Pregnancy calendar by week. The development of the fetus, the sensations of the mother, the advice of doctors.


Pregnancy calendar - first month

For most women, the first month of pregnancy passes almost imperceptibly, because they learn about their situation by the end of this or even the beginning of the next. But it is during the first month that the most global events in the development of the embryo take place. Although you do not even realize that a new life is being born within you. In obstetrics, the gestational age is considered to be from the day of the last menstruation, although ovulation and conception occurs about 2 weeks later than menstruation. Therefore, pregnancy is considered to last an average of 40 weeks (280 days) or, as is more usual for us, 9 months.

Changes in the mother's body in the first month of pregnancy.

In the first week of the month, a woman has menstruation, and the brain is already actively rebuilding the woman’s body to meet the baby. One in a thousand eggs begins to ripen, and the uterine mucosa rejects the already obsolete mucous layer and begins to form a new one. In the second week, a leading egg is planned, located in a special vesicle, on the surface of the ovary. By the end of the second week of pregnancy, ovulation, rupture of the vesicle and exit of the egg into the abdominal cavity occurs. It is immediately caught by the “paws” of the fallopian tube and enters into it, remaining intact and intact for about 1-2 days. That’s it, the moment has come - it’s time for my father’s sperm to go on a long journey, the result of which will be the birth of a new life. On the day of ovulation, some women may notice a pull in the lower abdomen, and an increase in basal temperature (in the rectum) occurs.

If a meeting of sperm with an egg has occurred, a yellow body of pregnancy begins to form in the place of the egg that has left the follicle. It is very important in the process of maintaining pregnancy at first - it releases progesterone and estrogen necessary to maintain pregnancy. In addition, the appearance of toxicosis is also associated with the work of the corpus luteum; from the moment of transfer of the authority of the corpus luteum to the placenta (by 14-16 weeks), toxicosis usually disappears. At 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo is introduced into the thickness of the uterine mucosa. Then the cervix changes, it becomes softer and thicker, the lumen of the cervix is ​​closed by a thick plug of mucus, reliably keeping the baby from infection. In addition, your whole body begins to actively rebuild under the miracle that happened in your body - life has arisen, now we need to give it the opportunity to grow and develop!

Feelings of the expectant mother in the first month of pregnancy.

In the first month, many women do not even know about their situation, although with careful attention it is possible to note an increase in sensitivity and a slight swelling of the chest, sometimes there are slight sipping on the lower abdomen, and at the time of implantation, a slight smearing may appear. However, the body is already restructuring its work with might and main - it increases the volume and fluidity of the blood, and the kidneys work more actively. And progesterone makes a woman often go to the toilet in a small way. A metallic taste may appear in the mouth or a desire to eat new foods - salty, spicy, odor sensitivity may change. Fatigue and drowsiness often appear, especially in the transitional seasons of the year; nature gives a signal to reduce the frantic rhythm of life and allow a barely born life to become stronger in the mother's body.sometimes in some women the appearance of pregnancy is manifested by an increase in body temperature to 37-37.5 degrees (however, there should be no signs of a cold).

For women who did not plan a pregnancy, psychologically the first month passes quietly, they simply do not suspect their situation. But the moment of the appearance of the second band on the test with a delay can be a real stress - joyful or not. For a woman who carefully planned the conception, waiting for a result at the end of the month can be difficult - nervous about the result. A woman increases the level of adrenaline and stress hormones in the body, which can put in place normal implantation and the formation of the corpus luteum - therefore, doctors often advise the couple to take a “day off” during the planning period and go to the resort. But do not protect yourself. Often from there they come back three together!

Your baby (fetal development in the first month of pregnancy).

At the time of conception, the egg and sperm, containing half of the genetic information, merge and give rise to a new organism, where 50% of the signs are received from the pope, and the same amount from the mother. But in what combination they were mixed - this is a matter of chance - therefore, the eyes may turn out to be mother's, and father’s hair and nose. Both external features and character, inherited features of development, and even a tendency to certain diseases or disorders are inherited. In addition, only dad determines who will be born to you - a boy or a girl, since the sperm carries information about the baby’s gender. If it is a Y-sperm, a boy will be born; if it is an X-sperm, there will be a girl.

From this moment, your baby, still unicellular, will go a long way - in a day there will be two. Instead of 4, 8 and 64 cells, they will quickly begin to divide exponentially. By the end of the week, the embryo resembles a ball with liquid inside, it moves along the fallopian tube to the uterus and penetrates into its wall. He protrudes special villi, invading the uterine mucosa, giving rise to the embryo of the placenta. Now he will eat due to the supply of nutrients to the uterus, and when the placenta is formed, it will deliver food to the baby. If everything went well, the baby will begin to grow and develop. If a woman is sick, harmful substances acted on the embryo, or something is wrong in its structure, nature starts the rejection mechanism - menstruation and the exit of the non-viable embryo begin.

From the third week, when the fetus has settled in the uterus, the mother's body begins to intensively produce a special hormone, hCG, which progressively grows according to the gestational age until about the second trimester. By its level in the blood, you can determine the duration of pregnancy, and by its appearance in the urine using a test strip determines the presence of pregnancy. By the end of the first month of life, the embryo becomes an embryo. Three special “leaflets” are already distinguished in it, an embryo of tissues, from which organs and systems will then be formed. The ectoderm or the outer part gives rise to the skeleton, muscles and skin, the mesoderm or the middle part is transformed into the circulatory system with the heart, kidneys and genital area, the endoderm or internal part gives rise to digestion and respiration.

In addition, at this time two more important organs are formed - the chorion - from which the placenta grows, and the amnion - from which the membranes are formed, without them the development of the embryo is impossible. Your baby is still very tiny, and still does not look like a human - rather a worm 0.5-1 mm in size.

The dangers of the first month of pregnancy.

The first month is one of the critical periods in pregnancy therefore, you need to know about the possible difficulties. The most dangerous of them is an ectopic pregnancy, which occurs if implantation occurs earlier than the term and the fetus does not have time to reach the uterus. conditions for the development of the fetal egg outside the uterus are unfavorable and such pregnancies are interrupted, sometimes with a threat to life.Therefore, if you suspect a pregnancy, you need to see a doctor and have an ultrasound scan to clarify the position of the ovum and the timing.

Medical observation.

During normal pregnancy, no medical procedures are required during the first month; the fact of pregnancy is established by a pregnancy test performed at home. In them, the basic principle is the determination of hCG in a woman’s urine, and it is possible to confirm pregnancy at an early stage only by ultrasound. The main thing that the doctor recommends is to take care of yourself, start taking multivitamins - vitamin A and E, and folic acid are especially important.

When recommending this or that complex to expectant mothers, doctors focus primarily on the individual characteristics of the woman's body, the results of her analyzes and research data. Specialists always pay attention primarily to the composition, quality of production and the reputation of the manufacturer. Therefore, more and more often they recommend "Minisan Multivitamin Mama" sold in pharmacies of the Russian Federation, developed and manufactured in Finland, in the pharmacies of which this is drug No. 1. Moreover, “Minisan Mama” can be used both during pregnancy planning and during pregnancy and lactation, as all the necessary elements are contained in the preparation in the necessary and harmonious balance.

Pregnancy calendar: second month

Second month of pregnancy. Most likely you already know about your situation and are very happy about it. However, there is a long and difficult path ahead, we must tune in a positive way and create favorable living conditions for ourselves and the baby. When the pregnancy calendar points to the second month, there comes a time when you need to critically look at your lifestyle, food and even your wardrobe, now the main thing in your life is a tiny miracle inside your uterus that you still don’t even feel, but thoughts about which already completely captured your brain, and love for it completely occupied your whole heart! You will soon get used to your new condition, will enjoy the process of gestation. This month is very important for you and your crumbs, the health of the baby in the future largely depends on how this time passes.

Changes in the mother's body in the second month of pregnancy.

The beginning of the month is marked by the absence of menstruation and the confirmation of your pregnancy. Therefore, there should be no discharge, if smearing or spotting appears - consult a doctor. This month, the corpus luteum reaches its maximum in the development of the corpus luteum, in place of the egg that leaves the ovary, and it produces progesterone, the hormone that keeps you pregnant. Under his influence, the cervix thickens, becomes like a cylinder, and its lumen is closed by thick mucus. The uterus begins to grow, and according to its size, the doctor, when examined on a chair and probing it, can accurately determine the duration of pregnancy. If the uterus was the size of a pear before pregnancy, at 6 weeks it becomes the size of an orange, by eight - the size of a grapefruit. The uterus grows, and ligaments are stretched, small discomfort may appear in the sides, due to the tension of the ligaments. But they are unobtrusive and not painful.

