Juicy salads with Adyghe cheese - available! Squids, crabs, chicken in salads with Adyghe cheese and tomatoes


Brine Adyghe cheese is an excellent base for salads.

It is not sharp and pliable enough when it comes to combining with other products.

Price availability allows you to use it instead of more exotic pickled cheeses, and the difference in taste is easily compensated by salt or seasonings.

Adyghe cheese salads - general principles of preparation

• Soft Adyghe cheese has a neutral fermented milk taste. The product goes well with any vegetables, many fruits and various types of meat. This allows you to add cheese to almost any salad, both vegetable, meat and fruit. Especially popular are salads with Adyghe cheese and tomatoes.

• Cheese is cut into slices, medium-sized cubes, straws, or simply broken into small pieces with your hands. Fried cheese slices are often added to salads. Under the influence of high temperature, Adyghe cheese does not melt and its structure does not change.

• Salads with Adyghe cheese are dietary dishes and therefore they are most often seasoned with high-quality olive oil or special sauces based on it. But this mostly applies to salads from fresh and baked vegetables. Meat and fruit dishes are seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise. Moreover, the fat content of such products can be selected independently, deviating from the recipe.

• For the dressing of fruit salads, special syrups are often prepared that flavor with spices or herbs.

Light salad with Adyghe cheese and tomatoes - "Greek"


• 150 gr. Adyghe, fresh cheese;

• fresh cucumbers - 200 gr.;

• pepper, sweet - 250 gr.;

• head of red onion;

• 250 gr. fresh tomatoes;

• juice from a quarter of a lemon;

• 150 gr. pitted olives;

• high-quality olive oil - 75 gr.;

• dried oregano;

• young dill;

• fresh lettuce leaves.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the olives from the marinade, put on a plate and dry. Wash with cold water all cooked vegetables and herbs, peel the onions.

2. Cut cheese, cucumbers and tomatoes into cubes. Their size does not matter much, but the dish will look more organic if the products are cut in proportion to the olives.

3. Chop the sweet pepper pulp with a small straw. Cut the onion into rings. Do not take large onions, the smaller and thinner its rings, the tastier the salad.

4. Choose a not too spacious salad bowl and close its bottom with salad leaves.

5. Center the cubes of cheese, olives, cucumbers and tomatoes, and spread the bell peppers around.

6. Mix olive oil with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Add to oregano and salt to your taste. Pepper and pour the salad over the sauce, do not mix.

7. Hands tear dill and sprinkle salad on top of it. You can add basil or parsley to the dill, if you like cilantro - add it.

Salad with Adyghe cheese and squid - "Spicy"


• large prunes - 100 g .;

• 250 gr. squid carcasses;

• 100 gr. cheese "Adygea";

• large pepper of salad pepper;

• two tablespoons of 15% sour cream;

• two spoons of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Wash thawed squids on the outside several times with water. Then carefully turn out the carcasses and rinse them from the inside. Boil in slightly salted water until tender and cool well. To prevent squid meat from being rigid, dip them only in boiling water and do not cook for more than 3 minutes. from boiling again.

2. From chilled mollusk carcasses, remove all chords. Cut the meat into thin rings or strips.

3. Cut the dried fruit into four pieces in length. If the prunes are too dry, pre-soak the berries in warm water for about 10 minutes, rinse and dry.

4. Cut the Adygea cheese and the flesh of salad pepper into small strips.

5. Add the squid, pour the prunes.

6. Sour cream mix with granulated sugar and two tablespoons of salt. Season the salad with sour cream sauce, soak for a quarter of an hour, then stir well and serve.

Crab salad with Adyghe cheese and tomatoes


• sweet salad onions - 1 head;

• medium-sized fresh cucumber;

• dense red tomatoes - 4 pcs., Small;

• crab semi-finished products ("sticks") - 7 pcs.;

• half a small head of Adyghe cheese;

• 100 ml of pure olive oil, or high-quality sunflower;

• a small bunch of garden parsley, onions and dill.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse all greens thoroughly and dry with a towel. In parsley and dill, cut the stems. Chop green onions obliquely into narrow rings, and chop dill and parsley finely or chop with scissors.

2. Wash the cucumber, it is desirable to remove the peel. Cut the cucumber into small sticks, grind the cheese in the same slices.

3. Combine all chopped ingredients in a large bowl, lightly salt and mix. Season with ground pepper, add oil. Stir again and let stand.

4. First divide the crab sticks lengthwise, in half, then cut into small slices, at an angle of 45 degrees.

5. For tomatoes, cut the stalks and cut each lengthwise into slices.

6. On the bottom of the flat plate, spread the tomato slices, convex side up.

7. On top of the tomatoes, spread the slices of crab sticks, filling them with the free space between the slices.

8. From above, lay out the cheese mixed with cucumber and herbs.

9. Sprinkle everything with a spoonful of lemon juice and serve immediately.

Chicken salad with Adyghe cheese and tomatoes (with smoked breast)


• 100 gr. stale white bread, but preferably not too stale;

• 200 gr. cheese "Adygea";

• two large tomatoes;

• onion head;

• mayonnaise 45% fat;

• fresh herbs - to taste;

• 200 gr. smoked chicken (breast);

• garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Smoked chicken breast and cheese cut into medium-sized cubes of the same size.

