October 23: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


The Russian professional holiday annually gathers thousands of employees, those who are in any way connected with advertising: creators, marketers, creative workers, PR managers, customers and the like. Celebrate the holiday began relatively recently - in 1994. It was from the mid-nineties that advertising as a business began to gain momentum. We all know what role advertising plays and what goals customers pursue. In Russia, the holiday is accompanied by various activities of an entertaining nature. The organizers develop various games, contests, and in the evening corporate parties in the advertising industry visit restaurants or other entertainment venues.

Chunyang is a traditional holiday of China, which is celebrated on the ninth of the ninth month (lunar calendar). In 2012, the event falls on October 23. According to legend, there lived one spirit, sweeping away everything in its path. No one and nothing could destroy him. Once a country boy named Han, determined to avenge his parents, challenged the spirit. He gathered people and led them to the mountains, where, armed with dogwood and wine on chrysanthemums, he was able to kill insatiable evil spirits. That is why on this day it is customary to go for a walk in the mountains, collect chrysanthemums, and also congratulate the elderly.

In 1956, France, Israel and England developed a plan to capture Egypt. Their goal was to weaken the position of the state and force it to come to terms with Israeli politics. October 29, troops invaded Egyptian land, and after 2 days there was a massive bombardment, but, despite this, the valiant Egyptians were not going to give up. All neighboring countries, including the USSR, demanded an end to the aggression and ordered the UN Security Council to take urgent measures to curb lawlessness, but the enemies, using the right of veto, froze the Council. Then the USSR and a number of other countries make a decision and warn the aggressors of their intention to intercede for Egypt if they do not withdraw their troops from the territory, and in 1957 the invaders were forced to cease hostilities.

The event is celebrated by the Orthodox Church. The icon became famous in the 13th century in the Bulgarian Zografsky monastery during attempts to impose a union on the Eastern Church. However, the inhabitants of the church rejected the union and became victims of an attack by its supporters. According to legend, one elder who read an akathist in front of the icon heard her words that ordered to warn everyone about the upcoming events. The elder did so. Many of the brethren hid in the mountains, the remaining hid the icons in the tower and locked themselves there before the invasion of enemies. Supporters of the union after long negotiations set fire to the tower with the servants of God, and they perished in the fire. All the icons burned, except the one that warned the old man about the danger.

Evlampy Winter signpost

On this day, two saints are recalled - Eulampia and Eulampia. They were brother and sister and lived during the reign of Maximilian. The emperor hated Christians, but this fact did not stop relatives - they proudly adopted Christianity, for which they were sentenced to death. Before death, they had a choice: to die or deny God. Brother and sister preferred the first option and died a martyrdom.

In Russia on this day they judged about the upcoming weather. According to signs, people paid attention to the month: where its horns are directed, strong winds will blow from there. There is another interpretation of the signs: if the horns pointed to the north, a harsh winter will come soon, if to the south, the weather will be dirty and slushy over the next two weeks.

October 23, 1814 - the first plastic surgery in Europe was performed

Plastic surgery originated in ancient India. A few centuries BC, Indian healers performed rhinoplasty operations. European doctors, armed with their methodology, began to develop this area and in the 19th century received a stunning result, surpassing their teachers. On October 23, a unique rhinoplasty operation was performed by surgeon Joseph Carpy in London, which was a great success. Since then, plastic surgery began to develop at a tremendous pace.

October 23, 1937 - begins a heroic drift in the Arctic

In the fall of 1937, the famous ice drift ship "Georgy Sedov" began the famous drift of the Arctic, the purpose of which was to carry out the most important work on the study of the territory. With the onset of spring, people were taken out of the ship by plane, since the steering wheel was damaged during ice squeezes. Himself "George Sedov" turned into a floating polar station.

October 23, 2000 - Chinese archaeologists discovered a museum of ancient musical instruments

The Museum of Musical Instruments was created during the Han Dynasty (about 2 thousand years ago). To the surprise of archaeologists who made an important discovery, all the exhibits were in almost perfect condition. During excavations, the most ancient instruments dating back to that time were discovered: xun - spherical ocarins, qing - lithophones, jung - musical bells and many other exhibits of Chinese musical culture.

