The best recipes for creating soap bubbles do it yourself


Bubble blowing is a universal fun game that will be interesting, without exception, to the most different generations, and at any time of the year. She is able to decorate any event - from a wedding ceremony to a simple picnic in the park, and captivate any number of participants. In addition to the pleasant feeling of weightlessness and lightness, visually soap bubbles give great pleasure due to the bright rainbow effects and the unpredictability of the result, because the shapes and sizes are different for everyone. Perhaps it is for this game that is so popular in the age of all-consuming computer games and instagram.

What does a bubble look like in sub-zero temperatures?

Another advantage of bubble games is that its elements can not buy, and create their own hands, taking into account their own plans. The quantity and quality of the solution for bubbles made at home can be controlled, and the sizes of future balls can be anything you like - just choose the right composition of the solution and tools for inflation.

Tips for making strong rainbow bubbles

To make it happen as it was intended by the organizers of a fun event for blowing soap balls, before creating them with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the subtleties of making water for bubbles at home, as well as using tips on preparing sticks for inflation.

How to strengthen the solution, and how not to spoil it?

  1. To make the bubbles made at home were ideal, experts advise adding to the solution distilled water, but if such a hand is not available, you need to replace it with boiled.
  2. Babies younger fit glycerol solution for bubbles - then they will be easy to inflate.
  3. Older children and adults are more interested in getting strong soap balls, so the solution for bubbles needs to be done glycerol based. It is important not to overdo it, since an excessively large amount of glycerol in the composition will greatly complicate the process of inflation, dramatically increasing the density of the soap liquid. The same applies to the sugar base made at home.
  4. The best solution for soap bubbles is obtained when it is allowed to infuse. The ideal time is 12 hours, and always in a cool place.
  5. Beautiful color for inflatable soap balls at home can be achieved thanks to food dye added to the composition of the water.
  6. Saturated delicious flavor soapy water will help give the bath foam with a favorite smell;
  7. Perfect weather conditions for a soap gamewill be: high humidity and the absence of strong wind. The more dust in the air, the worse the bubbles will inflate, and the faster it will burst;
  8. The less fragrances in the means used to create a solution - the better it will be. Perfumes negatively affect the final result.

Unusual tools for blowing bubbles

You can use the standard small wand for blowing bubbles, which is sold in the store along with soapy water and beautiful packaging, but if you do everything on your own at home, here are some things that might be useful in this game:

  • A cocktail straw, at one end of which you need to make a small cross-section;
  • Wide handle body;
  • Figured mold for the test;
  • Watering can;
  • Hollow wide macaroni;
  • Plastic bottle without bottom;
  • Do-it-yourself frame for blowing soap bubbles out of wire of any shape and size.

Making homemade soap bubbles according to the best recipes.

There should be no difficulties in making soap bubbles at home, as any amount of solution can be made from what is on hand at home, and if you want a more interesting composition for strong bubbles, you can purchase an inexpensive bottle of liquid glycerin at the pharmacy - and voila .

From detergent

This recipe for making a solution for soap bubbles at home is simple and affordable, and therefore it is very popular. It is important to consider: Dishwasher cleaner is not suitable for this purpose.


  1. Dishwashing liquid - 1/2 cup;
  2. Boiled water - 2 glasses;
  3. Sugar - 2 tsp.

Home cooking method:

Mix the ingredients and send to infuse in the refrigerator for 12 hours. You can use immediately after thorough mixing, but if you allow the solution to infuse, the soap bubbles will be stronger. Instead of sugar, you can pour 1 tablespoon of glycerin.

With the help of liquid soap

A practical and easy way to give your child a holiday is to make soap bubbles from liquid soap at home. True, this recipe will take a little more time to prepare.


