October 24: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Since 2006, paramilitary and well-trained special units have been celebrating their professional holiday. Back in 1918, special units were formed, which were called CHON. They were subordinate to the Cheka and mainly ensured the fight against Basmachi. Today it is the anti-terrorist units Alpha, Vityaz, Pennant, and Rus. They are intended for the detention of criminals, the release of hostages from terrorists, etc.

The UN’s birthday has been celebrated since 1945, when the anniversary of the adoption of the UN Charter was proclaimed the annual celebration of this day. On this day, the international community can familiarize themselves with the action of the organization. The purpose of the events is to receive the support of the world community. On this day, meetings, discussions, round tables and meetings are held to discuss topics on human rights, world poverty.

Standardization, metrology and certification play a big role in raising the country's potential. The foundations of national standardization and metrology of Kyrgyzstan were introduced in 1927.

Navaratri, that is, the "festival of nine nights", or Dashahra (Dussehra), the worship of the goddess Devi (or Shakti, Durga) - all this is one and the same festival, which is colorful and widely celebrated in India. In different areas, the holiday is celebrated in different ways. In North India, this is the festival of Good and Evil, the day of the victory of God Rama over the demon Ravana. The exploits of Rama are dramatized in theatrical processions, the effigy of Ravana is burned with a huge gathering of people on a large square in Delhi.

According to the Muslim lunar calendar, on the 9th day of the 12th month, pilgrims climb Mount Arafat near Mecca, at the foot of which a prayer is performed. This is a memorable day. At this time, especially honored are the good deeds for which the reward increases. Believers pray until the sun goes down, atone for all sins. Net intentions await judgment on Judgment Day. It is believed that mass prayers can be observed from space. On this day, the fast of Arafat is observed, he brings believers closer to Allah, cleanses of sins for the past year. It is noteworthy that the pilgrimage should be carried out only subject to certain serious conditions. The believer must be an adult, healthy, free, provide for his family and accept the obligation of Hajj. There should not be any obstacles for the pilgrimage; women should have an accompanying person and not be late for the beginning of the prayer. To perform the ceremony, a pilgrim's robe is put on.

St. Raphael Day in Cordoba

This is the day of the archangel - the patron saint of Cordoba, is celebrated on a par with the feast of the Virgin Mary. The monuments of the saint are in several places, one of the largest monuments is on the bridge to Greater Cordoba. Its length is 225 meters. Festivities, congratulations on the streets of the city, acquaintance with the sights of the city - this is what tourists who come to celebrate the Saint can expect. You can also consider the mass of architectural monuments, the main mosque and the city drowning in gardens.

October 24 - the day of St. Philip - an apostle of seventy

The holy deacon chosen by the disciples of Stephen left Jerusalem when the persecution began. He talked about Christ, worked miracles, preaching his faith. By banishing unclean spirits and healing the afflicted, Saint Philip led many Gentiles to faith. He had 4 daughters, true Christians, also possessing the prophetic gift. On this day, usually begins mud and mud, in Russian gimp. "Philip himself stuck to the stove, so the roads got lousy." The peasants did business without looking at the weather, that is, "there was no time to go round." Morning snowfall on this day indicated a cold winter. On the snow powder, a sled track was considered - if it was moist, then spring will bring a good income. The rivers freezing by this time and good ice promised a quick flow of money.

On this day name-holders of the following names can celebrate: Philip, Alexander, Anatoly, Victoria Isaac, Leo, Makar, Zinaida, Illarion, Joseph, Moses.

October 24, 1648 - the conclusion of the Peace of Westphalia

This document brought the end of the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) between the Catholic and Protestant states. On the part of the Catholics Spain, Austria and Poland fought, the Protestant faith was defended by Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Sweden, Great Britain and Russia. The Diplomatic Congress laid the foundation for the state sovereignty of the countries of Europe. For each party participating in the congress there were advantages from signing this world. It is noteworthy that at this time the principality of Muscovy was first mentioned. The fate of Germany from this day went on a new course: fragmentation reigned in the camp. But Sweden and France received new lands.