October 23, 2002 - there was a terrorist attack on Dubrovka in Moscow

That evening in the evening, armed people burst into the building of the Theater Center, where more than 700 people were located, who declared all those present hostages and began to mine the Palace of Culture. The terrorists turned out to be Chechen fighters. Many of them, including women, hung themselves with explosives. The demands of the suicide bombers were the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya. All negotiations conducted with the terrorists did not give a positive result: the hostages did not receive either water or food. Relatives of the people in the building demanded that all the conditions of the Chechens be met, but the authorities put forward their conditions to the invaders: the terrorists would be saved if they free the hostages. On October 26, at about six in the morning, special forces stormed the building, using nerve gas as a means of neutralization, which destroyed not only terrorists, but also many hostages. October 28 was declared the day of mourning in Russia for the victims of the terrorist attack.

- Gianni Rodari (1920-1980) - Italian children's writer. From the age of 17 he worked as a primary school teacher in rural schools. In 1948, he got a job in a local newspaper, and in 1950 he published his own children's magazine. 1951 - Rodari releases the first collection of children's poems, among them the famous fairy tale "The Adventure of Chipolino", which glorified the author all over the world.

- Roman Jacobson (1896-1982) - the founder of structuralism, philologist. In 1941, Roman left for the United States, where he became a professor of literature and Russian at Harvard University. Jacobson studied the structure of languages, what they are made of, where they came from, etc. The novel created a new branch of the science of language and called it phonology.

- Pele (1940) - famous Brazilian soccer player, three-time champion. He started playing football as a kid. From the age of seven he already maneuvered the ball perfectly and played for the local team. At the age of fifteen, the coach recommended the boy to a prestigious football club, and Pele was accepted into it. During his 18 years at the Santos club, the footballer became a champion eleven times, was awarded the Brazil Cup several times, and also received the Intercontinental Cup.

- Felix Bloch (1905-1983) - an outstanding physicist, Nobel laureate. Bloch was born in Zurich, in 1927 he graduated from the Higher Technical School and entered the University of Leipzig. After several years of study, Felix received a doctorate. He worked in the USA in the field of nuclear physics, making a great contribution to the development of the industry. In 1952, F. Bloch received the Nobel for numerous achievements.

- Michael Crichton (1942-2008) - American film director, screenwriter, science fiction writer. Worldwide success was brought to Michael by his novels under the title “The Stroke of Andromeda” and “Jurassic Park”, which were screened shortly after publication. In the late nineties, Crichton founded a company to develop computer games based on his fantastic works and films.

- Ilya Frank (1908-1990) - physicist, Nobel laureate. He studied at Moscow University and as a student he worked in the laboratory of Vavilov, where he studied the atomic nucleus. After graduation, he continued his work, expanding the circle of activities: Frank became involved in optics, nuclear and neutron low-energy physics, and in 1958 he was awarded the Nobel for his services.

- Vera Matveeva (1945-1976) - poet, author of more than fifty songs, bard. From childhood, the girl felt a craving for music - she already knew who she would be in adulthood. At the age of 20, she entered the IISS, and after 5 years she successfully graduated from it. In the last year of study, Vera discovered brain cancer. A difficult operation was carried out, after which Matveeva was able to return to creativity.

- Gilbert Lewis (1875-1946) - American physicist, chemist. The main scientific works concerned the field of thermodynamics, isotopy, nuclear physics and photochemistry. Lewis made a number of major discoveries in the professional field.

- Vasily Rochev (1980) - skier, Olympic bronze medalist, multiple Russian champion, 2005 world champion

Name day holders of rare names celebrate this day: Ambrose, Anton, Andrey, Eulampius, Eulampius, Severin, John, Fedor.

Born on October 23, it is difficult to achieve constancy in almost all aspects of life. They are quickly tired of the monotony and freshness, so such people often look for thrills and entertainment. Among friends they are very active, positive, but very controversial - they have seven Fridays in a week. Men born on this day are inconsistent with respect to the female sex, they have been idle for a long time, preferring to “walk up” first as they should, but their partners never cheat, putting all the dots on the “i” at once.


Watch the video: Learn Holidays - Truly American Holidays (June 2024).