November 12: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Sberbank employees celebrate their professional holiday every year, this year 14 times. The date is timed to coincide with a significant historical event that took place under Emperor Nicholas 1 in 1841. On that day, he issued a decree on the establishment in Russia of subsidiary institutions to help the population save money, with an “increment” in interest. Such operations were used by ancient world civilizations, however, modern banks are somewhat different in their functions. Sberbank of Russia is a full player on the world stage. Since 1841, it has been a powerful structure containing assets of a quarter of the country's banking system. Its share of bank capital is approximately 30% of the total. In Russia there are about 20 thousand of its units.

Professional security services today celebrate their holiday. The initiator of the celebration for the first time in 2005 was the security Internet portal Sec.Ru. Security structures provide very popular services in the labor market. Along with firefighters, rescuers, police, security structures attract a lot of attention. Recently, women have become workers in these services. Every year on this day, the Miss Security contest is held. All women in the profession receive flowers and congratulations.

On this day in 1995, a referendum was held in Azerbaijan on the adoption of the Constitution of Azerbaijan. He became an independent Republic of Azerbaijan, with a democratic system and a desire to live peacefully, in cooperation and security with other peoples. On the same day, the first parliamentary elections were held. The people of Azerbaijan have confirmed their intentions to defend the republic and achieve the establishment of a democratic, civil society.

Bahá'ís know that the Persian founder of their faith wrote real revelations from God. Bahá'u'lláh himself was from a family with a high position in society, the son of the first minister of Mazendaran. The founder of the Bahá'í faith spent 40 years in exile, driven by opponents of his ideas. He turned to the rulers of different countries for political asylum in letters that have no historical analogues. Calls for arms reduction, the peaceful resolution of world conflicts and the prediction of a speedy unification of mankind amazed kings, emperors and presidents. They surprise even today. Bahá'u'lláh has written many books, covering and developing questions about any area of ​​human existence. In Haifa is the center of the Baha'is, where 7160 tablets are stored.

Zinovy ​​and Zinovia, Sinichkin day

Today is the day of memory of the brother and sister - the great martyr Zinovy ​​and the martyr Zinovia. They lived in the III century in Cappadocia, were brought up in the Christian faith. Left orphans, they distributed the inheritance to the poor and began to serve God. Zinovy ​​possessed the gift of miracles - the healing of the sick and afflicted. During the persecution of Christians by the emperor Diocletian, Zinovy ​​was tortured, her sister voluntarily asked her to be added to her brother’s suffering. Both of them were killed, but did not renounce their faith and did not bow to idols.
Fishermen and hunters celebrate Zinovia and Zinovia, go for hares, feast in a hut, telling hunting jokes. The captured beast was called a birthday, so that hunting during the year was more successful. Fishermen also celebrated lucky fishing on the river bank. Tits, bullfinches and other winter birds flew to Zinovy, so this day was called Sinichkin holiday. The behavior of the birds told about the weather - flocks indicated clear days, and the squeak of birds spoke of the coming frost.

November 12, 1335 - meeting of the rulers of the three powers (Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic) in Vyshgorod

This meeting marked the beginning of the formation of Europe’s first military-political union. For several centuries, Vysehrad was the center of the kingdom of Hungary. Coronations of the crown princes took place here, an oath was made to the kings, horse detachments were created. Here, they hid from the enemy behind the walls of the fortress. At a meeting of the rulers, the possibilities of creating commercial routes bypassing Vienna without involving the Habsburg dynasty were discussed. In 1991, national governments tried to renew the group’s actions, but with the creation of the European Union this action was no longer relevant.

November 12, 1841 the first savings banks in Russia were established

By decree of the emperor, the Senate drafted a general project of savings banks in Moscow, and then Russia. This decree laid the foundation for the creation of banking in Russia. The first ticket offices along with Moscow were opened in St. Petersburg, Odessa and in almost all provincial cities. Today, Russian banks represent the largest credit organizations, in many respects they are an important part of the country's economy.