October 24, 1897 - the first Russian official football match

Four years earlier, a new team game was first mentioned in Russian newspapers on the parade ground of the Vasileostrovsky military garrison. The Sport team lost to the home team. The composition of the Vasileostrovsky team was almost completely foreign, mainly the English. Notes about the match appeared in the St. Petersburg press, although no data were reported. In the same year, competitions were held in St. Petersburg, where the team "Nevka" became the champion. The empire championship took place in Russia only in 1912.

On October 24, 1939, nylon stockings first appeared in New York stores.

The booming demand for a new product in industry led to impatient customers dressing a new product right on the streets of the city. Synthetic material was created in 1938, as DuPont announced at a worldwide exhibition. These clothes of the future have been enjoyed by the women of the world and have made a real revolution of beauty. Demonstrated a novelty at the exhibition 12 meter mannequin, which were wearing stockings. Trial copies were distributed to women for free as advertisements. Only six months later, New York could ascertain - during this time 5 million pairs were sold.

October 24, 1493 - doctor Paracelsus

The doctor and alchemist Philip Paracelsus determined that poison and medicine are one, it all depends on the dose. The old noble family was famous for several generations of doctors, but Paracelsus himself came up with this pseudonym, preferring to consider himself "above Celsius". He studied occult sciences at the abbot Johann Tritemius in Würzburg. It was Paracelsus who invented vaccination against the plague. He also believed that in the human body all processes occur chemically. He made medicines from elixirs of plants, wrote several philosophical works.

October 24, 1911 - Arkady Raikin, Russian and Soviet actor and satirist

Arkady Isaakovich Raikin - people's artist, favorite of the public, author, screenwriter and director. His creative life began at a fairly late age - in 1939 he became a laureate of the All-Union Competition. He devoted the war years to concerts on the fronts of his homeland. As a director and screenwriter, we know him in the famous play "People and Mannequins."

October 24, 1804 - Wilhelm Weber, German scientist

Professor at universities in Halle, Göttingen and Leipzig, in 1833 constructed the first telegraph. He first discovered the relationship between current strength and charge density, determined the speed of light, and constructed and described the theory of elementary magnets. Its main discovery is the establishment of an absolute system for measuring electricity.

October 24, 1942 - Dinara Asanova, director, actress.

The famous film by Dinara Asanova, "The Woodpecker Doesn't Hurt" became known throughout the country and attracted many critics. Among her best works are “Boys”, “Key without the right to transfer”, “Darling, dear, beloved, unique”.

October 24, 1886 - Sergo Ordzhonikidze, political leader of the Red Army, later People's Commissar of Heavy Industry

Stalinist autocracy led to the deterioration of relations between party members. Sergo began to openly oppose the terrorist Soviet policy. He met Beria’s appointment with open disagreement, considering him a dangerous man. He committed suicide, although the official version is death from paralysis of the heart.

October 24, 1938 Venedikt Erofeev, Russian writer

He wrote several works that were criticized unfavorably by critics. His "Good News", compared with Nietzsche, turned inside out, the editors rejected this work. "Moscow-Petushki" - a new story, which is already becoming his hallmark. In Soviet times, he was baptized in the Catholic Church and wrote the tragedy Walpurgis Night, or the Steps of the Commander.

October 24, 1862 - Daniel Swarovski, founder of the Austrian Empire of precious glass and stones

His first invention was a machine that processes stones and crystals with unprecedented precision. The patent for this invention enabled him to establish a stone processing and cutting factory in a small village. The sons continued their work and together with their father came up with the cutting technology, practically bringing it to perfection. High-quality crystal and Bohemian glass have become a model of transparency and brilliance. The processing technology and composition of the mixtures is stored in strict control to this day. Swarovski crystals today are an independent type of jewelry art.


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