gardasil) that contain a fragment of the DRC of the HPV virus. In the body of a woman, they create a high immunity to this infection. The vaccine protects against the most dangerous HPV, including types 16 and 18. In some countries, vaccination of women is part of the state program and is mandatory. But disputes and further study of the effectiveness of the vaccine continue, therefore, in our country, vaccination against type 16 HPV in women is not mandatory.

Non-specific prevention methods are known to all, you only need to accustom yourself to stick to them:

- a mandatory visit to the gynecologist for preventive purposes once every six months;

- protected sex;

- refusal of promiscuous sexual relations;

- timely and effective treatment of sexually transmitted and other diseases of an inflammatory nature;

- healthy lifestyle.

Since HPV type 16 in women is a dangerous highly infectious virus that can cause cancer, all possible preventive measures must be followed, and if it is detected, treatment should be started in a timely manner.


Watch the video: Sexually Transmitted Diseases (July 2024).