Progesterone affects the whole body - many manifestations in the body of pregnant women are due to its action. Together with it, a special hormone of the developing placenta, lactogen, also acts. Together they enhance metabolism, forcing the body to reduce protein synthesis. Switching to glucose and fatty acids. This increases the supply of nutrients for the fetus and its costs of growth and development. The load on your organs and systems is gradually increasing - the kidneys and the cardiovascular system are working especially hard. The endocrine system undergoes a difficult test - it needs to balance the increased production of androgens in the adrenal glands, so as not to provoke a miscarriage, and the thyroid gland must precisely secrete the amount of hormones.if there are few of them, the baby will lag behind in development; if there are many, the pregnancy may end. HCG production is increasing, according to which the doctor determines the exact duration and condition of the pregnancy.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the second month of pregnancy.

You already know about your situation, and if in doubt - thanks to the action of hormones, toxicosis will tell you. Toxicosis is manifested by morning nausea, vomiting, severe salivation. Progesterone has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, so the muscles of the esophagus are not in good shape, and the stomach is slower - heartburn, belching and discomfort may occur. These are temporary phenomena, they usually pass by the end of the first trimester. In the meantime, you need to help yourself easier to survive unpleasant moments of pregnancy. To alleviate the condition do not overeat. Eat small meals, but often. Eat breakfast without getting out of bed, and have dinner right before bedtime. It is necessary to drink enough and eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, they reduce the manifestations of toxicosis.

Do not bend sharply, lift weights, sleep with your head held high, do not wear tight things. Pungent odors cause nausea - protect yourself from them, and try to avoid smoky rooms and do not smoke yourself. Helps with nausea brushing your teeth with peppermint paste, citrus fruits and sour juices.

If trips are necessary - avoid rush hour in transport, this is stuffiness and crush - they are dangerous for you. If toxicosis is mild. You may have very strange addictions in food - you may want foods that you did not like before, or you will only want food of a certain kind - sweet, salty, sour. If these are not harmful products - eat them calmly, but know the measure, but chocolates, chips, crackers should be replaced with more useful products. If you are drawn to "special delicacies" - chalk, earth, whitewashing - check with your doctor, this usually indicates a deficiency of iron and calcium.

You may experience headaches, dizziness, lethargy and drowsiness, low blood pressure. Talk to your doctor about how to alleviate your condition - regular pill “from the head” can now hurt you. Weight this month can either increase by 0.5-1.5 kg, or decrease due to toxicosis. In addition, because of the hormones you bloom, your chest becomes more appetizing, hair and nails are stronger and more beautiful. The skin becomes more oily.

In the mental sphere, changes are also taking place - especially if the baby is a surprise to parents. There are doubts and fears "will I handle it," "what can I do?" You start to scroll through all the options in your head, you are not afraid of what you would like, the reactions of relatives and friends, you doubt it. This is normal - all women go through this period and there is no need to be afraid of it. dream of joyful moments. Imagine the face of your crumbs and all doubts themselves will disappear. If you are worried, talk with your husband or a psychologist, your pregnant woman is characterized by mood changes - tearfulness, sensitivity and this is also the effect of hormones. Everyone will enter your position and treat you with understanding. But, do not give vent to whims and emotions - loved ones also experience a difficult moment, do not be offended by them, they cannot perceive everything exactly like you do! take care of your nerves - you still need them! If the anxiety does not go away, the doctor will prescribe a mild sedative for you.

Your baby (fetal development in the second month of pregnancy).

This month the most important changes are taking place in the child’s body. It is from 5 to 8 weeks that all organs and systems are laid. If something goes wrong, severe malformations will form. In the fifth week, the heart of the child begins to beat, blood vessels appear, the liver, larynx, trachea, pancreas form, finger rudiments appear on the arms and legs. From 6-7 weeks, the main immune organ appears - the thymus, and at six weeks the liver begins to produce the first blood cells. A baby with 5 mm will grow to 2.5 cm by the end of the month.

By the beginning of the seventh week, the child’s head and brain are formed, eyes, nose, ears, lower and upper jaws appear, the first bones appear. From the seventh week the baby begins to move, but he is still small and you do not feel it. He already has a brain and primitive reflexes working, adrenal glands and heart chambers are formed. the kidneys begin to work, hepatic flows form, the neck, joints appear, and in boys the testicles and penis form. His head is very large and the body is small. It looks like a tadpole, but very soon it will grow into a pink-cheeked peanut. By the end of the second month it is already a fetus, not an embryo.

The dangers of the second month of pregnancy.

This is a very important time - a critical period of pregnancy, and it is better to take a vacation and devote time to yourself. If this month you will be affected by harmful factors - viruses, microbes, toxins or medications, your baby may develop malformations. Therefore, protect yourself as much as possible from diseases, contact with chemistry and dangers. The second problem may be the threat of abortion due to hormonal disorders and mother’s diseases - therefore, regularly visit a doctor, monitor your well-being. If pulling pains appear in the lower abdomen or lower back, pressure on the rectal area. Abdominal pain, the appearance of unusual or bloody discharge from the genital tract - urgently to a doctor, this can be a threat of interruption. If you start therapy on time or lie down for preservation - the baby can be saved.

Medical observation.

In the second calendar month of pregnancy, women usually register for pregnancy - if you feel good - it will be around 7-8 weeks. Your doctor will prescribe blood and urine tests, examine you on a chair to determine your gestational age, and send you for an ultrasound scan. In addition, a list of doctors will be written to you. to which you should appear in the first trimester. Especially if there are health problems - this will allow you to fully compose a picture of your condition and plan the management of your pregnancy.


The doctor will advise you to relax more, be in the air and eat right, refuse fast food in favor of natural products. Eat more meat and fish, dairy products and fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition, you will be prescribed special vitamins for pregnant women, iodine and iron preparations, calcium. They are put to you under the birth certificate and will be issued at the pharmacy with a prescription. If this is a cold season and there is a high risk of colds - try to avoid crowded places - colds are extremely dangerous for you now.
But you don’t need to refuse an intimate life, if you feel good, you can leave everything as usual - pregnancy reveals a woman in a different way. And affection for her is now very important. But do household chores in moderation - you don’t need to do repairs, tear apart the apartment and wash all the laundry at once - this can tire you and cause a threat to the baby. You can not lift bags weighing more than 2-3 kg, move furniture and play sports associated with vibration, jumping and running.

Pregnancy calendar: third month

Third month of pregnancy. Finally, you got used to your new position, and even toxicosis began to weaken a little, however, you often have exciting thoughts. In addition, you have to go to work, and getting up in the morning is difficult, you need to go through a lot of examinations and doctors, and you are constantly lethargic and sleepy. On all sides, tips on nutrition, behavior and life of a pregnant woman are pouring on you from all sides of the cornucopia, learn how to treat everything positively. The most basic thing you need now from you is peace and health.

Changes in the mother's body in the third month of pregnancy.

Toxicosis still does not let you go, although you have already learned to cope with its manifestations. By the end of this month it will pass, therefore, pat another little.You are still drowsy and tired faster than usual, but remember - this is a protective reaction of the body. He tells you that it’s time to calm down and change the frantic rhythm of life to a more measured one. By the middle of the month, the corpus luteum of pregnancy, producing progesterone, has reached its peak, and by the end of the month, the placenta begins to take on its function, it grows and actively releases hormones.

Your chest also changes - tingling can be noted in it, its size changes, and the halo darkens. This is the preparation of the breast for full breastfeeding after childbirth. Inside the breast, adipose tissue is replaced with glandular, lobules, ducts are formed and the processes of preparation for milk secretion begin. Breast volume can increase from one to three sizes. Take care of the right breast underwear. With a sharp increase in volume, stretch marks may appear on the chest. Therefore, in order to enhance the elasticity and hydration of the skin, use special anti-stretch marks.