November 12, 1803. - the appointment of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin "Russian historiographer"

Such a decree was given by Emperor Nicholas 1, satisfying the request of Karamzin himself. Thus, the historian received the right to read the archives of monasteries and libraries and access to ancient manuscripts. Based on research, Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin wrote his work "History of the Russian State", consisting of 8 volumes. In 1918, books were published and were instantly sold out, it became fashionable and prestigious to study the history of the country. Ancient Russia was a great discovery for compatriots; in the salons they talked only about the book and history. Subsequently, a translation appeared in the most common languages ​​in the world.

November 12, 1982 Yuri Andropov elected General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee

One of the most mysterious and controversial figures of the USSR, a prominent leader of the party and government, served quite a bit in this post. Researchers are still debating what kind of country he could become if not for shaky health. Yuri Vladimirovich stayed in power for 15 months, and all this time he actively struggled with the impending crisis, trying to save and strengthen the political system. The main direction of his activity was to increase labor discipline, the fight against "parasitism", being late for work, passes. Relatives and colleagues say that he was a very modest person with firm communist principles, refused to receive awards and secretly transferred a significant part of his salary to orphanages.

Alexander Borodin (1833 - 1887), Russian chemist and composer

Such an unusual combination of interests of Alexander Porfirevich Borodin was the result of his upbringing. Chemistry and music were one common thing in his life - he conducted 21 chemical studies and made a significant contribution to the treasury of musical classics in Russia, creating the genre of symphony and quartet in Russia. His most famous work is the opera Prince Igor, which was the result of labor for 18 years.

Auguste Rodin (1840 -1917), French painters sculptor with mathematical education

It is noteworthy that for quite some time he could not get an art education; he was not accepted to the school of fine arts. Being self-taught, Rodin earned money from rich people, making sculptures for him and studying the work of Rubens and Michelangelo. Thus, he created his famous "Bronze Age". Dante, with his Divine Comedy, inspired Rodin to create the sculpture “The Gates of Hell”. He received real recognition at the beginning of the 20th century. At the exhibition in Paris, he was allocated a whole pavilion, where he exhibits his works and educates students. Today, the best museums of Paris, Philadelphia, New York, St. Petersburg and Moscow are proud of Rodin's work.

Sun Yat-sen (1866 - 1925), the great Chinese politician and founder of the KMT

Sun Yat-sen can be compared with Confucius and Mencius. He made a great contribution to the unification of China and saving it from disunity. Participating in the preparations for the revolution in China, Sun-Yat-sen tried to protect the country from the influence of Japan from Taiwan and France from the side of Indochina. He owns the idea of ​​organizing the Tongmenhui Youth League, uniting students abroad. To get rid of the influence of foreigners, he unites with the Communist Party. He was posthumously given the title of "Father of the Nation."

Lyudmila Gurchenko (1935-2011), famous Soviet and Russian singer, actress

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko became famous in one night - while still a student, she played the main role in the film "Carnival Night". The position of the favorite of the public did not immediately help her achieve great success in her career, although she played several roles in the films: Girl with a Guitar, Work Settlement, and Straw Hat. This was followed by a big break in creativity, the actress had in the full sense of the word to fight for her existence. After many years, the roles in the films “Station for Two”, “Sibiriada”, “Beloved Woman of the Mechanic Gavrilov”, “Vivat, Midshipmen!”, “Love and Pigeons” showed a completely different Gurchenko. Over the course of her career, she received many awards, prizes and became the People's Artist of the USSR.

Ivan Shuvalov (1727 -1797), favorite of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna

Empress Elizaveta Petrovna was 40 years old when she turned her attention to the educated 22-year-old handsome Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov. He was different from other young people. Contrary to the forecasts of the courtiers, their relationship lasted long enough until the death of the empress. The Empress was attached to a young, intelligent and decent young man with a lot of positive qualities. Ivan Shuvalov occupied a prominent position at court, but was able to remain an honest man, influencing state policy, the development of science, culture and art.

On this day name day holders of the following names celebrate:

Alexander, Anastasia, Mark, Matvey, Semyon, Artem, German, Elena, Makar, Maxim, Zinovy, Joseph, Leonid, Stepan, Julian.


Watch the video: Days, Weeks And Months Of The Year 4k (July 2024).