Proper storage of grapes at home. Secrets of “experienced”: how to store grapes at home until a new crop


Fans of fresh, juicy, sweet and fragrant clusters have invented many ways that make it possible to store grapes for a rather long time. Some of the varieties, with the right approach to the issue of preservation, can please with their appearance and taste, as if just from a vine - almost until the next harvest. The question is how to store grapes at home, not idle. Such storage requires certain conditions with which we will introduce you.

The selection of grapes for storage of grapes

Almost all late varieties can be stored for from a month to three.

Note - it’s the latter, because for the early and super-early they have not yet figured out how to store grapes at home for a long time.

According to expertsStorage of grapes is possible until a new crop, if you select the right variety. We list the most suitable of the most popular with us. These are: Karaburnu, Maradona, Moldova, Miner, Hamburg Muscat, Alfons Lavalle, In Memory of Verderevsky, Kutuzovsky, Nimrang, Sabbat, Italy, White Chasla, Jubilee Crane, White Typhi, Kirovabad Table, Typhi Catalon Winter, Nadezhda AZOS, Muscat Taipex, Muscat Taiks Alex pink, Nimrang, Asma, Agadai, Italy, In memory of Negrul. Moreover, if the storage of grapes is organized correctly, the taste of most varieties even improves.

But the right choice of variety is not everything regarding how to store grapes at home until new. There are other important conditions.

1. The clusters should be on the vine for as long as possible. But also not to be frozen, and also - prolonged rains.

2. Harvesting is required in dry weather.

3. Before laying the grapes for storage should be no more than 2 - 3 days from the date of removal from the vine.

4. Before laying carefully examine each bunch. Very carefully, so as not to damage the berries that are nearby, remove dried, suspicious or damaged.

Ways to store grapes at home

Already, many have knowledge - how to store grapes at home without losing quality. The main requirements are:

• stable temperature conditions: from -1 to + 8 ° С

• low humidity

• lack of light

• absence of sharp changes in humidity and temperature

• periodic fumigation with sulfur, while the storage of grapes lasts

The “commodity neighborhood" should also be considered. Grapes do not tolerate root crops and potatoes next to them. It is permissible to store preservation nearby.

Thus, grapes can be stored for a long time in a special refrigerator, which not everyone can afford.

Also, a good dry basement or cellar is suitable for this. Walls and ceilings need to be whitewashed with lime, fumigated with sulfur, bring the temperature and humidity to the desired levels even before laying the bunches for storage. If the humidity conditions do not meet, it is advisable to put any vessel with quicklime. It will absorb excess moisture. Lime needs to be changed periodically. If you notice mold on the berries, you need to repeat the fumigation with sulfur.

A storage option is also possible if there is a cool pantry or a room that is not used and where the heating is minimal.

Hanging grapes

If you can provide the necessary conditions for bunches, it is best to keep them in limbo - on wire, poles, etc. fixtures. Here, one of the conditions for how to store grapes at home is that the bunches are not in contact.

One of the ways of such storage is to hang clusters together with a part of the vine.

How to store grapes at home in boxes

Many consider it a good option for storing grapes at home, putting them in boxes with sprinkling with small dry sawdust (namely small ones, shavings and wood chips will not work!). A layer of sawdust is poured onto the bottom of the box, the clusters are neatly laid, they are completely covered with sawdust, then the second layer with backfill.

Great for sprinkling bunches of sawdust from oak, alder, linden, birch, fruit trees. Coniferous sawdust is undesirable for storing grapes.

If you manage to get cork sawdust - this is the best option.

How to store grapes at home in water bottles

The cut part of the vine with a bunch of grapes is placed in a bottle of water. Bunches are outside the bottles.

Now you know how to store grapes at home and can use our tips at least for an experiment. And like it - annually even out of season to delight their home and guests with delicious clusters with the aroma of autumn. And, perhaps, you will start doing business selling grapes in winter and spring, when it is at a special price.


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