  1. Liquid soap - 100 ml;
  2. Distilled or boiled water - 200 ml;
  3. Glycerin - 10 drops.

Home cooking method:

First you need to mix water with soap and leave the liquid for 2 hours. After the foam has settled, you can add glycerin and mix. The solution should be left in a cold place for several hours - so the game of soap bubbles will be more interesting due to the more dense composition of the solution.

From washing powder

This recipe is useful to those who want to make very large soap bubbles. Their composition will provide an excellent show at a children's or adult holiday, but you will need to prepare in advance - ideally, you need to infuse the liquid for four days, but the result of soap bubbles made with your own hands will be amazing.


  1. Washing powder - 50 gr;
  2. Hot water - 3 cups;
  3. Ammonia - 20 drops;
  4. Glycerin - 10 drops.

Home cooking method:

Carefully mix the components of the solution in a jar, then leave in a cold place for 3 days. After the expiration date, you need to strain the soapy liquid through gauze and leave it in the refrigerator for another 12 hours. After this procedure, the ideal solution for soap bubbles at home is ready.

From grated soap

There is such a way of cooking. It is considered quite labor-intensive and long, but if you want experiments at home, then bubbles from laundry soap are perfect for this.


  1. Laundry soap - 1 pc .;
  2. Hot water - 10 tbsp .;
  3. Glycerin (or sugar) - 2 tsp ...

Home cooking method:

On a coarse grater, rub the soap, send the chips to a pan with hot water and stir until dissolved. If the water cools down before it comes out to get a homogeneous mass, you can put the pan on a small fire and continue stirring the solution - the main thing is not to allow boiling. Send the finished liquid to the cold and leave to infuse ideally up to seven days. And only then mix sugar and glycerin into the solution. Let it brew for two hours again - the home liquid for bubbles is ready.

From baby shampoo - for the little ones

To make it easy for kids to blow up soap bubbles, you don’t need to spend much time on creating a strong solution at home - the simplest components are much better suited for this purpose.


  1. Children's shampoo - 200 ml;
  2. Distilled or boiled water - 400 ml;
  3. Sugar - 6 tsp.

Home cooking method:

According to the recipe, the water is mixed with shampoo and sent to a cold place for 24 hours. Only then sugar interferes with the solution. Now soap bubbles for small children are ready.

The recipe for creating giant strong bubbles

For large entertainment events this method of creating strong soap balls at home is useful. The process may seem time consuming, but everyone will appreciate the result: bubbles for this recipe can be up to 1 meter in diameter. They can be obtained with a hoop, wire or three-dimensional frame from another material. You do not need to blow them - you can simply move through the air.


  1. Distilled or boiled water - 800 ml;
  2. Detergent for dishes - 200 ml;
  3. Gelatin - 1 sachet;
  4. Glycerin - 150 ml;
  5. Sugar - 50 gr.

Home cooking method:

At the beginning of the process you need to mix the gelatin according to the instructions on the package, and let it stand. The amount of water should not be large. When the gelatin becomes a thick consistency, you need to strain it through gauze to get rid of excess water. Then it is necessary to melt the gelatin with sugar in a water bath or in a microwave, while not bringing the ingredients to a boiling state. Warm water is introduced into the resulting solution, after which the remaining components gradually interfere. Liquid for future bubbles should be thoroughly mixed, but not foaming.

Safety first

And although the play in soap bubbles is fun and exciting, the fact that the solution contains a large portion of harmful chemicals that can harm people, animals and the environment, including the apartment, cannot be ignored.

What should be remembered before the game starts:

  1. When playing in the house, you should beware of the appearance of marks and stains on the furniture, floor and walls;
  2. If the liquid gets into the eyes, on the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth, be sure to rinse them thoroughly;
  3. Bubbles need to blow to avoid contact with other people and animals;
  4. After the game you need to wash your hands;
  5. Trusting the game to the child, you need to make sure that he does not taste the aromatic liquid.


Watch the video: 15 DIY Soap Bubbles And Life Hacks. How To Make Giant Bubbles (July 2024).