The volume of circulating blood increases and veins on the chest, abdomen and legs may become noticeable, but you should not be scared - this is a physiological phenomenon that makes it possible to deliver nutrients to both mother and her baby. Therefore, the doctor will constantly monitor your blood count and hemoglobin level. It, along with an increase in blood volume, is responsible for your well-being. This month, your weight may become a couple of kilograms more than it was before pregnancy, and if you have sufficiently pronounced toxicosis - it may not change - it is not dangerous, but a constant increase in body weight will continue - the uterus and the baby grow, and nutritional reserves are accumulated.

If your family is predisposed to varicose veins, it's time to take preventative measures - from the third month initial manifestations may occur. This is associated with a decrease in the tone of the veins on the legs under the influence of hormones and an increasing blood volume. To avoid its manifestations, you need to control weight, do not sit cross-legged, do not stand for a long time and relax with raised legs. Wear special varicose pantyhose or stockings, change heels to ballet shoes. Light exercise is beneficial.

Your emotional background also changes, your mood changes so often that even you yourself get tired of it. Hormones are to blame for this, but you need to pull yourself together - get distracted by your housework, find a hobby, meditate, listen to music, go shopping. It is useful to talk with your husband or friends about the baby, about what worries you - if this is impossible or you do not want to discuss it with them. You can consult a psychologist or go to childbirth preparation courses. If there are still babies in the family, now is the time to start preparing them for the birth of crumbs.

Your baby (fetal development in the third month of pregnancy).

This month is quite important - the baby’s main organs and systems are formed, it is already surrounded by the fetal bladder, it is filled with amniotic fluid from the inside (analog of amniotic fluid in the future). He swims freely there, attached to the placenta with a thin cord - the umbilical cord. It is repelled from the walls and tumbles in the stomach, but you can’t feel it yet. There is still little amniotic fluid - only about 20-30 ml, but their volume will increase with the growth of the baby. Outwardly, the baby is still very vaguely reminiscent of a man, his head is huge and his eyes are open. The arms are very long and the legs are short, the tail, which was in the embryo earlier as a memory from ancestors, almost disappears. By the end of the month, it already grows to 9-10 cm. And weighs as much as 15 grams.

He has already formed a skeleton, although for the time being mostly cartilaginous, the main joints are already bending, the fingers on his hands and feet are already distinguishable, he can see the ears, nose, lips, all the milk teeth have already been laid. The eyes of the crumbs have not been covered for centuries, but he still does not see them, since only the iris of the eye and its inner chamber are formed.The pituitary gland begins to work in the child’s brain - the main human endocrine organ that regulates the work of the entire endocrine system. In addition, lymphatic vessels form, and the pancreas of the crumbs begins to produce insulin, which is responsible for the breakdown of glucose. The kid trains in digestion - swallows amniotic fluid, it passes through the intestines, and its walls train in rhythmic contraction. You can distinguish the sex of the child by the end of the third month, if the doctor’s eye is set and the ultrasound machine is powerful, however, there may still be mistakes - the labia and clitoris of the girl can look very much like “manhood”.

Medical observation.

Your visit to the gynecologist will now become a regular procedure - while you still meet monthly, and this month you will have to pass tests and go through specialist doctors if you did not do it earlier. The doctor will examine you on the chair and check the gestational age, examine your height and weight, fill out your exchange card in detail, which you will now visit the doctor constantly. The card will contain all the data about you - your illnesses, family traits, allergies to medications, surgeries, and other information important to doctors.

In addition, this month you will see your baby for the first time - you are scheduled for an ultrasound scan for a period of 11-12 weeks. The doctor will examine the baby and the condition of the membranes, the placenta, and if you have twins, it will confirm the presence of two babies. Ultrasound clarifies the gestational age, estimated delivery date and fetal weight. But the most basic thing in ultrasound is the identification of severe genetic and congenital abnormalities that put the child to live and develop. If the suspicions are high - conduct a detailed study by sampling a piece of shells or amniotic fluid. If everything is confirmed, the question of prolonging pregnancy is raised.

In addition, a general analysis of blood and urine, blood tests for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, as well as special TORCH infections, determine the blood group and Rh factor, conduct a biochemical analysis and study blood coagulation. All this gives a complete picture of the woman’s health status and, based on the analysis, the doctor gives recommendations and prescribes treatment, if necessary. In addition, you will need to go through an ECG and get the opinions of specialists - a therapist, cardiologist, optometrist, ENT specialist and dentist.


You need regular walks - give yourself at least half an hour a day to stay in the air. If time is sorely lacking - go at least from work to work a couple of stops on foot, only away from roads with car exhausts. If the doctor does not express health concerns, you can resemble fitness for pregnant women, swim, do gymnastics and exercise. Start strengthening your pelvic floor muscles and Kegel exercises - this will make it easier to give birth and get in shape. Change clothes and shoes for more comfortable and spacious. This is not the time to flaunt in high heels and tight jeans, the center of gravity is changing, the uterus is growing - pressure on it can damage the baby. In addition, pick up a beautiful underwear - a maternity bra and panties - thongs are not the most suitable model of panties during this period. Lingerie should be elastic and breathable, the skin changes its properties.

Follow simple precautions - put a rubber mat on the bottom of the bathtub. Try not to step on wet and slippery floors - falls are dangerous for you. You can’t lift weights, wash the floors with your hands, sit or stand for a long time, or be in stuffy and smoky rooms. Protect yourself from heavy, exhausting homework. In addition, now it is already possible to notify relatives and relatives of their situation.

So, the first trimester of pregnancy is behind us, we are close to the second trimester - when the secret will be revealed! Good luck

Pregnancy Calendar: Fourth Month

Fourth month of pregnancy. The most calm and carefree time.Toxicosis has already receded and you have become more active and cheerful. Analyzes and examinations have been completed, you have already seen your baby on an ultrasound scan. The baby has already formed the main organs and systems and external adverse factors are not so terrible for him. Now is the time to take care of yourself, relax a lot and enjoy your position, which becomes noticeable to others.

Changes in the mother's body in the fourth month of pregnancy.

This month, the growth of the uterus becomes already noticeable - it extends beyond the pelvic region and grows in the abdominal cavity. At the beginning of the month, its bottom is above the bosom, and by the end of the month reaches the navel. In thin women, the tummy is already clearly contoured by the end of the month, and in chubby ones it may not be so noticeable. To provide mother and baby with adequate nutrition, the body increases blood volume by 30-40%, but if your heart is healthy, it will go unnoticed for you. But you will clearly catch changes in appearance - hair and nails become stronger and more beautiful, but moles and freckles become darker, age spots may appear on the face and body. A dark strip appears on the tummy, which runs from the navel to the pubis in the midline. This is the action of hormones, due to which melatonin is deposited, a special substance, after childbirth all this will disappear - do not worry. In summer and spring, when the sun is active, use sunscreen, they will reduce pigmentation. If the spots are very visible - you can make whitening masks with lemon and milk. Your mammary glands grow, halos darken.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the fourth month of pregnancy.

Finally, your tummy will become noticeable not only to you, the waist is smoothed, and it gradually grows. Besides. you began to feel better, your appetite appeared and I want to try everything and a lot. But a measure is needed - otherwise there is a risk of gaining extra pounds - it is optimal to add from 1 to 4-5 kg ​​from the beginning of pregnancy for this period. Habitual clothes became cramped, and you need to update your wardrobe - buy clothes in special departments for pregnant women or just more spacious. Uterine growth is accompanied by sprains, which is perceived as a pulling feeling in the groin and wings of the ilium, but it is not very pronounced and quickly pass.

Fluid retention in the body leads to increased sweating and more abundant vaginal discharge. This is not dangerous, but requires more active hygiene. Now a large burden falls on the mucous membranes. nasal or gingival bleeding may occur. Therefore, watch out for air humidity so that the nasal mucosa does not dry out, brush your teeth regularly and rinse them with special balms.

This month may present an unpleasant surprise in the form of constipation - you began to move less. And the tummy presses on the intestines, hormones reduce its tone - hence the trouble. Constipation is unpleasant in itself, but it can also cause hemorrhoids and anus fissures, which is extremely unpleasant and difficult to treat. Watch your diet and drink, eat a lot of greens and fiber, move more.

The most pleasant thing this month is the first movements of the crumbs, which can be felt from 17 to 20 weeks. Many women say that they are fully aware of their position only with the first movements of the crumbs and this is unforgettable! Now your emotional background has settled down a bit, you have become mysteriously romantic, a mystery has appeared in your eyes! A pregnant woman is visible in the crowd - her gaze is aloof, calm and directed toward herself! Now you are happy and look forward to seeing you!

