28 week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensation at 28 weeks of gestation.


The second trimester of pregnancy is coming to an end, your baby in the womb feels great: the brain is developing at a tremendous pace, the lungs have “bloomed” and are almost ready to function in airspace. If the baby is born at this time, he has a great chance to survive thanks to the vigilance of his mother and the timely intervention of doctors.

Changes in the body at 28 weeks of gestation

By this period, the uterus of a pregnant woman increases four times. At week 28, there is a transition from the second to the third trimester, and the condition of the mother in terms of preterm birth is somewhat improved. With the growth of the child, the pressure on the diaphragm increases. As a result, breathing becomes shallow, heavy, and rapid. In order to prevent the development of fetal hypoxia, the expectant mother should spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, walk, but not to the detriment of her legs. Walking too long can cause veins to expand. During this period, fatigue begins to build up, so the desire to lie down and rest will increasingly visit the pregnant woman. This is a natural state that should not be prevented. In addition, the metabolism and work of sweat glands are gradually increasing.

The condition of the fetus at 28 weeks of gestation

From the 28th week, the little puzozhitel begins to diligently explore the surrounding space. While he still has enough space for active movements, the baby grabs his legs, squeezes his fingers into fists, tries to "play" with the umbilical cord, grimaces and even smiles - his facial muscles are fully formed, arms and legs are stronger, and his body looks more proportional to head. Baby's favorite pastime at this time is to suck the thumb. This calms him, and also helps strengthen the buccal muscles, which will undoubtedly be useful to him in the process of pulling milk from the chest (bottle). The physiological weight norm for a baby at 28 weeks of gestation varies from 1000 to 1300 grams, and growth is within 32-35 cm. The baby has still not completely decided on the position in the uterus: it can lie both head to the birth canal and head up . However, you should not worry about this - the baby has enough time to roll over.

Possible sensations at 28 weeks of gestation

The baby becomes so playful that his jolts, kicks and “somersaults” can cause discomfort or mild pain in the mother. The peak of its activity, as a rule, falls in the evening. As soon as the child begins to rage, lie down on the sofa, stroke the tummy and talk affectionately with the baby, sing a soothing song to him or tell a fairy tale. Believe me, he will definitely hear you. With an increase in the term, the expectant mother may be disturbed by edema, so doctors strongly recommend that from the end of the second trimester, adjust the intake of fluids, as well as reduce the amount of salt consumed.

Essential medical supervision at 28 weeks gestation

Ultrasound at 28 weeks, in principle, is not shown if there is no pathology of the development of the fetus or placenta. As for the tests, if the pregnant woman has a negative Rh factor, she will be sent to donate blood for antibodies (to exclude the Rh conflict). Also, if necessary, a general analysis of urine is examined (kidney function is checked) and blood (hemoglobin level is checked).


If the stomach begins to hurt at 28 weeks of pregnancy (it is not a pulling sensation, namely pain that is not associated with physical activity), then there is a chance of premature birth. In this case, you should not just go to the gynecologist, but quickly call an ambulance. The situation is complicated by bloody-watery discharge, which also predicts the threat of premature contractions. If you notice a discharge of this kind in yourself, do not try to let everything go by itself. The best thing you can do is call an ambulance immediately. The main thing is not to panic, and everything will end happily.

General recommendations

Much attention should be paid to the position of the body during sleep. You obviously can’t sleep on your stomach, and a long stay on your back causes severe back pain and poor circulation. Therefore, the most recognized position during sleep - lying on one side (preferably on the left) with a knee bent to the chest - this is the position that provides maximum comfort for mom and baby.

Since the end of the second trimester, intensive fetal growth necessitates a pregnant woman to increase the number of calories consumed to 3000 per day. And this must be done not at the expense of fried, sweet, flour and salty, but at the expense of the "right" carbohydrates, a moderate amount of fats and proteins, so necessary for the growth and development of the child.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


LediDi 03/29/2016
28th week - there is very little left before the demobilization. Very yearning for heels and coffee. And how many deprivations will be when I will feed. Here are the children!

Katyusha 03/29/2016
Buyan is about my child. He doesn’t allow me to watch the news, but like “Let's get married” and the medical series “Sklifosovsky”.

Zanosina 03/29/2016
Thanks to the author: reassured, advised, drew attention to all the most important. Each new day brings positive emotions - I will soon become a mother !!!

Alenchik 03/29/2016
As correctly noted in the article. Walking a lot becomes hard. I’m breathing like a steam locomotive, and my eyes are looking for a decent bench!

Tori 03/29/2016
I feel that the baby is lying wrong. I found a special set of exercises to turn it over. I’m doing something while it’s not working :(


Watch the video: Your Developing Baby, At 28-32 Weeks Pregnant. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).