November 29: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


After the adoption by the UN General Assembly of a resolution of 1947, Palestine was divided into two parts: between Arabs and Jews. And in 1977, the UN directive instituted a new holiday - International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. At a meeting on the occasion, the UN Secretary-General announced: “On this important day for everyone, I personally express my deep solidarity with the Palestinian people, who continue to suffer, experience violence and do not have their own state. People are in constant danger, waiting the next blow, and is struggling to counter terrorism ... "

The terrible events that have been going on for several years in the region become a vivid example of the fact that the more the parties destroy each other, the more harm they do to themselves and to the civilian population. All this only aggravates the suffering of the people, gives rise to a feeling of emptiness and helplessness in them, and also delays the day when all Palestinians finally learn to live in harmony on the territory of their own state.

The national holiday in Albania has its roots in 1992, when the Democratic Party came to power. They began celebrating Liberation Day along with Independence Day of the Republic - November 28. But five years later, power passed to the new Socialist Party, which set a new date, moving it just one day. The event is held in honor of the liberation of the republic from the Nazis. In 1944, Italian troops occupied Albania, and after some time fascist Germany joined them. The goal of the invaders was to prevent the Allies from entering Greece into Yugoslavia. But the army, led by Khoja, liberated the city of Shkodra on November 28, the next day the invaders left the country.

Levi Matthew, an apostle of 12 and an evangelist, had close family ties with another disciple of Christ: the apostle James. Matthew was one of Jesus' best disciples, but, unfortunately, there is very little information about him. According to the Holy Scriptures, the evangelist was a tax collector - he collected a fee until he heard the teachings of Christ. The Messiah called on Levi to follow him. What happened to him next is hard to say. The only thing that can be noted is that Levi Matthew was executed in a Roman fortress for preaching the Word of God and Christianity.

Matveyev day

On this day, Christians honor the memory of the holy apostle from the twelve - Levi Matthew. As a rule, on Matvey’s day, as ancestors noticed, a thaw was established in the streets. At the same time they jokingly said: “Winter is sweating on Matvey,” the earth became wet from melted snow. If strong winds were blowing on November 29, then it would rule severe frost until the very Baptism. If the clouds floated low above the ground, they expected a sharp cooling. Also on that day there was an unbreakable tradition of visiting each other and treating friends and relatives with various fast foods (many people in Russia at the time kept fasting): “Hood Matvey, since I didn’t treat the guests,” they joked.

November 29, 1783 - Introduction to the Russian alphabet of the letter "ё"

It's no secret that our alphabet consists of thirty-three letters. Unfortunately, we are gradually ceasing to use one of them in writing. Meanwhile, the history of this letter "ё" began in 1783, when a meeting of the Academy of Russian Literature was held on November 29. Its famous members were director Ekaterina Dashkova, Fonvizin and Derzhavin. It was on the council that Catherine suggested replacing the familiar io characters with a more simplified version of ё. The director’s arguments were very convincing, so most of the Academy members voted for the innovation in the Russian dictionary.

November 29, 1941 - The execution of partisan Zoe Kosmodemyanskoy

The very young but brave Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya voluntarily decided to join the partisan detachment, which acted on the instructions of the headquarters of the Western Front. The girl, along with the stronger sex, carried out the plan to eliminate the Nazis. A month later, on her own initiative, she destroyed several buildings with the Germans, but with a second counterattack attempt, one of the German sentries caught the Kosmodemyanskaya. The next day, Zoya was executed by hanging, but before her death she uttered the words that later became known to the whole world: "No matter how much we hang, do not outweigh everyone, we will be more than one hundred and seventy million. Our comrades will avenge you for me." For courage shown in battle, Kosmodemyanskaya was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

November 29, 1945 - Proclamation of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia

The official name of the country is the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In order to avoid disintegration and interethnic conflicts, the Kingdom was divided into bananas (administrative-territorial units of the state). In the spring of 1941, the Kingdom adopted the Berlin Pact of the fascist powers. The reckless decision of the government of the country caused widespread protest from the residents, and soon it was overthrown, to which the Nazis instantly reacted and staged a mass bombing in Belgrade, after which they occupied the entire state. Part of the territory went to Italy and Germany, the mass extermination of Jews, Gypsies and Serbs began. Soon, a liberation struggle unfolded in the Kingdom, which ended in complete victory in 1945 over the invaders.

Briefly about other events of November 29:

November 29, 1870 - The first trip of Przhevalsky to the countries of Central Asia happened.

November 29, 1908 - The foundation in St. Petersburg of the Jewish Scientific Historical and Ethnographic Society.

November 29, 1946 - Belgium has become part of the UNESCO organization.

November 29, 1947 - In East Germany, 3,700 people died during explosions in a uranium mine.

The day of the angel (name day) November 29 will be celebrated by the owners of the following names: Victor, Vasily, Ivan, Dmitry, Matvey, Nikolai, Mikhail, Sergey, Fedor, Gregory, Thomas, Philip and Peter.

Born 29 november personalities have a provocative, controversial nature, they are often inveterate debaters and badasses, but they rarely care about the surrounding opinion. Such people are on their own mind; it is impossible to convince them of anything or impose any point of view. Sensitive and insightful - they are forced to put up with their difficult character traits, which bring them many problems. Despite all this, those born on this day are distinguished by an enviable stability in relations with friends and a loved one.

John Fleming (born in 1849, Lancaster) - an English scientist and inventor, designed and assembled the first electronic lamp. Since childhood, Fleming became interested in geometry and technology. His mother assigned him a room under the workshop, where he could freely do what he liked. His first works were devoted to the development of boat models, but the scientist became famous for having built a lamp with a thermal cathode. In addition, Fleming made a significant contribution to the discovery and development of wireless communications.

Evgeny Mironov (born in 1966, Russian Federation) - Russian theater and film actor, people's artist of the Russian Federation. First starred in the movie "The Kerosene Wife" in 1988. Today, Mironov’s filmography includes about forty films, among them: “Burnt by the Sun”, “Ankor, Still Anchor”, “House of Fools”, “Apostle”, “Piranha Hunt”, “Diamond Hunters”, etc.

Ryan Giggs (born in 1973, Cardiff) - Welsh footballer, midfielder. Giggs is Britain's most titled footballer. Throughout his career, he, as part of the Manchester United club, won twelve titles of the top division of Great Britain.

Alla Duhova (born 1966, Kosa) - the famous choreographer of the Russian Federation, the founder of the ballet "Todes". A show ballet called "Todes" appeared in 1987. Since then, he has successfully started performing with programs at the best venues in the world. Duhova also achieved the opening of many branches of her school across the country. Today, many Russian pop stars have experience participating in the ballet "Todes".

Jacques Chirac (born 1932, Paris) - French politician, twenty-second president of France.

Nikolay Zinchenko (born in 1918, Ukraine) - Hero of the Soviet Union. By decree of the Presidium of the Armed Forces, Zinchenko was repeatedly awarded (Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, several medals) for courage and heroism shown in battle, for exemplary tasks and was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Golden Star medal.

Clive Lewis (born in 1898, Great Britain) - a famous English philosopher and writer. He wrote works in the style of fantasy, fiction, science fiction, religious movements, as well as scientific works on philosophy and history.

Wilhelm Hauf (born 1802, Stuttgart) - storyteller. Gauf began to compose fairy tales, working as a caretaker for children in the family of E. Jugen (Minister of Defense). That is how he discovered this talent in himself. Soon, his fairy tales “Little Muk” and “Caliph Stork”, which immediately gain popularity among the children’s population, come out. In addition, Gauf wrote a number of other tales.


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