December 23: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays December 23

Russian Air Force Long-Range Aviation Day

On December 23, Russian long-range aviation personnel celebrate their special, professional holiday. The holiday was established by order of the commander of the Air Force of the Russian Federation on December 23, 1999. The date of birth of Russian long-range aviation is considered to be December 23, 1913, then the first heavy bomber, Ilya Muromets, was built. A year later, at the direction of Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, the first squadron of aircraft of this type was formed. Later, already during the Soviet period, the advanced TB-3 bomber, designed by Academician Tupolev, entered service with long-range aviation. Nowadays, domestic long-range aviation has bombers: Tu-60, Tu-95MS, Tu-22M3, missile carrier: Tu-95MS, Tu-22M3. The main objective of strategic long-range aviation is to inflict massive attacks on the enemy, at long and ultra-long distances.

Birthday of the Holy Emperor of Japan

December 23, in Japan, a special holiday, the birthday of the Emperor. On this memorable day, the entire imperial sacred family goes to the balcony of the imperial palace in order to greet their subjects. The emperor gives a solemn speech and blesses the Japanese people. An interesting tradition is the writing of good wishes to the emperor and his family; for this, special tables with writing instruments are installed in the courtyard of the Sisin-Den palace. The official and at the same time the most ancient residence of the emperor of Japan is the palace, Sishin-Den. The current Emperor Akihito, despite his venerable age, is active in social and political activities. The attitude of Japanese citizens to the imperial institution of power, especially respectful, for the Japanese, the Emperor is a symbol of Japan and the unity of the country. Recently, a wonderful event happened in the imperial family, the grandson of Emperor Hisahito was born, over the past forty years the imperial family has finally received an heir. According to history, for the first time, the Emperor’s Birthday began to be celebrated from around 775 CE.

Egyptian Capture of Port Said

The city of Port Said is located in the north-eastern part of Egypt, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, near the northern entrance to the Suez Canal. The population is over 500 thousand. This city is considered the sea gate of Egypt. Port Said was formed in 1859, and it was named after Said Pasha, who then ruled Egypt. The economic base of the city consists of fishing and industry, in the city they produce chemicals, process products, and produce cigarettes. From this port city from Egypt, cotton and rice are sent to other countries. According to historical data, in 1882, Port Said was occupied by British troops, and became the center of the anti-British anti-imperialist movement. For several years, rebellions erupted periodically in the city. On November 5-6, 1956, fierce battles with the Anglo-French landing took place in Port Said. The city fiercely held the defense, and the plan to capture Egypt failed miserably. Under pressure from the world community, Britain, France and Israel had to withdraw their troops, and the city was completely liberated. More than two and a half thousand Egyptians laid down their lives for this freedom.

World Snowboarding Day

World Snowboard Day is held every year on December 23rd. This is a very significant holiday for every snowboarder; for the first time, they decided to hold Snowboard Day in Europe six years ago. The holiday is usually held in Europe, the USA and even in China. World Snowboard Day celebrations are held in all countries where snow falls. The main idea of ​​this day is freedom of communication and discovery. On this day, all snowboard lovers gather, masters and beginners share their successes. On the day of snowboarding in health resorts that are partners of the holiday, free access to the slopes is organized for snowboarders. Those wishing to join the holiday will ride in a friendly and cheerful atmosphere, have a good time. The World Association of Snowboard Equipment Manufacturers organizes World Snowboard Day, and clubs, riders and bugle ski resorts are also very supportive of this holiday. This day is the official opening of the winter season. On this holiday, many different events are usually planned: the pros give snowboarding lessons, competitions, concerts are held, you can also test equipment.

Blucas Holiday

This ancient holiday is celebrated every year in Lithuania. When it became dark on the street, people began to drag the old stump along the roads, they called it Blucas. A stump is a run of time, work in progress and desires that were not destined to come true. Blucas collected all the hardships of the past year. They dragged the stump to the main square and burned it to the ground. When the stump burned down, it was believed that past concerns had ended, and preparations began for the creation of a completely new world. The night no longer lengthens and the sun gradually returns. The festival is attended by mummers, folklore ensembles and theater groups

December 23 on the national calendar

Mina Day

On this day, the memory of the holy martyr Mina the Eloquent, who is known to have suffered for the faith, is honored. When the excitement of Christians broke out in Aleskandria, the emperor sent Mina there to somehow calm the people. No one expected Mina to preach the Christian faith himself. He managed to convert many pagans to the faith of Christ, because he was able to speak very beautifully, he was an excellent orator. When the emperor found out about this, he immediately sent the diocese Hermogenes to Alexandria to condemn Mina. During the torture, Mina behaved very dignified, he was a persistent man, seeing all this, Ergemon himself believed in God. When the emperor was informed of this, he became so embittered that he decided to go to Alexandria himself and subjected the martyrs to torture. During the sacrilegious torture, there were many signs, but the emperor was a pagan and did not pay any attention to it, he personally killed Eugraph, who was the secretary of Mina, and ordered Mina and Hermogenes to completely chop off their heads. In ancient Russia, it was believed that the great martyr Mina was able to heal eye diseases. According to Russia, there was a legend that he was gifted with the miraculous ability to heal people with poor eyesight. Our ancestors believed that Mina removes the veil from her eyes, which prevents distinguishing good from evil, and falsehood from the truth.