Your baby (fetal development in the fourth month of pregnancy).

This month, the placenta finally takes on the role of a nourishing organ, now thanks to it the baby receives everything necessary for growth and development. It also acts as a filter and neutralizes harmful substances, releases hormones, protects the fetus from infections.
The baby has new skills - he is trying to suck and swallow, though still very weakly, but these are the first steps to further independent life. The baby's arms and legs are actively bent at the elbows and knees, he squeezes and unclenches his fists, can grab the umbilical cord, performs swimming movements, somersaults and pushes into the walls of the poppies. You will already feel his first timid tremors this month, last week. A special fluff appears on the skin of the baby - lanugo, which performs a protective function, it holds on the surface of the skin special fatty substances that prevent it from getting wet. On a naked lanugo, it will be replaced by longer hairs, and eyebrows, cilia appear on the face, and fingernails begin to grow. Your baby is becoming more and more like you.

The baby swims in the amniotic fluid, which he swallows, in which he urinates. They are updated every 2-3 hours, play the role of a shock absorber, sterile, participate in the metabolism of crumbs. Boys have a prostate this month, and the testes are still in the abdominal cavity.

Girls form ovaries with millions of eggs, they descend into the pelvic cavity, the external genitalia are already quite distinctly formed and gender can be determined. The child already hears sounds from the outside, as his inner ear is already quite developed. It freezes at sharp sounds, and pushes at pleasant sounds. At the end of the month, he knows how to open and close his eyes, the retina begins to respond to impulses. In a month, the baby grows from 10-12 to 20 cm, its weight approaches 200-250 g.

The dangers of the fourth month of pregnancy.

No matter how calm this time may be, there are dangers in it. If there is a predisposition or there were injuries of the cervix - an isthmic-cervical insufficiency can form - the cervix cannot hold the increasing weight of the fetus and a miscarriage occurs. If you feel pain in the lower abdomen of a piercing or shooting character, the discharge intensifies - immediately to the doctor, the application of a pessary or sutures will allow you to inform and give birth calmly!

Medical observation.

This month you will have one visit to the doctor, the doctor will tell you about the result of the tests, talk about nutrition and stress. If health abnormalities are found, then it is time to treat them. This month you will have a special triple test for alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), chorionic gonadotropin (CG) and unconjugated estriol (NE). These indicators change with some congenital and genetic abnormalities, and if the risk of abnormalities is identified, it is carried out twice with an interval of several weeks, this will allow the woman and the doctor to decide whether to continue or terminate the pregnancy. If there are problems with the teeth - the second trimester is the time to treat the teeth - pregnant women are given special anesthesia and the treatment is completely painless. But leaving teeth without treatment is dangerous - this is a hotbed of chronic infection, which can fall to the fetus. At this time, many pregnant women with an unfavorable background are sent under targeted federal programs for a course of rehabilitation and treatment in a maternity sanatorium.

Recommendations and Tips.

This month, the doctor will recommend switching to taking multivitamins with iron and calcium, and it is better in the composition of a special "pregnant" complex - this is the optimal composition. Review your diet - you will need about 2-00-300 kcal per day more than before pregnancy. But eating better often and little by little. The diet should always have meat and fish, eggs, cereals, dairy products and cereals. Necessarily fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as dishes from them. Pregnancy is not the time for diets and restrictions - remember, now you are responsible not only for yourself, you need to give life and health to a new man! Useful walks, fitness for pregnant women and an active lifestyle - travel, travel, swimming. Pregnancy is not a disease and does not impose restrictions on a woman.Women care - is it possible to do manicure and make-up during pregnancy? Of course, you can, just pick up special varnishes and hair dye. You can go to cosmetic procedures, use creams and masks for hair and face - the expectant mother should be beautiful. It becomes more difficult with sleep - you can no longer sleep on your stomach, and on your back a pregnant uterus presses on the spine and vein. Buy a special banana pillow, and sleep with it between your legs or under your side, this will make your condition easier. Sleep better on your left side.

So, we have reached the equator, we are entering the second half of pregnancy!

Pregnancy calendar: fifth month

Fifth month of pregnancy. This is the equator of pregnancy, you will find out the gender of the baby (if you want, of course), and others will notice your rounded tummy. You already clearly feel the baby's movements, communication with him already takes on the character of a dialogue. You open a wonderful new world - motherhood, it will capture you completely and all problems will recede into the background. And more and more often you will be visited by thoughts of an early birth.

Changes in the mother's body at the fifth month of pregnancy.

The uterus is growing rapidly, and your pregnancy is already hard to miss. If at the beginning of the month the bottom of the uterus is in the middle between the pubis and the navel. Then by the end of the month it can be felt already a couple of centimeters above the navel. And the navel itself can stretch and smooth.
The volume of circulating blood is constantly increasing, it helps you and your baby get everything you need for growth and development. Due to the mismatch of the amount of the liquid part of the blood and its formed elements, especially red blood cells, physiological anemia of pregnant women can occur. This is normal - but still, the doctor will most likely prescribe iron supplements for you to replenish his supplies. To clarify the level of hemoglobin, the doctor will prescribe a blood test from your finger.

Due to the action of hormones, joints and ligaments become weaker. Therefore, there may be pain in the lower back or in the joints, this is not dangerous. The baby’s skeleton is growing and you need calcium, otherwise the baby will take it from your skeleton.

The placenta is now located on one of the walls and is already fully functioning - however, the doctor will clarify its location, sometimes there are abnormal attachments. However, the placenta has the property of "rising", so even if it is still low - it is not scary.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the fifth month of pregnancy.

This month you will fly on wings - your baby will “speak” to you with body language. he knocks you with legs. Pens in response to your words, pushes you into the tummy. These feelings are difficult to describe in words - but they are unforgettable, attract dad to communicate with the baby. Let him whisper gentle words to him in the “microphone” - the navel area is the thinnest and the sounds are better.

The activity of the crumbs and their movements depend on many factors - on the number of your movements, nutrition, stay in the fresh air. At rest, you listen to yourself more and movements are heard more often. If the baby is very "violent", this may indicate a lack of oxygen - go breathe air.

The growing uterus supports the internal organs, and they are displaced, including the stomach. Due to a change in position, heartburn, an unpleasant sensation in the esophagus may appear. It can increase with the growth of the uterus, and passes after childbirth. Usually heartburn is not severe, and changing the diet helps to cope with it - seeds, milk, yogurt often help, but if it’s hard for you to tolerate it, the doctor will prescribe relief.

This month, an unpleasant symptom may appear - itching of the skin, especially on the abdomen and hips, where it is most stretched. This feeling is unpleasant, but not dangerous for you and the child, however, do not scratch your skin - it is better to smear it with a soothing lotion or cream.

Due to the growth of the uterus, the appearance of a “symptom of the inferior vena cava”, dizziness and lightheadedness, when lying on the back, also occur.This is due to compression of the vein running along the spine and a violation of the blood flow to the head, so try to rest more often on the left side or with raised legs - half-sitting.

Changes occur in the chest, and the first colostrum - yellowish droplets may appear, this is preparation for feeding. If there is a lot of colostrum, use chest pads. But if it is not there, this does not mean that you will not be able to feed - everyone has their own period for the appearance of colostrum.

Your emotions are also changing, you realize that half the way has been traveled and the birth is getting closer. They can scare you, and a good way to overcome fear is to go to childbirth preparation courses, now is the time. They will teach you everything - breathing and relaxation, prepare the body and mind.

Now you have become calmer, slower, time flows measuredly - this is a feature of the nervous system, the dominant feature of pregnancy. It protects you from negativity and gives you peace of mind. If anxiety does not leave you, it hinders you from living normally - this is an occasion to talk with a psychologist, do art therapy or just take a break from a hobby.

Your baby (fetal development in the fifth month of pregnancy).

Your baby has grown up to 20 cm, and it weighs almost 250 g. It grows very quickly, never again in life a person grows so fast. In a month, its growth will be 10 cm more. having reached 30 cm. and the weight will double, it will become about 500 g. A doctor using a special device will let you listen to his heartbeat.

Now his skeleton is actively growing and he needs a lot of calcium, his nails grow. Finger phalanges are formed, the rudiments of already and permanent teeth have appeared. The skin differentiates - sweat glands appear in it, subcutaneous fat accumulates, which will retain heat. Skin cells and hairs are constantly dying, a special cheese-like lubricant is formed from them, which covers the baby’s body at birth - it is cream-colored.

