4 weeks of pregnancy. The development of the fetus and feelings of the expectant mother at 4 weeks of gestation.


In the fourth week of pregnancy, few women suspect their excellent position. They often explain the ongoing processes with premenstrual syndrome and so far do not reflect on the fact that soon their life can change radically. At this time, a fragile life is already developing in the mother’s body, responsibility for which should now become the meaning of the woman’s existence.

Changes in the body at 4 weeks of gestation

Already 4 weeks of pregnancy brings some women various changes in health. This can be irritability, increased fatigue, drowsiness, in the physical sphere - swelling of the mammary glands, increased sensitivity of the nipples, increased urge to urinate. All these changes are caused by the active work of organs that are preparing for bearing the baby and childbirth, mainly the corpus luteum in the ovary. Approximately 2 weeks after fertilization, the presence of an embryo in the body, it will be possible to guess that the woman has no menstruation. At this time, hCG appears in her body, human chorionic gonadotropin, the presence of which in the urine clearly indicates pregnancy.

The condition of the fetus at 4 weeks of gestation

At this time, the baby is actively developing extra-germ organs, which include the chorion, amnion and yolk sac. To people far from medicine, these names do not say anything. However, without these organs the baby simply cannot develop. It is the extra-germ organs that develop at 4 weeks that will subsequently provide the fetus with nutrition, respiration, biochemical support and protection from the negative effects of the environment. The placenta will subsequently be formed from the chorion, the amnion will become a fetal bladder.

It seems that dads will be pleased to know that in the creation of these important organs, the role of paternal genes is more active than maternal ones. That is, even at this level, nature emphasizes that the main task of a man is to ensure the life and protection of those for whom he is responsible.

Outwardly, the baby is still a flat disk, consisting of several layers, each of which in due time will turn into some kind of organ or tissue.

Possible sensations at 4 weeks of gestation

During this period, women, as a rule, feel an increased sensitivity of the nipples, they become drowsy, irritable and even tearful. But the future mother should not have nausea and dizziness for now.

Necessary actions

At this time, few women are aware of their pregnancy, so we are not talking about any specific actions yet. Although those who already had a pregnancy experience are capable of suspecting the presence of a new life in their first symptoms, and can do a pregnancy test to make sure their guesses.

At this time, blood pressure drops, fever, headache, digestive system disorders and any other painful conditions that may result in a miscarriage are very undesirable.

If a woman develops bloody discharge or prolonged pulling pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor, because this can cause serious pathologies of pregnancy.

General recommendations

The fourth week of pregnancy refers to her first trimester, which is a very responsible period, which largely determines the future health of the baby. At this time, literally everything can affect the development of the fetus - the cleanliness of the environment surrounding the mother, the mode of her sleep and wakefulness, diet and many other factors. Therefore, she must understand that she needs to change her attitude to many things that were previously not significant for her, and be very careful about her every action and even thought. Literally, everything should now be subordinated to one goal - to bear and give birth to a healthy child. Of course, you will have to give up many things that used to be the little joys of life for mom. Late gatherings on the Internet, favorite spicy dishes, fitness, meeting with a girlfriend over a glass of wine at the end of a hard working week - all this will have to be forgotten. But in return, the expectant mother receives the happiness of expecting the birth of her baby with nothing comparable to a woman.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Asya 09/10/2016
Just the very beginning - a test flashed)))))) Thanks for the article) This free program Woman Calendar from ZAYA (//zaya-soft.com/wcalendar) can become a very good helper for my future mother new about my baby)))

Zhenya 03/28/2016
Only today I found out that I’m pregnant !!! And rushed to the Internet, in search of various information. No symptoms have been manifested yet, no nausea. Tomorrow I’ll go to the doctor to find out in detail what you can eat, what to drink, what vitamins to take ...

Mandarin duck 03/28/2016
And at me, at the beginning of pregnancy there was just a wild craving for beer! And this despite the fact that I do not drink at all! It was a little unexpected ...)) Mom told me that this is for the child, well, that is, the body wants. I was bought draft beer, especially for me, 1 liter. And I was in seventh heaven!

Kristel 03/28/2016
I’m wondering why alcohol is completely excluded? Even a light wine. I can’t believe that one glass of wine can harm a child. You look at mothers, so they and the whole pregnancy do not really limit themselves, and nothing! Children are healthy!

Marina 03/28/2016
Of course, everyone individually. General symptoms are simply described, so that girls who are about to become a mother are easier to navigate. Anyway, it would not hurt everyone to know what exactly is happening during this or that period of pregnancy.


Watch the video: Your Changing Body, at 9 -12 Weeks Pregnant. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).