2. Thinly, chop the onion into half rings and quickly pour over boiling water. Then just as quickly cool in cold water and dry well on a sieve.

3. Cut the tomatoes in half and cut into cubes about the same size as cheese and meat.

4. Grind the crumb of white bread with the same slices and fry in a dry pan. Stir constantly and make sure that the bread is not burnt, but only slightly browned on all sides.

5. Mix the pieces of cheese with chicken, onions and tomatoes. Add crushed garlic and season with mayonnaise. Take a sample, if necessary - salt.

6. Transfer the contents of the dish to the salad bowl and sprinkle breadcrumbs made from white bread on top.

7. Garnish with sprigs of fresh herbs, parsley or dill and serve immediately. If the salad is left for longer than a quarter of an hour, the crackers will get wet.

Sweet fruit salad with Adyghe cheese


• fresh cheese "Adygea" - 100 gr.;

• two green apples;

• a small bunch of ripe green grapes;

• two tablespoons of lemon juice;

• two medium kiwis;

• 100 gr. sugar

• three small sprigs of rosemary.

Cooking method:

1. In a suitable container, such as a small stewpan, pour 200 ml of drinking water and dissolve all the sugar in it. Constantly stirring and placing the container on a moderate fire, bring the syrup to a boil, lower the rosemary twigs into it and continue to cook with the smallest heating, until the volume decreases by a third. Strain and cool the rosemary syrup well.

2. Rinse the grapes, separate the grapes from the twigs and cut each in half, select the seeds.

3. Cut the peeled apples into small cubes and sprinkle the slices with lemon juice, mix.

4. Add diced kiwi, halves of grapes and chopped “Adyghe” cheese into centimeter cubes.

5. Gently mix the fruit salad, arrange in portions and pour each with rosemary syrup.

Very simple salad with Adyghe cheese and tomatoes


• two medium-sized tomatoes;

• fleshy pepper, Bulgarian - 2 pcs.;

• 150 gr. cheese "Adygea";

• two tablespoons of olive oil;

• juice of half a large lemon;

• a mixture of dried herbs "For salad".

Cooking method:

1. Dip clean dry pepper in vegetable oil, shake and put into a dry frying pan. Fry over medium heat on all sides until light tan marks appear. You can bake peppers in the oven under the grill.

2. Put the baked peppers in a bag and tie tightly. After five minutes, remove and clean the thin films from above. Carefully remove the seeds, and cut the flesh into thin strips.

3. Cut the tomatoes into thin rings, chop the cheese into small slices. Dip the pieces of cheese in a hot oil and fry on both sides.

4. Put pepper in a small salad bowl or on a flat plate. Put tomato rings on it, and fried cheese on top of them.

5. Combine the oil with lemon juice. Season the dressing with ground pepper, be sure to add salt and whisk a little.

6. Pour dressing in layers of vegetables and cheese. Sprinkle “dried salad” on top of dried herbs and serve immediately.

Cabbage salad with Adyghe cheese and sweet pepper


• Beijing cabbage - a small head of cabbage;

• one big sweet apple;

• red meat pepper - 1 pc.;

• 200 gr. cheese "Adygea";

• walnut kernels - a small handful;

• a third glass of oil, best of all olive;

• Dijon mustard - a full spoon;

• two large spoons of squeezed lemon juice.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the cabbage and wipe dry. If the tips of the cabbage leaves on top have dried - cut them off. Chop the cabbage with very fine straws and put in a large bowl.

2. Remove the peel from the apple, cut in half and remove the seed partitions with seeds.

3. Pepper cut along, select all seeds from halves. Then wash, cut into thin strips and send to the cabbage. Add the apple chopped in the same way.

4. Pour the cheese, broken into small pieces, to the vegetables and mix well all the components of the salad.

5. Combine Dijon mustard with oil, pour lemon juice. Salt the sauce slightly and season the salad without saving. Put the dish in a salad bowl and sprinkle with chopped nuts.

Adyghe cheese salads - cooking tricks and useful tips

• When choosing and purchasing cheese, pay special attention to the date of its production, it refers to brine cheeses and can be stored in a vacuum for no more than 30 days.

• Be sure to check the integrity of the cheese packaging; it must not be damaged. If the product is sold by weight, ask how long it went on sale.

• High-quality Adyghe cheese of white color with a faint milky smell. A home product is allowed to have a yellowish tint. Its surface has no crust. Cheese is sufficiently moist inside and elastic outside.

• Salads with Adyghe cheese season immediately before serving. Such dishes are not subject to long-term storage, even in the cold.


Watch the video: "Turkish Chicken Kapsalon Recipe" "Super Delicious Recipes" (July 2024).