96-year-old Indian and his 54-year-old wife had a second child in 2 years


96-year-old Ramjit Raghav, who lives in India, became a father for the second time, 2 years after the birth of his first child. Ramjit was unofficially recognized as the oldest pope on our planet, and for the second time, the first time was in 2010.

And now he became the father of another baby, which is amazing news for all the inhabitants of the planet. According to the 96-year-old father, he and his 54-year-old wife are completely satisfied and happy with each other, as well as their intimate life. Spouses live in complete harmony and harmony, which is the main factor in their favorable sexual activity, says Mr. Raghava.

When the first child was born, whose name is Ramjit, his father came for the child directly to the hospital. And oddly enough, none of the doctors at first believed that he was the dad of this child. But realizing that he was not joking, the doctors were very surprised, but they laughed at the news, Raghav said.

The father of two children hopes that his children will grow up without any health complications and in the future will be a strong support for spouses in old age, and will also be able to take care of the family if one of them dies.
It is still unknown whether the Indian spouses will report this news to the Guinness Book of Records, but it can already be assumed that they can fix the record. At the moment, according to the registrar of achievements, the oldest father is Collie Forest. He became a father at the age of 92 years and 10 months. It all happened in 1998, January 1.


Watch the video: The 24-Year-Old Who Looks Like A Toddler (July 2024).