Historical events December 23

1917 the first edition of the oldest railway daily newspaper of Russia, “Gudok”, was released

In December 1917, the first printed publication of the daily, revolutionary newspaper Gudok was published. At first the newspaper was not very large and covered the life of the railway workers of Petrograd and Moscow. At the beginning of the twenties, The Hooter became a powerful and authoritative publication. The editorial board of the newspaper involved well-known writers and poets: Bulgakov, Ilf, Petrov, Paustovsky and others. The newspaper was read by several generations of railway workers. Later, from a sectoral, regional publication, the newspaper grew into an all-Russian socio-political weekly. The publication printed: Rasputin, Belov, Ganichev and others. In recent years, the circulation of the newspaper has grown to 250 thousand copies, the volume of the newspaper and the quality of materials have grown significantly.

2009 year a terrible accident occurred at the mine "Estyuninskaya"

A preliminary cause of the explosion in the mine was a violation of the technology and conditions for the conservation of explosives, as a result of which spontaneous detonation occurred. Mine management "Estyuninskaya" is the youngest enterprise of the Vysokogorsk mining complex. The catastrophe occurred at 11:35 Moscow time, at the time of the incident, 123 people were in the mine. A little later it turned out that the accident occurred at a horizon level of 180 meters, in violation of the rules for the transportation of explosives. Nine people died, the rest of the workers were evacuated. The explosion caused the destruction of the metal structures of mine equipment and mine workings. On the fact of the accident, the prosecutor’s office began a criminal trial, under the article: “Violation of safety rules during mining, explosive, construction or other work that resulted in deaths”

Bhagavad Gita Appearance Day

The greatest day of Lord Sri Krishna's appearance on the battlefield before Arjuna. Immediately between the Lord and Prince Arjuna, a deep philosophical dialogue took place, in which Sri Krishna presented the prince with fundamental knowledge of the structure of the physical and spiritual worlds. God Krishna revealed to Arjuna the great book of spiritual teachings, the Bhagavad-gita. The book consists of seven hundred verses, each of which is accompanied by special comments. Most explanations interpret scripture as a historical and philosophical treatise given by God as a guide for human life. In India, the Bhagavad-gita is called as: "A song sung by God." This book is closely intertwined with the ancient epic of the Mahabharata. Interestingly, the Mahabharata consists of one hundred thousand verses, therefore it is the largest and most ancient poetic epic. The Bhagavad Gita tells how Sri Krishna rode in a chariot of fire between the two armies and decided to immediately enlighten Arjuna, revealing the secrets of divine teaching, explaining dharma and yoga. God Krishna explains to the warrior that only through due service to the Lord, everyone will come to his kingdom in heaven. After the dialogue between Arjuna and Sri Krishna, there was a great battle at Kuruksetra, in which more than half a million people died on both sides. The incarnated, greatest Lord, Sri Krishna was present at the battle. The battle was of great sacred significance, the presence of God in the battle, had the highest secret divine meaning. Since the Bhagavad Gita is the fundamental document for Vedic culture and religion, the day of its appearance is the greatest holiday in India. On this day it is customary to chant the Glories of Krishna, to read verses from the holy book.

1956 year capture of the Egyptian army Port - Said

The city is located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea at the entrance of the Suez Canal. It was founded in the middle of the 19th century, at the initiative of Said Pasha. This is a city with a half-million population, the townspeople call it the country's sea gate. Port Said is an important transport and trade hub of Egypt. The city's port accepts merchant ships from all over the world; Egypt exports cotton, rice, fruits and vegetables for sale. At the end of the 19th century, the city was colonized by the British, since then the city did not stop the anti-imperialist struggle against the oppressors. During the period from 1924 to 1954, there were many uprisings in Port Said, and in November 1956 during the Israeli aggression against Egypt, heavy battles were fought in the city with Anglo - Franco - Israeli paramilitary units. The courageous defense of the city by its inhabitants thwarted the invaders, the plan for the lightning-fast occupation of the city. Under pressure from the world community, the allies were forced to withdraw their armies from Egypt and on December 23, 1956, Port Said was liberated from the aggressors. In the battle for the city, several thousand people died.

December 23 were born:

Lev Durov (1931), film and theater actor, people's artist of the USSR

Lev Konstantinovich - a descendant of the famous dynasty of Russian circus artists and clowns. In childhood, he was a naughty child: he fought, got deuces at school, it was very difficult for parents to cope with him. Leo did not like to study, he was expelled several times from school. A father never scolded his son, if he was very upset he could just not talk to him for several days. Later, Leo said that it would be better if he scolded him, because the silence of his father was the worst punishment for the boy, he respected his dad very much. While studying at school, Lev Durov studied in the palace of pioneers in a drama studio. Then he was a student at the Moscow Art Theater School. When the guy graduated from the studio, he was invited to work at the Central Children's Theater. He worked there for 10 years, played many successful roles. The artist received great creative pleasure, participating in the performances of the children's playwright Rozov. Later, Durov played on the stage of the famous theater of the Lenin Komsomol. In 1967, the artist went to work in the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, where he works today. Lev Konstantinovich graduated from higher directing courses and received a diploma of the director. In his life he has staged many plays and continues to do so with great pleasure. Lev Durov is not only a talented director, but also a successful wine artist. To date, he has played approximately 160 film roles. Each character played by Durov is individual and original, Leo played, as if he lived this role, this brought the artist genuine popularity and endless love of the audience.

