Bearberry: useful properties for various diseases and contraindications. Active substances of bearberry and its use


Bearberry, due to the shape of the leaves, is also called a bear’s ear. It is used not only in the healing recipes of traditional medicine, but also in pharmaceutical production. This evergreen perennial shrub conquers many ailments both independently and as part of complex therapy.

Active substances that determine the beneficial properties of bearberry

The composition of bearberry is quite wide. It contains vitamins and minerals, but the healing properties are determined by such substances:

• flavonoids;

• arbutin;

• tannins;

• gallic acid;

• ursulic acid;

• hydroquinone.

Flavonoids act on the human body in a complex and at many levels, starting with the cellular. They affect all body systems, improving their work, as they regulate the action of various enzymes. Plants that contain flavonoids have a wound healing, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, diuretic and bactericidal effect on the body. In fact, it is a powerful antioxidant.

Arbutin is a glycoside that breaks down into glucose and hydroquinone. Arbutin has a urological antiseptic effect. This component also confirms the antioxidant effect of bearberry. It neutralizes free radicals and does not allow peroxidation of linoleic acid.

The decomposition product of arbutin hydroquinone is a bactericidal and diuretic component. In combination with other components of the plant, this substance is able to whiten and rejuvenate the skin. Artificially synthesized hydroquinone is used in cosmetics, however, its high concentration adversely affects skin cells.

Tannins are organic compounds of a complex type. Their concentration determines the degree of astringency of any product. In bearberry, there are a lot of them to affect the secretory function of the digestive tract. A low concentration of tannins lowers secretion and relieves inflammation from the membranes of the digestive organs.

Tannins bring epicatechin and catechin to the body. They, in turn, interfere with the absorption of carcinogenic and toxic substances in the intestine by binding them.

Gallic acid fills bearberry with antioxidant and antiparasitic properties. There is evidence that it protects the liver and heart from harmful effects, and is effectively taken with hepatitis B pathogens. By blocking the production of cholesterol, gallic acid is able to prevent the appearance of malignant neoplasms in the liver tissues.

Ursolic acid is one of the most powerful fat burning products. It also has a hepatoprotective effect, which is certainly beneficial for the liver. This acid effectively stimulates the growth of muscle mass, and also reduces the growth rate of cancer cells. Additional properties are antimicrobial and stimulating the immune system action.

Bearberry: beneficial properties for various diseases

The most common uses of bearberry are in the treatment of the urinary system.

Due to its bactericidal properties, bearberry effectively fights urethritis. Its components kill the bacteria that provoke this disease and, even, disinfect the urine drainage channels.

One of the valuable properties of bearberry is the rapid relief of symptomatic pain in any inflammatory process in the bladder.

Steamed bearberry broth is considered the best remedy for cystitis. After the first dose, unpleasant sensations are reduced, burning and pain pass. The daily dose of the decoction should not reach more than 5 tablespoons, as it can provoke excessive excretion of urine and aggravate the disease.

The diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of the bear’s eye are useful in the presence of kidney stones and bladder. An infusion is used along with medicines that crush stones. Bearberry in this tandem plays the role of a janitor who sweeps up decaying stones. It also well removes inflammation from ureters damaged by solid particles, and disinfects them.

With the diuretic effect of bearberry, pathogenic microflora are also washed out, which provokes diseases such as pyelitis, pyelonephritis, pyelocystitis.

Decoctions and tinctures of bearberry are often used in the treatment of prostatitis, to stimulate the excretion of urine and reduce inflammation.

Bearberry is included in herbal remedies for gastric ulcer. Its components effectively remove inflammation from the lining of the stomach and heal ulcers. The same properties help fight heartburn, gastritis and other stomach diseases.

Bear’s tannins promote quick recovery from diarrhea. And with colitis, the components of the plant have an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect.

With the help of different dosage forms bearberry still treats many different diseases:

• rheumatism and arthrosis (decongestion);

• female inflammatory diseases;

• bazedova disease;

• diathesis;

• gout;

• oncological diseases;

• sexually transmitted diseases.

How to effectively use the beneficial properties of bearberry

To achieve the effect of bearberry treatment, it is necessary to follow some rules:

1. In the treatment of urinary system organs, protein and animal products should be excluded from the diet. At the time of taking medicine from bearberry, vegetarian food will help to more actively absorb the beneficial substances of the plant. So that the acid indicators of the urine composition do not exceed the norm, before taking infusions or decoctions, you need to drink a weak soda solution.

2. Almost all recipes for the preparation of different dosage forms imply that the size of the crushed particles of bearberry leaf will not exceed half a centimeter. This is important for the proper dosage of raw materials and to prevent a negative effect.

3. The contraindications of bearberry include the content of a large number of allergens in it, so an allergic test is mandatory. To do this, you need an infusion or decoction to be applied to any delicate area of ​​the skin and wait an hour for a reaction. If there are no changes in the condition of the skin, then you can drink a third of the decoction and wait another hour. If an allergic reaction occurs, stop taking the medicine, and in its absence, continue.

4. When taking bearberry, an overdose is contraindicated, which can cause nausea, vomiting and dizziness, especially in the initial stages of treatment.

Bearberry: contraindications

With the numerous useful properties of bearberry, there are not so many contraindications for the plant, but still they must be taken into account.

You can not take any medicinal products based on bearberry to pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 7 years of age.

Be sure to consult a doctor and undergo the required examinations before using bearberry. Kidney stones will be a contraindication, since with the diuretic effect they can move, which is fraught with pain shock.


Watch the video: Amazing Benefits Of Bearberry (July 2024).