While the baby’s body is disproportionate - the head is much larger than all parts of the body, the brain develops very actively. The child learns to control his movements, and the role of the brain in this is dominant. The baby can already suck his finger, touch the body and walls of the uterus, changes its position inside the uterus several times a day. Sometimes he can make movements like coughing or hiccups, and mom feels it through the abdominal wall.

The baby’s face is already changing expression, and this can already be seen on an ultrasound scan, he already has a taste and he pours into the amniotic fluid that his mother ate. His bone marrow already produces blood cells, it already has enough red blood cells to provide his needs for oxygen, which he receives through the placenta. Contrary to popular belief, the fetus and mother do not have common blood, each has its own, and may even differ in group and rhesus. In addition, the baby is already creating its protective cells, white blood cells, to fight against possible infections.

The dangers of the fifth month of pregnancy.

The uterus grows and presses on the internal organs, the ureters are pinched, which under certain conditions can cause pyelonephritis. Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to regularly empty their bladder and take a urine test - this will prevent a formidable disease.

Expectant mothers may be disturbed by bleeding gums, tooth sensitivity, pelvic pain and muscle cramps - these are the consequences of the lack of calcium that goes on the baby’s growth, you need to take calcium supplements additionally. In addition, you need to eat enough calcium-containing foods - this is milk and dairy products, as well as nuts, cabbage and much more.

Another danger may be a violation of the position of the placenta - its complete or incomplete presentation. This can be with abnormalities of the pregnancy or the structure of the uterus. This is dangerous because placental abruption can occur, which is life threatening. If there are bleeding from the genital tract or bleeding, urgently call an ambulance and a hospital.

Medical observation.

Now it will be necessary to visit the doctor more often - this month you will come to the doctor twice, more frequent monitoring is due to the increasing load on you. Before each visit, you will be tested for urine. At the reception you will be weighed, measure the pressure and size of the tummy, the height of the bottom of the uterus, examine on a chair and make a smear.

This month you will again see the baby firsthand - at the second planned ultrasound, on which, by the way, you can find out the gender of the baby. In addition, the baby will be measured and determined by weight, length and development. They will evaluate the condition of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid and the condition of the cervix.
In addition, during the study, you will also undergo dopplerography - this is a way to study blood flow in the vessels inside the uterus, placenta, umbilical cord and the baby’s body.

Recommendations and advice.

Your appetite is increasing. But you need to be moderate in everything - weight gain should be about 5 kg from the moment of pregnancy, excess weight will not bring benefits. in ordinary life there are almost no restrictions - you can bathe in the shower or take a bath, go to the pool, go for fitness for pregnant women, travel.

Now your sexuality has blossomed. If there are no medical contraindications, intimate life continues in the same rhythm. The baby is well protected by the fetal bladder and uterus, and you will not do him the slightest harm.

Often rest during the day, walk at least 1-2 hours a day, sleep during the day, if possible. If you are still working, it's time to discuss your upcoming decree with your superiors. In addition, you are entitled to significant indulgences at work, easy work and additional breaks.

You can begin to think about a dowry for a baby, especially since most likely you already know his gender, plan your purchases and gradually buy things. But do not turn shopping into a hours-long marathon. Shopping for crumbs is a very pleasant thing, share it with the future dad.

We exceeded the equator of pregnancy; four months were left before delivery!

Pregnancy calendar: sixth month

Sixth month of pregnancy. Your tummy grows very fast, and you walk proudly carrying it in front of you. Your baby is already actively communicating with you and the future dad. You feel his movements very actively. It's time to do his prenatal education - listen to music, go to exhibitions, engage in creativity - all this will help you grow a good person.

Changes in the mother's body at the sixth month of pregnancy.

Your health is very good now, you are enjoying your pregnancy. However, thoughts about giving birth are already overpowering you, and sometimes the condition is already tiring - especially when the evening comes. Your hormonal background changes, changes affect the immune system - it decreases so as not to tear off the crumbs. Therefore, the microflora of the genital tract can change and an unpleasant thing appears - thrush or candidiasis, and sometimes vaginitis occurs. This is accompanied by unpleasant itching and increased vaginal discharge. This is a conditionally pathogenic flora, which, due to a decrease in immunity, activates and begins to cause inconvenience. Then the smear changes, and the doctor will resort to the appointment of special, safe during pregnancy candles or other medications to align the microflora and treat unpleasant symptoms. After treatment, the doctor will prescribe you a control smear on the flora to make sure that everything is in order. It is necessary to treat this, in addition to unpleasant symptoms, it can become dangerous for the crumbs - lead to the threat of premature birth.

At this time, the load on the heart and vascular system increases, because the volume of blood in the vessels has increased by almost half. Regular monitoring of blood pressure, as well as the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin is necessary. If anemia occurs, the doctor will recommend that you increase the amount of protein and meat products in your diet - beef, chicken, offal, and also take iron supplements.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the sixth month of pregnancy.

Your tummy grows and rounds quickly.By the end of the month, the bottom of the uterus rises 2-3 cm above the navel. Your wardrobe has already been substantially revised and replaced, however, this is not a reason to wear baggy shirts and wide pants. Now there are many salons for pregnant women, which can pick you clothes at any time, even an evening dress so that it emphasizes all your charms!

You have to wear a bandage. If you have not started to do it earlier. It will support the tummy and reduce the load on the spine, and due to the fact that the stomach is supported, there is less risk of skin stretch marks. Your connection with the baby is so strong. What do you feel his mood - when he is satisfied, and when not. Do you like to play with him - he pushes into your hands attached to his stomach, responds to his voice.
Your weight is gradually increasing - the average increase is from 250 to 350-400g per week, your doctor will control your weight, it makes no sense at home to weigh yourself daily.

Minor edema may appear in the area of ​​the feet, face or hands, this does not need to be scared - this is fluid retention due to hormones. Try not to drink a lot of liquid, but you do not need to limit yourself in it, do not lean on salty. Spicy and spicy - it causes thirst. Remove tight rings and bracelets, do not wear elastic bands on the body and narrow socks.

The skin on the stomach and chest is greatly stretched, and stretch marks (striae), crimson stripes may appear due to the divergence of the skin fibers. No need to be upset. They will turn white after childbirth and become almost invisible, their appearance depends on the characteristics of the skin and heredity. It is almost impossible to prevent their appearance, but they can be reduced by using special means from stretch marks. Control your weight, keep yourself in shape - pep - this is the main thing now.

Your baby (fetal development in the sixth month of pregnancy).

In this month of pregnancy, the baby will grow up to 30-35 cm, and will gain weight up to 800-1000g. While he is still a baby, he already knows a lot. His skin is still very thin, red, it is wrinkled like an old man. The body is covered with a cheese-like lubricant that protects the child from the effects of amniotic fluid, which can soften the skin. The child actively moves, opens and closes his eyes, swallows amniotic fluid. Subcutaneous fat is still very small, it is just beginning to accumulate and round it. There are a lot of vellus hair on the baby’s body, its cartilages in the ears and nose are still thin, the nails have not yet grown. The boy has not yet descended into the scrotum testicles. However, if childbirth suddenly begins and the baby is born prematurely, from the sixth month the doctors can leave him and he will live.

The dangers of the sixth month of pregnancy.

The danger may be the threat of preterm birth, which can occur as a result of intrauterine infection, therefore. It is extremely important to protect yourself from colds. Contact with animals and infectious patients - especially if it is mononucleosis, herpes, cytomegaly, toxoplasmosis.

Besides. during this period gestosis - or toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy can make itself felt. It occurs due to malfunctions in the body and is manifested by increased pressure, edema. Protein in urine is a common poor condition. Due to this, the normal functioning of the placenta and the entire mother's body is disrupted. Severe gestosis can be dangerous for the life and health of the mother and baby and requires inpatient treatment.

At the end of this month, placental insufficiency may also develop, a condition in which it cannot fully perform its function - to provide the fetus with nutrition and oxygen. Then, treatment will also be required, as well as a detailed ultrasound and Doppler study.

Medical observation.