Karl Bryullov (1799-1852), artist, representative of academism

Pavel Ivanovich was born in St. Petersburg. He studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Masters of Russian art noted in Bryullov rare abilities and perseverance. Karl graduated from the Academy with multiple awards, received all the silver medals there. However, those works in which the young artist showed independence, independence, and also violated strict academic rules, teachers were strictly criticized. The Society for the Encouragement of Artists invited Karl to go to Italy. The Russian artist was indescribable delight, he threw out on the canvases of revelation worthy of Rembrandt, Titian and other great artists. Karl saw in art a force that exalts a person in extreme situations, for example in natural disasters or in war. For six years he worked on the canvas, in which he so vividly reflected his thoughts about the end of the world. When he finished creating this canvas, Nicholas the first ordered Karl to return to Russia. For a long time he lived in Moscow, and created his works of art there. Bryullov defied expressionists by experimenting with reflexes of sunlight, and a little later he worked with the geometry of planes. Pavel Ivanovich consciously created in his paintings the mounting foreshortening of the composition and the authenticity of the documentation. Having received the title of professor of the Academy of Arts, Bryullov developed in his students all the best that nature gave them. Famous paintings of the artist scattered around the world, and are stored in the world's best museums.

Jean-Francois Champollion (1790-1832), French historian, founder of Egyptology

Jean-Francois was the seventh child in the family. In his early youth, he began to study independently and study the ancient history of Egypt, and at the age of 16 he presented his first scientific work, Egypt under the Pharaohs. Jean-Francois knew 12 languages ​​and was a very well-read and educated young man. Just imagine: at the age of nineteen, Champollion received the title of professor of history in Grenoble, and at twenty fluently spoke in 14 languages. Champollion laid the foundation for the science of Egyptology when he deciphered the text of the Rosetta stone. When Champollion turned thirty-six years old, he organized the first museum of valuable Egyptian antiquities. About two years later he went on a historical expedition, the goal was Egypt and Nubia, where many epigraphic and archaeological materials were collected and investigated. This successful expedition greatly undermined the health of the scientist, returning to Paris, unfortunately, died of an apoplexy strike.At that time, Champollion was only forty-one years old.
The results of the Egyptian expedition saw the light after the sudden death of Champollion.

Sylvia (1943), Queen of Sweden

Sylvia Renata Sommerlat was born in Germany in the family of a German businessman. For many years the family lived in Sao Paulo. At the time the Sommerlats returned to Germany, Renata entered the Munich Institute of Translators, and upon graduation received a diploma in translating Spanish. Sylvia worked as a senior translator at the Munich Olympics. There she met Karl Gustav, who would later become her beloved husband. The royal family has three heirs: Prince Karl-Philippe, Princess Madeleine and Princess Victoria. Since the eighties, the royal family has been living in the Drottingholm Palace, which is the property of the Crown. Despite the fact that the royal family has a legal hereditary right to dispose of a huge territory, receive rent from their lands and manage all incomes, they try to be closer to ordinary people, drive their own luxury cars, have dinner in ordinary restaurants, and even pay penalty for improper parking. In addition to her direct duties, the Queen devotes much time to her charitable foundation, she has under her wing many different public organizations. Sylvia from her foundation provides assistance to athletes with disabilities, she initiated the creation of a center in which research is conducted in the field of dementia. The Queen has several honorary doctorates in three different universities in the country, and is fluent in Spanish, Swedish, German, English, Portuguese and French.

Joseph Smith (1805-1844), American prophet, founder of the religious sect of Mormons ("Latter-day Saints").

At a young age, Joseph wanted to know which of the churches is true. The young man tried to find the answer in the Bible and read that he needed to ask God about this. Smith decided to heed this advice, went alone to the grove that was near his house, and began to pray. Suddenly a bright light fell upon him from heaven and Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared before his eyes. The guy asked which church was the right one to join, in response, he heard that it’s not worth joining any of the existing churches, because they all carry unrighteous teachings. Given this spiritual experience and many other events, the Lord made Joseph His Prophet and restored the gospel of Jesus Christ and His Church on Earth. Joseph Smith was entrusted with the divine mission of the Prophet God after he had proved his worth. It is believed that through him the Lord performed a great and marvelous work, which included the appearance of the Book of Mormon to the world. In 1844, the sectarian Joseph was killed by an armed mob.

Name day on December 23:

Anatoly, Anna, Eugene, Konstantin, Perth, Angelina, Thekla, Sergey.


Watch the video: BIRTHDAY WISH CAME TRUE (July 2024).