Pumpkin cutlets - add them to your menu! With oatmeal, cottage cheese and of course with minced meat: folk recipes for pumpkin cutlets


From which only our housewives do not cook cutlets!

From pumpkin? Yes, to your health! Eat, dear guests, juicy cutlets, unlike meat, healthy, easy for the stomach. And you can add a little mincemeat - then they will also become satisfying, and taste delicious.

Steam pumpkin cutlets are just a treasure trove for dieters. They, in addition to other diet foods, give the body all conceivable vitamins and saturate the body with fiber.

Pumpkin cutlets - general principles of preparation

• Minced meat for the cutlets is prepared from pumpkin chopped on a grater. Use raw or baked pulp of the vegetable. It is often stewed after grinding in pumpkin or refined sunflower oil.

• Pumpkin cutlets are fried on a thin layer of butter or sunflower oil in a pan, baked in the oven and even steamed.

• As a rule, such vegetable patties use not only pumpkin pulp. To improve and diversify the taste of the dish, softened oatmeal, cottage cheese, semolina, raw or fried minced meat, and boiled poultry can be added to pumpkin minced meat.

• The main binder component of any minced meat is eggs. They are added raw and thoroughly mixed with the rest of the components.

• Pumpkin cutlets served hot, as an independent dish. Cooked with meat, they are in perfect harmony with any side dish.

Juicy pumpkin cutlets with semolina


• a pound of ripe pumpkin;

• 100 ml low-fat liquid cream;

• three eggs;

• dry, unexpired semolina - 100 g .;

• Refined sugar, sand - 1 tbsp. l .;

• for breading coarsely ground white crackers.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the seeds from the pumpkin and separate the orange pulp from the peel. Do not leave a greenish layer, it tastes like grass.

2. Grate the thick orange pulp with a coarse grater and squeeze the juice thoroughly.

3. Put the chopped vegetable flesh in a well-heated pan, pour in the cream and put the stew.

4. After about five minutes, add semolina, sweeten, slightly add salt. Stir immediately and continue to simmer until cooked for about a quarter of an hour, cool.

5. Add the yolks to the chilled pumpkin mass and knead well.

6. In one bowl, beat the squirrels, and in another, pour the coarsely ground white crackers, heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a pan with a thick bottom. From a vegetable mass, form small, oval-shaped cutlets and fry them on both sides, pre-dipping in whipped protein and loafing breadcrumbs after that.

A simple recipe for pumpkin cutlets with oatmeal


• a full glass of oatmeal "Hercules";

• a small potato tuber;

• head of a bitter onion;

• large clove of garlic;

• breadcrumbs, can be replaced with flour;

• favorite spices;

• vegetable, well-refined oil.

Cooking method:

1. Pour oatmeal with hot water so that it only slightly covers them, and let stand for 10 minutes.

2. In a wide dish, grate pumpkin pulp, peeled potatoes and garlic through a fine grater, and onion through a large one. Salt, add spices, mix thoroughly and be sure to drain the allocated juice.

3. Squeeze out the swollen oatmeal well and mix with the vegetable mass. If the cutlet mass is liquid, add more soaked flakes.

4. With water-wetted hands, form the patties, roll each in a breadcrumbs and fry over moderate heat in warm oil until golden brown.

Delicious pumpkin cutlets with cottage cheese


• 150 gr. fat home-made cottage cheese;

• 250 gr. peeled pumpkin;

• one egg;

• 50 gr. sugar

• three spoons of dry semolina;

• ground cinnamon;

• Wheat flour;

• butter.

Cooking method:

1. Grate the pumpkin with the smallest grater to make a slurry.

2. Grind cottage cheese on a rare sieve and mix it with chopped vegetable.

3. Add semolina and cinnamon mixed with sugar. Pour in the egg, add salt and, having thoroughly mixed, set aside for 20 minutes to make the semolina swell well.

4. After wetting your hands with water, form small, elongated cutlets and roll them well in flour.

5. Put the billets in melted butter and warmed over medium heat and fry, turning on both sides.

6. Fry the pumpkin patties in a small bowl and cook until cooked in the microwave for three minutes. You can warm the product over low heat under a lid in a pan.

Pumpkin cutlets with minced meat filling


• half a glass of semolina;

• a full glass of milk;

• head of a bitter onion;

• one glass of milk;

• two eggs;

• 700 gr. pumpkin pulp;

• breadcrumbs;

• refined vegetable oil;

• mixed forcemeat - 200 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Having peeled pumpkin pulp from peel and seeds, grate it on a medium grater.

2. In a pan, heat a couple of tablespoons of refined oil well and dip the vegetable mass into it.

3. Once the vegetable straw becomes soft and turns into porridge, pour milk into it, slightly salt and add heat.

4. Continuously mixing the boiling mixture, add a semolina into it with a thin stream. Once thickened, immediately remove from heat and cool well.