At the sixth month, you will visit the doctor twice, you will be prescribed blood and urine tests. Eliminate anemia and inflammation of the urinary tract. The doctor at the examination will determine your weight, increase for a month, the height of the uterine fundus, abdominal circumference, and from them will calculate the estimated weight and height of the crumbs. He listens with a special obstetric stethoscope or a baby's heartbeat apparatus, determines his position.He will carefully ask you about the movements and your sensations. Then the doctor will ask you to show your arms and legs - do you have edema, especially if you put on weight very much.

Do not hesitate to ask the doctor all the questions that concern you, even if they seem silly or naive to you - this is your health and your baby, everything should be fine with him. Your doctor will advise you to prepare for childbirth, take multivitamins, walk a lot and have more rest, soon maternity leave is coming - if you are still working, it's time to complete all things.

Recommendations and advice.

During this period, the metabolism and your sweating are greatly enhanced, dress for walks easier and use odorless and dye-free antiperspirants. You may want to drink more, as part of the fluid goes away with sweat. Just give preference to pure mineral water without gas, juice diluted in half with water or stewed fruit, fruit drinks. Do not consume soda, even if it is mineral water. It can provoke heartburn, and sweet soda causes thirst and increases swelling.

It's time to start gymnastics and training breathing exercises for childbirth, this will give you the opportunity to prepare well for them. Just do it in special courses or under the supervision of an instructor - you can do something wrong yourself and it can hurt.

Often in the sixth month there are cramps and spasms of the leg muscles - these are signs of a lack of calcium. Start taking multivitamins, they will help you deal with seizures.

Eat a little, but often, you should not go on diets - they do not need you now. Wear clothing that does not crush or rub, does not irritate the skin, made from natural breathing fabrics.

It is important to monitor the stool and regularly empty the intestines, so eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products.
Take a walk, relax, engage in creativity, buy a dowry for the baby - now is the time.

The third trimester begins - access to the home stretch.

Pregnancy calendar: seventh month

Seventh month of pregnancy. There is not much time left before delivery - you have entered the third trimester of pregnancy. You go on maternity leave and it's time to take care of yourself and collect a dowry for the crumbs, prepare the house for his arrival - "build a nest." In addition, now is the time to decide on a maternity hospital and get to know a doctor who will lead your birth, especially if you plan to give birth with your husband.

Changes in the mother's body at the seventh month of pregnancy.

At the beginning of the month, the bottom of the uterus is 2-3 cm above the navel. And by the end of the month it is already determined in the middle between the navel and the xiphoid process, in total it is from 28 to 32 cm from the pubis. The uterus compresses the internal organs of a woman and shifts them up. Therefore, the diaphragm also tightens and can no longer move so freely, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath when walking fast or climbing stairs. Under the ribs due to the pressure of the uterus, discomfort can occur.

The area around the nipples grows and darkens, age spots and lines on the abdomen become dark and noticeable. Pregnancy hormones change the properties of the skin, affecting proteins - collagen and elastin, they give the skin the opportunity to stretch during childbirth. If these proteins are few, the skin begins to stretch excessively, and stretch marks form. This has become especially noticeable now - when the stomach has grown and the chest has become heavy.

Lobules and ducts continue to form in the chest and colostrum, the precursor of milk, can be secreted. It is necessary to feed the child in the first 2-3 days, now is the time to choose the most comfortable bra - without seams and with a stretching cup.
This month you will add 300-450 g per week, by the end of this month, the total weight gain may leave from 7 to 12 kg, depending on the initial complexion.

Feelings of the expectant mother at the seventh month of pregnancy.

You have significantly recovered and your tummy has grown, therefore, you began to feel like a little hippo - round and clumsy. During this period, back pain may occur due to an increase in the concentration of the hormone-relaxin, which prepares ligaments and tissues for childbirth. Because of it, your ligaments and joints become more loose. Your gait has become peculiar, re-rolling, like a duck. The muscles of the veins relax during pregnancy, so varicose veins can appear, the muscles of the esophagus relax and more often there is heartburn, and if the muscles of the bladder relax, there may be slight urinary incontinence. All these are temporary difficulties and they will pass after childbirth. Watch your posture - this will not allow the back muscles to hurt.

You began to dream about a baby and childbirth, you began to wake up at night for frequent trips to the toilet. In addition, the baby often pushes more actively at night when you are at rest, especially if you are uncomfortable for him to lie down.

The future dad can now not only feel, but also see the baby’s movements with his eyes - periodically, bulges appear on the surface of the abdomen, which are the handle, leg or other parts of the baby’s body. If the baby does not move much - you may be walking or moving little, but if the child has sharply changed the number of movements - this is an occasion to see a doctor. During this period, if the baby lies head down, its tremors in the region of the liver or ribs can be quite strong and even painful. Lie on your side - this will reduce discomfort.

Your feelings have become special - you are no longer interested in everything that does not concern the baby and pregnancy - this is a "narrowing of interests." You can spend hours reading about children and care products, studying films and materials on childbirth, but you are not at all interested in everything around. This is normal - this is how the body sets you up for motherhood - but remember those around you. They can’t always appreciate the lengthy talk about diapers; accept that people have other interests besides your future heir. Find a forum on interests, a girlfriend with a child or in a position and communicate.

Your baby (fetal development in the seventh month of pregnancy).

The child occupied almost all the free space in the uterus, its proportions begin to align, the head is no longer as large as it was before. This month he will grow to 40-42 cm and gain weight until 1600-1800 g. His skin turns pink due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, he already has long enough hairs on his head. There are eyelashes, eyebrows, nails grow, but have not reached the edge of the fingers, ear and nasal cartilages are still soft.

The brain is actively growing and developing, nerve cells are actively working, and protective myelin sheaths appear around the fibers - a kind of isolation. A baby at seven months old can feel pain, can learn, and reacts to all stimuli almost like a normal crumb. If a loud noise is heard, he begins to worry, if he presses on his stomach, he pushes, and with monotonous sounds he calms down and falls asleep. In addition, the fruit feels the taste and its shades. Therefore, if mom eats something tasty - the baby will thank her with shocks in the tummy. His eyes distinguish between light and darkness, but there is nothing to look at in his stomach yet - it is always dark there.

The kid already knows how to regulate the temperature of his body, although not yet very well. His bone marrow is already formed and is responsible for the production of blood cells. He has completely soy blood, although he replenishes his supplies through the placental barrier - there is an exchange of gases and nutrients, and the baby gives his mother the waste substances. The baby begins to train breathing, actively contracting the muscles of the chest, which sometimes leads to the entry of amniotic fluid into the respiratory tract, then the baby begins to hiccup.
The kid has become strong and energetic, he is clearly pushing and can even be distinguished. Than he does it - with arms or legs. From about 28 weeks, he takes upside down in the uterus, although he can still turn.

The dangers of the seventh month of pregnancy.

In this period, intrauterine growth retardation may occur - this is a fetal lag in height and weight, which scares pregnant women. However, this may be due to an error in determining the terms and does not mean at all that his brain is developing poorly and the child will be defective. It is worth worrying and being examined if the time lag is 2 or more weeks. The causes of this condition can be - genetic characteristics, parents and the whole family are low, anemia in the mother or her bad habits, toxicosis, illnesses and more. More precisely, the doctor will tell you after an ultrasound scan and tests. If necessary, they will put you in a hospital or treat them at home - they will prescribe drugs that improve the delivery of nutrients to the fetus and vitamins.

In addition, from this month, the doctor will determine the position of the fetus - if he lies across or with his head up. This can complicate the birth, and the doctor will prescribe gymnastics, which will "persuade" the baby to turn head down. In addition, after the baby turns, the doctor will ask you to wear a bandage.

At the seventh month, women at risk may sometimes have a premature birth. If there is a threat, you should beware - monitor weight. Refrain from intimate life, stop working. Listen to your doctor’s advice and relax more, if you need to lie down for preservation - do not refuse.

Medical observation.

From now on, visits to the doctor will take place every two weeks. In addition, it will be necessary to repeat all the tests and undergo medical examinations. Blood is given - general and biochemical tests, urine, screening for syphilis and hepatitis, consultation with a physician and an ophthalmologist is indicated. If the pregnant woman has the first blood group and a negative Rh factor, an examination for antibody level is also performed.

At 30 weeks (or at 28 if you are expecting twins), you will be issued a sick leave and a birth certificate. From this moment, your maternity leave will begin. Its term is 70 days before childbirth and 70 after them. To obtain these documents you need a passport and a policy, a pension certificate and a compulsory medical insurance policy if you work. According to this birth certificate, you will receive help at the hospital and pediatrician care after the birth of the baby.

Recommendations and Tips.

Your weight is increasing. And the tummy more and more moves forward, the center of gravity shifts - therefore, pick up comfortable shoes so as not to fall and not get tired. Your movements should be leisurely, be careful - you can touch the door handles, the corners of the tables with your tummy. Try to avoid public transport during peak hours and shopping on sales days - you might be accidentally pushed.

You need to continue regular classes at a pregnant school or fitness, do breathing exercises and stretching exercises at home. Now it is important to regularly visit the toilet in a small way, so as not to create stagnation of urine and prerequisites for infection.
Rest more often with raised legs, getting out of bed, first roll over on your side, and then stand up without straining your abdominals. Often walk outside nature, near the water or in the park.

Of course, now you want to repair the house - but shift these concerns to your relatives, you will not do it good. But make a shopping list for crumbs and gradually buy things in stores.

Yes, you are already quite tired. But just a little bit was left - two months ...

Pregnancy calendar: eighth month

Eighth month of pregnancy. It’s already hard for you to wear your big tummy and waiting starts to weigh you. But do not be discouraged - there is already a little left before meeting with the baby and it's time to collect the bags in the hospital. Keep a pregnancy diary and daily write in it your feelings and wishes for the crumbs. Keep a positive attitude for meeting with the baby.

Changes in the mother's body at the eighth month of pregnancy.

During this month, your stomach will increase in size to almost the maximum, the uterus has risen almost to the level of the ribs and you may experience a feeling of lack of air and shortness of breath. The kid pushes his legs quite sensitively, kicking you on the ribs or liver. The height of the bottom of the uterus from the pubis reaches 39-40 cm and occupies the highest possible position. All pregnant women have a different shape of the abdomen and size, in addition, neither the size nor the gender of the baby can be judged by the size of the abdomen. It depends only on the features of the figure and capacity of the pelvis.

Your weight arrives at 300-400 g per week, and if your gain is more than half a kilogram per week, the doctor will look at urine and pressure tests, it is possible that weight is a sign of fluid retention. On average, weight by 8 months of pregnancy increases by 8-14 kg. the less weight was before pregnancy - the usually more women gain.

In the last months of pregnancy due to hormones, excess hair may appear, which very upset future mothers. It depends on the fact that hair falls out much less than in the pre-pregnant stage, and they grow stronger than usual due to hormones that help the baby grow. After childbirth, excess hair that does not fall out will begin to fall out intensely, and everything will return to its previous norm.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the eighth month of pregnancy.

This month is difficult in moral and physical terms, you are uncomfortable in such a large body. The tummy makes it difficult to move, fatigue builds up, and the big belly and frequent trips to the toilet, insomnia and baby's points interfere with sleep. In addition, lying down is difficult enough to breathe, your back hurts, and you have been looking for a comfortable place for a long time. However, the reassuring thought is that only a few weeks are left before meeting the baby.

During this period, you can feel the so-called training contractions - these are not painful and irregular contractions of the uterus that appear in its upper segment and extend downward. They prepare the uterus for subsequent labor.

At this time, heartburn may bother you, even if you eat a little, remember our recommendations - drink milk or yogurt. Eat in small portions, bend less. If heartburn is painful, ask your doctor to prescribe a remedy for it.

Walking has now become more difficult - however, walks and fresh air are still necessary. The kid on the walk is very active. He likes fresh air, and he sensitively kicks you under the ribs with his legs, or in the navel area with his hands. Try to talk to him and calm him down, piggy him not to kick so much.

Your psychological state is also changing, you become anxious and anxious, emotional. It seems to you that no one loves and understands you - this is a normal state of a pregnant woman. In addition, fear for the baby is mixed in, fear of not coping with the duties of the mother. You begin to "nest" - this is a fast-delivery syndrome. The woman "makes a nest for the arrival with the crumb." However, do not move the furniture or paint the ceiling, wash the windows - this can harm you, ask your loved ones to help you or limit yourself to light room decors.

Talk with your future dad and family about everything that you would like or that bothers you - this will help. Go to the school of expectant mothers, chat with the same pregnant women and you will understand that you are not the only one - all women go through this stage. If you feel good - go out of town for a vacation, go to the cinema or for a walk, in a word - get distracted from the everyday routine.

Your baby (fetal development in the seventh month of pregnancy).

The baby has grown significantly and it is crowded in the uterus, it is necessary to tighten the arms and legs tightly. It is no longer as active as it used to be due to crampedness, its tremors are felt mainly in the region of the limbs, or it is the tossing of the head and body. Especially sensitive are its movements in the ribs.

Most of the children at this time have already taken the position head down, and so it will continue until childbirth.This is determined by the doctor, but sometimes, even with the help of exercises, you can persuade the baby to turn around if he has not yet taken the required room.

The baby’s organs are finally formed, the roundness of the cheeks, shoulders, hips and buttocks appears. These are deposits of fat, due to which the baby will keep his body warm and look so cute. The fingernails are almost grown to the edge of the phalanges, a damp grease covers the body with a thick layer, but the fluff on the body gradually disappears, the cartilages of the nose and ears become harder.

The child has already formed the main reflexes - respiratory, sucking, he sleeps and dreams, the nervous system and connections between neurons are actively formed. Between the bones of the skull there are cartilaginous membranes - sutures, due to them the head in childbirth is configured for the birth canal and does not injure the baby's brain. The body of crumbs began to accumulate iron, calcium is deposited in the bones. The endocrine system of the fetus is active and produces hormones. In a boy, the testicles descend into the scrotum.

The baby's lungs are fully formed and a special substance is already sufficient - a surfactant, so that the baby can breathe on its own in case of premature birth.

In a month, the baby will grow up to 45 cm, its body weight will be 2.5 kg by the end of the month, it will add 30 g of weight per day.

The dangers of the eighth month of pregnancy.

The most dangerous complication now may be gestosis - this is pressure, swelling, kidney failure and toxicosis. The exact causes of preeclampsia have not yet been established, but this condition is dangerous for the mother and the child, usually in case of preeclampsia an urgent delivery is indicated in order to save both lives.

If you have flies in front of your eyes, swelling occurs, pressure has increased, and a headache has appeared - this is an occasion to urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital. Without treatment, this can result in eclampsia - convulsions that turn into a coma and death.
In the case of a timely start of treatment, everything ends safely and you can safely convey the pregnancy.

Medical observation.

A visit to the doctor is mandatory every two weeks with a preliminary urine test. The doctor will monitor your pressure and weight, the height of the bottom of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen, the heartbeat of the crumbs and the presence of edema.

At the end of the eighth month, you will have to inspect on a chair with taking smears on the flora, if it will be troubled. Your doctor will suggest that you be treated with drugs that are safe for the baby. Now, always carry all documents and an exchange card with you - childbirth is unpredictable and can begin at any time - documents contain all the information you need. In addition, you will have a planned ultrasound examination, where you will once again see your baby, and the doctor will evaluate his condition and the condition of the placenta, the amount and nature of the amniotic fluid. CTG of the fetus is also carried out at the same time - a record of his movements and the work of the heart. It will allow you to assess the condition of the crumbs - does he not feel discomfort in the mother’s stomach.

Gradually, the doctor prepares you for the birth, plans their course and conduct - whether they will pass on their own or if there are indications for a cesarean section.

Recommendations and advice.

Now it is important to monitor weight and your condition, relax more and more often. Eat often and in small portions, drink only pure unsweetened water - salty and carbonated drinks increase thirst and provoke swelling. Limit salt and sugar in your diet, give preference to protein in food, and reduce carbohydrates and fats. Stay in the air more often, take a walk slowly or sit on a bench in the park with a book or magazine.

Gather packages in the hospital - there should be three - the first for delivery. the second for the postpartum period and the third for discharge and put them in prominent places. The composition of these packages differs in different maternity hospitals and therefore they will definitely tell you about it in the courses on preparing for childbirth.
Do not overwork yourself at home - do not stand for long in one pose and do not sit cross-legged.It's time to think about choosing a hospital and about whether you will go alone to give birth or with a partner. If you go to give birth together - it's time to sign a contract for childbirth and send a partner for examination, without them they will not let him into the hospital.

So, the last month of pregnancy comes, in the final of which a long-awaited meeting is coming - the birth of your baby !!!