5. Pour a few tablespoons of oil into a clean pan, lower the chopped onion. On low heat, bring the onion slices to transparency and add minced meat to it.

6. Constantly mixing and crushing the meat, which is knocked off by lumps, with a fork, fry until fully cooked, cool.

7. Break the eggs into a cooled pumpkin, lightly add salt and knead well.

8. Prying with a spoon, put the pumpkin mass in your palm, form a flat cake out of it, put a little cooled minced meat in the center and cover it with pumpkin, again prying it with a spoon. Bread the resulting cutlet.

9. When all the patties have been formed, fry them in oil on both sides without covering the pan with a lid.

Steam pumpkin cutlets with chicken


• a kilogram of mature, not long stored pumpkin;

• 600 gr. white chicken meat;

• large onion;

• 50 gr. fresh spinach;

• spices and salt to taste;

• two eggs;

• 100 ml of liquid cream.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the non-frozen chicken well and boil in slightly salted water until tender. Cool the meat until it comes out of the broth.

2. Thoroughly wash the pumpkin peel, select the seeds and cut it into large pieces, place on a baking sheet and bake, but not for long. As soon as the flesh becomes soft, immediately take out.

3. Disassemble the boiled cooled chicken into fibers. Remove the peel from the chilled pieces of pumpkin and rub into fine chips. Chop the onion in the same way.

4. Slice the spinach into thin strips and lightly lower it in a dry frying pan. Do not keep on fire for as long as it becomes soft and settles, immediately remove.

5. Add the grilled vegetables and cooled spinach to the boiled fillet. Break the testicles, add a little salt, you can season with your favorite spices, mix.

6. From the resulting cutlet mass, blind the small-sized balls and press them lightly with your palm.

7. These cutlets are steamed in a regular double boiler for 40 minutes.

Pumpkin cutlets with minced chicken in pumpkin sauce (in the oven)


• half a kilo of minced meat;

• two small onions;

• a teaspoon of mild, but fragrant mustard;

• 300 gr. peeled pumpkin seeds and peel;

• two tablespoons of sour cream;

• pumpkin oil - 2 tbsp. l .;

• 75 gr. heavy cream or 50 gr. oils;

• garlic;

• bread crumbs white.

For the sauce:

• peeled pumpkin pulp - 150 gr.;

• five tablespoons of the fattest (at least 25%) sour cream;

• 30 ml of pumpkin oil;

• mild mustard - 1 tsp;

• a small bunch of dill.

Cooking method:

1. Grate the pulp of pumpkin prepared for cutlets in small chips.

2. In warmed pumpkin oil, spasser chop the onion chopped with a knife, until light golden color.

3. Mince chicken well. Add chopped pumpkin, sautéed cooled onions, sour cream. Lightly salt, squeeze the garlic on the press, pepper a little and knead the mass well. Form small cutlets from it.

4. Roll the prepared semi-finished products on all sides in breading and put in a roasting pan lined with oiled parchment.

5. Place a baking tray with semi-finished products in the oven, at a temperature of exactly 200 degrees, and bake pumpkin cutlets for a quarter of an hour.

6. Remove the pan. Quickly put a small piece of butter on each patty and return it to the oven for another quarter hour.

7. Grate the cooked pumpkin for the sauce with a coarse grater and fry in pumpkin oil for about five minutes. Then beat with a blender until a paste is obtained and mix with sour cream.

8. Add hot sauce, a little ground pepper, mustard and beat well. Pour finely chopped dill, mix.

9. Such pumpkin cutlets can be served under any side dish. Sauce is served on cutlets laid out on plates or served separately.

Pumpkin cutlets - cooking tips and tricks

• The pumpkin pulp, which has not undergone heat treatment, releases a lot of juice after grinding. So that the minced meat does not turn out to be liquid, it must be well expressed and the crushed flesh slightly squeezed.

• If, despite all efforts, the cutlet pumpkin mass turned out to be liquid, “dry” it by adding flour or semolina. When adding semolina, let the minced meat stand for a while so that its grains absorb the juice well and swell, otherwise they will then crunch on the teeth.

• Breast tender pumpkin cutlets preferably in white breadcrumbs finely ground. If you purchased large ones, pass them through a rare metal sieve or use flour or semolina for breading.

• When frying in a pan, first calcine the oil well and only then lower the semi-finished products into it. Unheated fat is quickly absorbed into the breading and the products stick. A baking sheet and a grid for steaming are also recommended to be well lubricated with vegetable oil.


Watch the video: How to make Pumpkin Fries and crisps! - La Cooquette - (July 2024).