Pregnancy Calendar: Ninth Month

Ninth month of pregnancy. We are at the finish - childbirth can be expected, in principle, already on any day and the baby will be completely viable and full. You are more and more listening to your body, expecting hints of an early birth, dreaming of meeting a baby, especially since it has become easier for you to breathe and eat due to a lowered abdomen. Only days are left and you will become a mom !!! You will remember this moment forever.

Changes in the mother's body at the ninth month of pregnancy.

Your tummy is no longer growing, its size has reached its maximum - it has risen from the pubis to a height of 35 to 40 cm, depending on the capacity of the pelvis and physique. Your weight increased by 8-15 kg from the pre-pregnancy state, although it may be a little more, especially if you were thin. In the last weeks of pregnancy, your weight will not increase, or it may even decrease - excess water leaves before delivery and the body prepares for a happy event. Now everything does not work for the growth and development of the baby, but the preparation of him and his mother for childbirth - the placenta rebuilds its work and "grows old." From 36-37 weeks, the placenta starts to lower the level of progesterone, due to which pregnancy continues, which begins to gradually start the birth process. The fetus grows rapidly and the amount of amniotic fluid decreases, the uterus very closely embraces the fetus, its adrenal glands react to uterine pressure, releasing cortisol, a stress hormone. This starts the birth.

In the mother’s brain, a "generic" dominant is formed by analogy with a pregnant one, it is the mood for childbirth, the inclusion of all the necessary hormones and organs in the process, the disconnection of the mother from all other problems and worries. Only this will be able to precisely coordinate the process of childbirth - if something mixes into the process of forming the generic dominant, the process of childbirth will be disrupted.

Due to the generic dominant, the level of oxytocin rises - this pituitary hormone is responsible for the contractions that begin to open the cervix. By the time of birth, the cervix “matures”, becoming soft and supple. That will give her the opportunity to stretch for 10-12 cm. The circulatory system redistributes blood through the vessels, the output of blood cells for the prevention of anemia is enhanced.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the ninth month of pregnancy.

This month you will learn about the "precursors of childbirth," a special state of the body that indicates the imminent start of labor. They appear at different times - from a couple of weeks to a couple of days to giving birth. So what can you feel?
We already talked about a certain decrease in body weight; before childbirth, you can lose 1-2 kg by reducing your appetite, cleansing your intestines (feeling like before exams), and more frequent urination. This is the preparation of the body for childbirth. Relaxation of the stool occurs quite pronounced, especially given the tendency of pregnant women to constipation, and is perceived as relief. Often you have to go to the toilet for a little because of the lowering of the fetal head into the small pelvis and pressure on the bladder, but breathing and eating will become easier, heartburn will be easier. This is called "the stomach fell", and it is sometimes visible even visually - the shape of the abdomen changes and it becomes lower.

Another symptom of a fast birth is the passage of the mucous plug, however, you should not expect a slice of mucus right away - for some it goes away a day with a lump of gray-yellow color, for others it gradually disappears during the week by increased secretions. What should not be in a traffic jam is blood.

It became crowded in the uterus, and the fetal head was placed in the small pelvis and it is not so active in the stomach, this is also a harbinger of childbirth.However, you should feel it moving regularly in the form of easy fussing or swaying. The precursors of all women manifest themselves to varying degrees, and if you do not feel them, this does not mean that you are not preparing for childbirth.

Your psychological state has also changed. You have become slower, scattered, forgetful and often go into yourself, the body sets you up for childbirth. Your mood often changes - sometimes you are afraid of childbirth. And sometimes activity and gaiety attacks, cry or laugh, give vent to your emotions - this is not dangerous and will give you the opportunity to feel the care of loved ones. you are driven by "nesting syndrome" and you are attacked by periods of mass harvesting, shopping or household chores. Try not to go too far and not overwork.

Now we definitely need to determine the maternity hospital and the method of childbirth, prepare everything we need and put it in a prominent place.

Your baby (fetal development in the ninth month of pregnancy).

The baby takes the position in the uterus for childbirth - his head is bent to the chest and located in the pelvic area, his arms and legs are brought to the body and bent at the joints, in this position he is most compactly located in the cramped uterus and it is easiest for him to be born.

By the end of the month, the baby will be fully mature, its weight will be from 2600 to 4000 g, and its height will be from 48 to 55 cm. Every day, the child adds 15 to 30 g in weight, but determining his weight is definitely very difficult - even an ultrasound scan puts him approximately.

The skin of the baby is already light, the gun is almost gone, and the subcutaneous fat makes the baby swollen in the area of ​​the buttocks, cheeks and back. The cheese-like lubricant remains in the crease area, almost disappearing on the body. At birth, the baby will scream loudly, be able to suck and breathe actively.
On the head there are strong bones connected by seams and fontanelles, due to which the crumb is easier to be born. The cartilage on the nose and ears is hard, and the nails have grown to the edge of the fingers.

In the boy, the testicles are lowered into the scrotum; in the girl, the labia minora cover the small lips. In the intestines of the baby, primordial feces - meconium - have accumulated, which the baby will empty in the first days after birth. The baby is already completely ready for an extrauterine life, his liver stores iron for his expenses after birth in the first six months of his life. The lungs are ripe and can fully open during the first breath, the heart is preparing to work in a new rhythm. After birth, special workarounds will be closed in it, and there will be completely 4 fenced off chambers. Only the immune system has not matured - but the mother will protect the baby in the first months of life with antibodies transmitted through the placenta and milk.

The dangers of the ninth month of pregnancy.

In late pregnancy, it’s hard for you to endure stuffy rooms, especially if you are lying on your back or sitting uncomfortably. Rest on your left side more often with a pillow between your legs. In addition, in the later stages, the balance of the body decreases - so wear comfortable shoes so as not to fall and injure yourself. Climbing the stairs, hold onto the railing. In the last month, the issue of postponing pregnancy becomes relevant - however, sometimes this is not a true postponement, but an incorrect term of delivery. true postponing is a period of more than 42 weeks and it is dangerous for mother and baby, then childbirth will stimulate or have a cesarean section. They don’t know the exact reasons for the delay - but this is a risk of hypoxia and stillbirth. Therefore, such women are carefully observed.

Medical observation.

Now the meetings with the doctor will become weekly, they will carefully examine and weigh you, measure the pressure. The doctor will monitor the appearance of the precursors of childbirth and transfer you under the supervision of the hospital. if necessary, they will put you in the hospital in advance.
In addition, you will get a blood test, a smear on the flora and an examination on the armchair, if there is inflammation, you need to urgently treat it. The placenta and the fetal condition are evaluated weekly, if necessary, the doctor will do a CTG - assess the fetal condition, if it is experiencing hypoxia.

Recommendations and Tips.

When to go to the hospital? This is usually necessary if the water has moved away or when regular contractions have begun. If it’s clear in the waters, it’s a stream that rushes over the legs and is hard to feel, but what fights are not clear to everyone. These are rhythmic contractions of the uterus with equal intervals between them, increasing in intensity and strength. When contractions are reduced to an interval of once every 10-15 minutes, you need to urgently go to the hospital.

If you are away from home, always carry documents with you - an exchange card and a policy with a passport, a birth certificate. If the birth does not start at home - you will worry less.

Put the bag in the maternity hospital in a conspicuous place - store food for your family during your absence. Prepare for childbirth - shave intimate places, prepare a set of clothes for childbirth. When the fights begin, you will have time to take a shower and gather your thoughts. Do not worry - everything will go well and you will become a mom !! Good luck!

Detailed pregnancy calendar by week:


Asisa 03/25/2016
I am already at 36 weeks. The marathon is already behind me. All bought: a dowry, a bed, a stroller, a bath. The nest is twisted. It remains only to bring a little chick.

StreKosa 03/25/2016
Girls, but I already know for sure that I will have a boy. My husband and I are so happy, because we already have a daughter.

Girl_Paskovya 03/25/2016
Valuable advice in the article, thank the author. I have this site in my bookmarks, recently flowed smoothly into the fourth month!

Lima 03/25/2016
Future mothers usually do not yet know about the first month of pregnancy, but can only guess. In fact, it is very important: all the baby's systems are laid. Therefore, pregnancy planning is necessary so as not to smoke at this time and not to drink alcohol.

Irishka 03/25/2016
The article is super-detailed. Sorry did not stumble upon her before. Now I am already in my seventh month of pregnancy, I have just a little bit left to demobilization.


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